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Dauerhafte URI für den Bereichhttps://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/60


Bereich: Suchergebnisse

Gerade angezeigt 1 - 10 von 17
  • Publikation
    C Walk auf YouTube – Sozialraumkonstruktion, Aneignung und Entwicklung in einer digitalen Jugendkultur
    (Springer VS, 2015) Eisemann, Christoph
    Die Jugendkultur um den Straßentanz C Walk findet zu einem großen Teil online auf YouTube statt. Diese online-ethnographische Studie nach der Methodologie der Grounded Theory zeigt, wie Jugendliche im Social Web sozialen Raum konstruieren, sich Bereiche der Welt aneignen und sich mit ihrer Identität auseinandersetzen. Wie sich die/der Einzelne in der Jugendkultur positioniert, hängt unter anderem vom Verfügen über spezifische, jugendkulturelle Kapitalsorten ab.
    02 - Monographie
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    Participation citoyenne 2.0. Chances et défis en Allemagne, en France et au Maroc.
    (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik DGAP, 2013) Eisemann, Christoph; Marx, Sergio; Echkaou, Hamdi
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    „Dedicated to my love“. Zur Ritualhaftigkeit des gegenseitigen Widmens von Videos auf YouTube
    (Franz Steiner, 2011) Eisemann, Christoph; Grimm, Petra; Zöllner, Oliver
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Bürgerbeteiligung 2.0. Chancen und Herausforderungen des Internets in Deutschland, Frankreich und Marokko
    (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik DGAP, 01/2013) Eisemann, Christoph; Echkaou, Hamdi; Marx, Sergio
    Der Szenario-Beitrag stellt für die drei Länder Deutschland, Frankreich und Marokko Herausforderungen und Chancen dar, die sich mit der Verbreitung des Internet für die jeweiligen Gesellschaften ergeben. Es schreiben drei Autoren, die auch auf aktuelle Diskurse zum Thema in ihren Herkunftsländern eingehen. Der Beitrag entstand in Folge von drei Tagungen des Deutsch-Französischen Zukunftsdialogs, die im Jahr 2012 in Deutschland, Frankreich und Marokko stattfanden.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Research productivity in the internet era
    (Springer, 2006) Barjak, Franz
    The present study investigated the relationship between the use of different internet applications and research productivity, controlling for other influences on the latter. The control variables included dummies for country, discipline, gender and type of organization of the respondent; as well as variables for age, recognition, the degree of society-related and career-related motivation for research, and the size of the collaboration network. Simple variance analyses and more complex negative binomial hurdle models point to a positive relationship between internet use (for personal communication, information retrieval and information dissemination) and research productivity. However, the results should be interpreted with caution as it was not possible to test the role of the internet against other pre-internet tools which fulfil the same functions. Thus instance it may not be the use of e-mail per se, but the degree of communicating with colleagues that makes a productive scientist.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    The role of the Internet in informal scholarly communication
    (2006) Barjak, Franz
    The present analysis looks at how scientists use the Internet for informal scientific communication. It investigates the relationship between several explanatory variables and Internet use in a cross-section of scientists from seven European countries and five academic disciplines (astronomy, chemistry, computer science, economics, and psychology). The analysis confirmed some of the results of previous U.S.-based analyses. In particular, it corroborated a positive relationship between research productivity and Internet use. The relationship was found to be nonlinear, with very productive (nonproductive) scientists using the Internet less (more) than would be expected according to their productivity. Also, being involved in collaborative R&D and having large networks of collaborators is associated with increased Internet use. In contrast to older studies, the analysis did not find any equalizing effect whereby higher Internet use rates help to overcome the problems of potentially disadvantaged researchers. Obviously, everybody who wants to stay at the forefront of research and keep up-to-date with developments in their research fields has to use the Internet.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    A statistical analysis of the web presences of European life sciences research teams
    (2008) Barjak, Franz; Thelwall, Mike
    Web links have been used for around ten years to explore the online impact of academic information and information producers. Nevertheless, few studies have attempted to relate link counts to relevant offline attributes of the owners of the targeted Web sites, with the exception of research productivity. This article reports the results of a study to relate site inlink counts to relevant owner characteristics for over 400 European life-science research group Web sites. The analysis confirmed that research-group size and Web-presence size were important for attracting Web links, although research productivity was not. Little evidence was found for significant influence of any of an array of factors, including research-group leader gender and industry connections. In addition, the choice of search engine for link data created a surprising international difference in the results, with Google perhaps giving unreliable results. Overall, the data collection, statistical analysis and results interpretation were all complex and it seems that we still need to know more about search engines, hyperlinks, and their function in science before we can draw conclusions on their usefulness and role in the canon of science and technology indicators.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Which factors explain the web impact of scientists personal homepages?
