Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW

Dauerhafte URI für den Bereichhttps://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/11


Bereich: Suchergebnisse

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  • Publikation
    Komfort, Scham und Innovation. Die Herausforderungen der Gestaltung des gynäkologischen Spekulums im 21. Jahrhundert
    (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Juretko, Victoria
    This project emerged from a feeling of discomfort with the gynaecological speculum, which is historically male-identified and uncomfortably designed. This thesis investigates whether this design is related to gender-specific differences in perception and why, despite the discomfort of many people with vaginas, there has been little innovation. The stagnation in design is attributed to societal constraints, stigmatisation and shame. Comparable medical fields show that there is no lack of demand. The historical development of speculation from the beginning of the 19th century to 2023 is analysed, with a focus on Western Europe. It becomes clear that a functioning healthcare system is a prerequisite for innovations in the comfort of medical instruments. Subjective experiences play an important role, which is why personal and external experience reports are included. The redesign of the speculum improves the examination experience and symbolises new perspectives and behaviours in dealing with patients. The practical part includes a concept that solves current problems and takes future technological developments into account. The possibility of self-insertion positively enhances the examination experience through self-empowerment and communication. Another model is aimed at the next five to ten years, in which digital and reusable instruments will be increasingly used in gynaecology. The project is in line with social trends towards openness and tolerance and promotes awareness and education.
    11 - Studentische Arbeit