Verkuil, Arie Hans

Arie Hans
Verkuil, Arie Hans


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    SMEs talk - startups walk. How startups can benefit from the use of a digital maturity model for SMEs as part of digital transformation?
    (Springer, 2024) Klotz, Patrick; Eisenbart, Barbara; Verkuil, Arie Hans [in: Start-up cultures in times of global crises. Sustainable and innovative approaches]
    While digital transformation has been widely implemented in large corporations, there is a big potential for startups and SMEs which are lacking behind in utilizing this opportunity. This paper aims to raise awareness among startups and SMEs about digital transformation by developing a digital maturity model adopted especially for international distributed work. The model serves as a framework for startups and SMEs to understand which dimensions influence and are important for digital transformation, and what specific questions are relevant for each of the dimensions.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Evaluating the key success factors of social business hubs in the Middle East
    (IJSAB International, 2021) Al-Kilani, Mahmoud; Verkuil, Arie Hans; Meyer, Rolf [in: International Journal of Science and Business]
    Social business hubs play an important role in facilitating social innovation and support social entrepreneurs to deliver social benefits to the wider community. This paper aims to firstly identify and evaluate the key success factors of social business hubs in the Middle East with the focus on Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq, secondly, identify what successful social hubs offer, and thirdly, identify the challenges facing social business hubs in the region. In-depth interviews with eight social business hub managers were conducted using a pre-designed questionnaire. The findings were interesting and meaningful and show the impact severity of the COVID-19 pandemic on the infrastructure of the social business hubs. Networking and collaboration seem to be the predominant success factor for social business hubs. Finally, we observe that social business hubs in the region are facing many challenges; the main two are lack of government support and funding issues.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Effects of Home Office on employees’ working conditions during Covid 19 crisis in Switzerland
    (2021) Schulte, Volker; Steinebach, Christoph; Verkuil, Arie Hans; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, Knut [in: Society 5.0 2021. Proceedings of the first international conference on Society 5.0]
    The current pandemic poses special challenges for employees. A sur-vey was conducted in April and May 2020. The impact of the switch to home office on the living circumstances, quality of life and well-being was investi-gated. 333 respondents (female 62%, male 38%) participated in this survey. The results show there during these weeks a high level of well-being in the home office. More than 70% of respondents feel comfortable in home office and would like to maintain this type of work organization after the corona crisis. Leadership is a decisive factor. Working conditions at home (suitable working environment, undisturbed work) are less decisive for well-being than good leadership by the superior. Findings show the necessity of clear communication rules, so that em-ployees are optimally integrated into the work processes and content. In addition, a high degree of personal autonomy in the home office and, at the same time, close integration into the team is important for the well-being of employees. Em-ployees would like to keep the autonomy they gained even after the crisis. How-ever, there are increasing demands due to digital leadership. Under these condi-tions, leadership means providing orientation and support from a physical dis-tance, as well as promoting the autonomy of the employee. As a negative impact of Home Office, it can be stated that employees miss regular social exchange with colleagues. In consequence, the presence at the workplace should be used as quality time for building sustainable and resilient working relationships.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Universities talk, students walk: promoting innovative sustainability projects
    (Emerald, 2020) Daub, Claus-Heinrich; Hasler, Marina; Verkuil, Arie Hans; Milow, Uta [in: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education]
    The paper aims to describe an innovative approach of integrating sustainability into the structures and processes of a business school without creating resistance. The paper outlines aspects that need to be considered and steps that need to be taken to run a sustainable entrepreneurship competition supporting as many high-quality projects as possible. It describes the importance of developing an independent instrument that meets the specific needs of sustainable entrepreneurs in project planning. The sustainable innovation plan is explained.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    «Sie alle hier sind Gewinner»
    (24.02.2017) Verkuil, Arie Hans [in: Schweizerische Gewerbezeitung]
    Die Entwicklung, die man als Teilnehmerin oder Teilnehmer der «Swiss Innovation Challenge» durchmache, sei genauso wichtig – wenn nicht noch wichtiger – als zum Schluss auf dem Siegerpodest zu stehen. Das sagte Arie Hans Verkuil, Leiter des Instituts für Unternehmensführung an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW und Jury-Präsident der «Swiss Innovation Challenge» am Donnerstagabend, 16. Februar 2017. «Ihr Erfolg ist auch unser Erfolg», ergänzte er gegenüber den Teilnehmenden des diesjährigen Innovationswettbewerbs von Wirtschaftskammer, Basellandschaftlicher Kantonalbank (BLKB) und Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) am Kick-off-Event in der Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst FHNW auf dem Dreispitzareal. Deswegen dürften die Teilnehmenden im Wettbewerbsverlauf «maximal viel Input» erwarten.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
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    Marketing-Management für "Gesundheitsorganisationen"
    (Hogrefe, 2016) Miller, Barbara Therese; Helbling, Thomas; Schulte, Volker; Verkuil, Arie Hans [in: Management für Health Professionals]
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
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    Innovation Beilage "SwissInnovation Challenge"
    (Tamedia, 01.07.2015) Verkuil, Arie Hans [in: Basler Zeitung]
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
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    Innovation, Beilage SwissInnovation Challenge
    (Mittelland Zeitungsdruck, 01.07.2015) Philippi, Stefan; Reineke, Rolf-Dieter; Verkuil, Arie Hans [in: Basellandschaftliche Zeitung]
    Beilage in der Grossauflage der Basellandschaftlichen Zeitung vom 1. Juli 2015 zur SwissInnovation Challenge 2015. Die Beilage widmet sich dem Wettbewerb, der FHNW, der Thematik Innovation und den 25 Finalteilnehmenden.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
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    Innovative perspectives on workplace health promotion across the lifespan. Psychological innovation and health related advocacy for Swiss UpStart SMEs
    (01.06.2015) Schulte, Volker; Steinebach, Christoph; Verkuil, Arie Hans [in: Global harmony for occupational health. Bridge the world. ICOH 31st International Congress on Occupational Health, May 31 - June 5 2015, Seoul, Korea]
    Economic growth needs a new understanding and new concepts for sustainable health related advocacy. Corporate mental health approaches and workplace health promotion become an important goal of health promotion across the lifespan. In 2014/15 we introduce a corporate health policy to more than 100 start ups in Switzerland.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
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    A toolkit for personal health resources at the workplace
    (31.05.2015) Schulte, Volker; Verkuil, Arie Hans [in: 31st International Congress on Occupational Health]
    Strengthening personal health resources is an important aspect of "Health promotion at the workplace’’. Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) is the combined effort of employers, employees and society to improve the health and well-being of people at work. This can be achieved through a combination of improving the work organization and the working environment, promoting active participation, and encouraging personal development. The question is how employers can best provide access to high quality tools and blended learning programmes which enhance workers’ health behaviors. While acknowledging the individual’s responsibility for his or her own health, this set of activities focuses on the role of the environment and the managers or employers. The attention here is on the organization and design of work in both its physical and psychosocial dimensions. Our task is to identify, prioritize and validate those instruments, which are most appropriate for specific cultures, environments and technologies as guided by the principles of the WHO healthy workplace model. The connection between the physical and psychosocial environments is influenced by high level management choices and decisions about how work will be organised. The psychosocial environment is essential for a health promotion climate. Consequently, the workplace is seen primarily as a venue through which various health promotion programmes can be delivered. Supportive management climate refers to organizing work in ways that promote rather than defeat health of employees. This means maximizing the degree to which employees participate in the governance of their own work (including the maintenance of a physically safe environment), and providing adequate recognition and acknowledgment for good work. In this way, management will communicate their serious intention to create those working conditions that lies in the focus of the connection between the organization of work and health. WHP consists of policies based on programmes, projects or instruments such as questionnaires, guidelines and information materials, programmes on the prevention of addictive drugs (such as alcohol abuse, smoking), the promotion of healthy eating habits, opportunities for physical activity, addressing mental health and stress, promoting family friendly working conditions and providing diversity training programmes.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift