Schaffner, Dorothea

Schaffner, Dorothea


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Quantifying the effect of street design on driving speed on urban roads

2024-01-01, van Eggermond, Michael, Schaffner, Dorothea, Studer, Nora, Erath, Alexander

Reducing driving speed is a key factor in improving road safety and combating noise emissions. For this reason, more and more cities across the world reduce speed limits urban in roads to 30 km/h (20 mph). According measures are implemented in major urban areas in Europe (e.g. Paris, Brussels) and the U.S. (e.g. New York City, Seattle). For the implementation of speed reductions main roads are of particular interest. Main roads in urban areas are different from residential roads in several ways, including, but not limited to the type of trips, vehicular mix and the presence of public transport, and are therefore limited in design options to reduce speeds. The study at hand reports on a virtual reality study conducted in Switzerland using a driving simulator. To assess whether road design influences driving speed, participants were asked to drive through a series of main roads in VR with varying speed limits and street designs. Speed and lateral position were recorded; in a follow-up survey, participants stated their preferred speed along the same segments and were asked about risk aversion. Results indicate that only certain designs result in slightly lower driving speeds, while controlling for self-reported risk aversion and driving style. Given the characteristics of main roads, measures reducing the (perceived) lane width are promising, but require further investigation.


Algorithmic Nudging for Sustainability in E-Commerce: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda

2022-06-06, Wozniak, Thomas, Stieger, Mirjam, Schaffner, Dorothea, Schu, Matthias, Lu, Guang

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Digital Service Consump'on, Blessing or Curse? Exploring the Effect of Persuasive Design Features on Mindfulness and Consumer Well-Being

2020-10, Schaffner, Dorothea, Jüttner, Uta, Bracher, Martina, Bruggmann, Anja, Lingg, Linda, Véron, Tobias, Wyss, Marc Philipp, Hope, Jen


Quantifying the effect of street design on driving speed on urban roads

2023-05, van Eggermond, Michael, Schaffner, Dorothea, Studer, Nora, Erath, Alexander

Reducing driving speed is a key factor in improving road safety and combatting noise emissions. Over the last decades, many European cities and countries have reduced the speed limits of residential and neighborhood roads from 50 km/h (30 mph) to 30 km/h (20 mph) or even 20 km/h (12 mph). At the same time, there is a discussion to reduce speed limits on main roads in urban areas in several countries. Main roads in urban areas are different from residential roads in several ways, including, but not limited to the type of trips, vehicular mix and the presence of public transport, and are therefore limited in design options to reduce speeds. The study at hand reports on a virtual reality study conducted in Switzerland using a driving simulator. To assess whether road design influences driving speed, participants were asked to drive through a series of streets in VR with varying speed limits and street designs. Speed and lateral position were recorded; in a follow-up survey, participants stated their preferred speed along the same segments and were asked about risk aversion. Results indicate that only certain designs result in slightly lower driving speeds, while controlling for self-reported risk aversion and driving style. Given the characteristics of main roads, measures reducing the (perceived) lane width are promising, but require further investigation.


Pool More, Drive Less: An In-Depth Qualitative Investigation of Barriers and Motivators of Ride-Pooling in Autonomous Vehicles

2022, Stefanelli, Annalisa, Haiderer, Nicole, Studer, Nora, Schaffner, Dorothea, Erath, Alexander, van Eggermond, Michael

Ride-pooling (RP) in autonomous vehicles (AVs) has the potential to combine the sustainability of public transport with the comfort of a private car. In our study we investigated consumers’ acceptance of RP in AVs through in-depth qualitative interviews, identifying relevant barriers and motivators of using this new mobility service.

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Studying bicyclists’ perceived level of safety using a cycling simulator combined with immersive virtual reality

2019-11-18, Nazemi, Mohsen, van Eggermond, Michael, Erath, Alexander, Joos, Michael, Schaffner, Dorothea, Axhausen, