Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW
Dauerhafte URI für den Bereichhttps://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/11
2 Ergebnisse
Bereich: Suchergebnisse
Publikation Our Data Doppelgängers(2013) Allen, JamieData is gathered and presented towards both clarification and inspiration, but also in ways that obscure and confuse. Within creative practices that engage the technological, data plays a cen- tral role as a medium for aesthetic objects, motivating and justify- ing arguments, and even sanctioning design and policy decisions. The more frequently we engage with datasets and databases, the all-too-human nature information collection and representation comes to the fore. This article was presented as part of “The Data Body on the Dissection Table. Arts, Humanities, Medicine and Complex Network” on June 4th, Copenhagen, www.olats.org/studiolab/databody.php.06 - Präsentation