Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW
Dauerhafte URI für den Bereichhttps://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/11
1 Ergebnisse
Bereich: Suchergebnisse
Publikation Voice of water(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2023) Sukach-Kochetkova, UlianaThe project visualizes the sound of water through a ceramic installation. The goal was to visualize the sound of water in a 3D image. The ceramic result was created on the basis of cymatic, scientific and metaphorical, subjective approaches, which are completely opposite to each other, but still answer the same question that I have been working on for five months: How can we visualize the sound of water in volume? The result shows that, like cymatic shapes, a simple shell is the answer. And the concept of vases and volumes that can hold water symbolizes the theme of water as a color. This installation is open for interaction and exploration with the viewer. And every visitor may answer the question: Do ceramic objects represent the visual sound of water for you?11 - Studentische Arbeit