    (2007) Barjak, Franz; Li, Xuemei; Thelwall, Mike
    In recent years, a considerable body of Webometric research has used hyperlinks to generate indicators for the impact of Web documents and the organizations that created them. The relationship between this Web impact and other, offline impact indicators has been explored for entire universities, departments, countries, and scientific journals, but not yet for individual scientists—an important omission. The present research closes this gap by investigating factors that may influence the Web impact (i.e., inlink counts) of scientists' personal homepages. Data concerning 456 scientists from five scientific disciplines in six European countries were analyzed, showing that both homepage content and personal and institutional characteristics of the homepage owners had significant relationships with inlink counts. A multivariate statistical analysis confirmed that full-text articles are the most linked-to content in homepages. At the individual homepage level, hyperlinks are related to several offline characteristics. Notable differences regarding total inlinks to scientists' homepages exist between the scientific disciplines and the countries in the sample. There also are both gender and age effects: fewer external inlinks (i.e., links from other Web domains) to the homepages of female and of older scientists. There is only a weak relationship between a scientist's recognition and homepage inlinks and, surprisingly, no relationship between research productivity and inlink counts. Contrary to expectations, the size of collaboration networks is negatively related to hyperlink counts. Some of the relationships between hyperlinks to homepages and the properties of their owners can be explained by the content that the homepage owners put on their homepage and their level of Internet use; however, the findings about productivity and collaborations do not seem to have a simple, intuitive explanation. Overall, the results emphasize the complexity of the phenomenon of Web linking, when analyzed at the level of individual pages.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Assessing the web connectivity of research groups on an international scale
    (Emerald, 2008) Thelwall, Mike; Li, Xuemei; Barjak, Franz; Robinson, Simon
    The purpose of this paper is to claim that it is useful to assess the web connectivity of research groups, describe hyperlink‐based techniques to achieve this and present brief details of European life sciences research groups as a case study. Design/methodology/approach A commercial search engine was harnessed to deliver hyperlink data via its automatic query submission interface. A special purpose link analysis tool, LexiURL, then summarised and graphed the link data in appropriate ways. Findings Webometrics can provide a wide range of descriptive information about the international connectivity of research groups. Research limitations/implications Only one field was analysed, data was taken from only one search engine, and the results were not validated. Practical implications Web connectivity seems to be particularly important for attracting overseas job applicants and to promote research achievements and capabilities, and hence we contend that it can be useful for national and international governments to use webometrics to ensure that the web is being used effectively by research groups. Originality/value This is the first paper to make a case for the value of using a range of webometric techniques to evaluate the web presences of research groups within a field, and possibly the first “applied” webometrics study produced for an external contract.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Jugend ohne Namen: Zur Anerziehung der Anonymität im Netz
    (Erhard Friedrich Verlag, 2010) Bendel, Oliver
    Heute ist die Anonymität der Benutzer im Netz weit verbreitet, ja sie wird von vielen als selbstverständlich oder sogar - insbesondere mit Blick auf die Schwächeren der Gesellschaft - als unabdingbar betrachtet. Aber ist sie wirklich in allen Zusammenhängen wünschenswert? Und welche Konsequenzen hat es für Kinder und Jugendliche, im Netz ohne ihren richtigen Namen aufzuwachsen? Auch Minderjährige sollten in bestimmten Online-Umgebungen ihren Namen nennen. Und wenn etwas dagegen spricht, spricht nichts dagegen, dass sie schweigen. Der Beitrag von Oliver Bendel plädiert für eine kritische Sicht auf die Anonymität im Netz und betont die Wichtigkeit der Identität im Rechtsstaat.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift