Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW

Dauerhafte URI für den Bereichhttps://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/11


Bereich: Suchergebnisse

Gerade angezeigt 1 - 10 von 1872
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    Was my grandmother worried about her carbon footprint? A short science fiction story
    (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Tron, Elena-Andreea
    The Future of Craft Master’s thesis focuses on material research, design and craft. It is a journey through the history and future of traditional craft, combining personal heritage with innovative design methods. Starting with my family's heritage in hand weaving, the thesis explores zero-waste pattern making, digital 3D weaving, bioplastic material innovations and the potential of AI in digital fashion. The thesis originated from a science fiction story co-written with AI, set in the utopian year 2204, where craft and technology evolve in harmony. Each theme explored is manifested in a specific outfit linked to a character from the story, allowing the audience to engage with topics such as weaving, circular design and material research with ease and humor. This imaginative process of imagining the future of craft made the project both exciting and insightful. The final project includes four physical and two digital outfits, highlighting the important role of digital fashion in the future of the industry. Characters such as the Shepherdess of Memories, a master weaver embracing the past, and the Robot Therapist, a tech-savvy individual balancing tradition and innovation, exemplify this fusion. The Fabric Accountant represents the principles of zero waste in textiles, while the Circular Culinary Innovator advocates the circular economy through bioplastic clothing. The digital characters, including a concierge and a fashion designer, underline the integral role of AI in future fashion design. Through this work, the integration of craft and modern design illustrates a vision for a sustainable future where tradition and technology coexist, offering innovative solutions to the challenges facing the fashion industry today.
    11 - Studentische Arbeit
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    Haptic memory game. Gioco di memorie tattili
    (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Giulia, Marcotullio
    A game to re-evoke through touch and direct human experience: MEMORIES. As we all need to be, as curious and free as we were, as child, again and still now. Yesterday the three actors played the “Haptic game of memories” together with the audience of the show. The chosen cast was based on some meaningful encounters I had over the five semesters of studies; Ramiro is a sculptor friend and former classmate who helped me to find my place in the academy through analysing the different faculties as options, once he gifted to me the anthropological “Calendar of the soul” from Rudolf Steiner with a sentence week by week which gave me inspiration and motivation. Thomas is a singer and painter I look up to who I met through my first theater project "Stimmen Meer” over my second semester of studies; Alice is a joyful performer who was acting in the last collaboration project I had in Hannover, last spring, called “Zerbrechlich”. These people figures inspired me a lot and I had the luck to have them in my cast. The HAPTIC MEMORY GAME was made not only to have a deep glimpse in my childhood and bringing it now to life in a 3D form, giving a physical form to memories, but also to let the others – the audience, re-evoke their own childhood as well.
    11 - Studentische Arbeit
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    Der Businessplan des Fashion Brands «Canyls». Erarbeitet anhand des St. Galler Startup Navigators
    (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Simoni, Livia
    The international industry platform "Business of Fashion" (BoF) reports on an American study by Juv Consulting, according to which 82% of respondents who are part of Generation Z see their clothing as a source of identity (see also NZZ, 28.02.2023, Silvia Ihring, "Die Gen Z stellt die Mode auf den Kopf"). Generation Z makes up 25% of the global population and is therefore the largest generation. According to the study, fashion is the most popular entertainment category, on which the generation spends the most money, ahead of other categories such as food, video games or music. Over the last decade, more and more brands have entered the market to satisfy the diverse needs of these different individuals. However, Generation Z is now gradually entering the job market, where dress codes are sometimes stricter and sometimes less strict. Despite the economic strength of this generation, there is almost no brand that is able to offer less uniform business clothing that satisfies the urge for individuality. My Master's degree project combines my know-how from my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration at the HSG with my fashion design experience from my Master's degree at the HGK Basel. During my studies, I had an insight into these two different worlds and discovered this need for a more individual, comfortable and sustainable work wardrobe among Generation Z. The Swiss market is teeming with all-rounders, i.e. brands that offer some business clothing in addition to leisure and sportswear. However, this diversified range means that these companies are unable to offer a varied and individual range of business clothing that would set them apart from the competition. The Swiss company Ina Kess proves that specializing in a business brand with a focus on comfort pays off. The company Lamarel inspires Generation Z with sustainable suits and shows how receptive they are to sustainable business clothing. The international online store "The Frankie Shop", which focuses solely on business-ready fashion, also makes it clear that there is a demand for new fashionable interpretations of the work wardrobe. However, none of these companies have yet succeeded in integrating the following value propositions and winning over the generation: expert in reinterpreting fashionable business attire, sustainable business clothing, comfortable business clothing. These values are the core elements of the business-casual brand "canyls" developed in my Master's degree, which aims to actively empower women in the business world.
    11 - Studentische Arbeit
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    Shrouded in motion
    (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Vysoka, Kateryna; Leuenberger, Samuel; Jung, Sophie; Martinez, Chus
    Öl, Acryl, Textil, Gips auf Leinwand
    11 - Studentische Arbeit
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    Class portrait series
    (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Holiuk, Oleksandr; Leuenberger, Samuel; Jung, Sophie; Kurzmeyer, Roman
    Class Portrait I (Ölreste auf Leinwand von allen in der EU/EFTA ansässigen Maler:innen meiner Klasse, aufgezogen auf die Masse von Maja Hoffmanns Haustüre in der Mansfield Street), Class Portrait II (Ölreste auf Leinwand von allen Maler:innen meiner Klasse, deren Eltern ein unterdurchschnittliches Einkommen in ihrem Herkunftsland haben, aufgezogen auf die Masse von Maja Hoffmanns Haustüre in der Mansfield Street), Terms (Laserdrucke, Papier, Aluminium), Thank U (Postkarte)
    11 - Studentische Arbeit
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    Eggxit (Meringue Mirage)
    (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Tioli, Alice; Latimer, Quinn; Kurzmeyer, Roman; Thüring, Lena Maria
    Wassermarmorierung auf Aluminium transferiert, transluzentes weisses PLA-Filament, variable Fragmente
    11 - Studentische Arbeit
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    (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Horn, Charlotte; Voss, Jeronimo; Weinberger, Hannah; Ismaili, Astrit
    Mehrteiliges Werk bestehend aus «Grid» (Öl auf Baumwolle, zwei Leinwände) sowie einer Performance mit Harumi Mumenthaler; Kostüme: Michelle Keller
    11 - Studentische Arbeit
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    Os lameiros
    (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Brantuas Arijón, Adriana; Kurzmeyer, Roman; Ekeh, Onome
    Künstlerische Arbeit mit Aluminium, Holz, Erntegarn, Silosack, Stoff, Kunststoff
    11 - Studentische Arbeit
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    A pause, a rose, something on paper
    (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Xhaferaj, Gerta; Jung, Sophie; Latimer, Quinn; Kurzmeyer, Roman
    Fotografie, Bitumen auf Hahnemüller-Papier, Video, Loop, 8’15’’
    11 - Studentische Arbeit
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    Table for three (million)
    (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Jokhadze, Salome; Christov-Bakargiev, Carolyn; Kurzmeyer, Roman; Solari, Nadja
    Bleistift auf Papier, Keramiken, gefundene Gegenstände
    11 - Studentische Arbeit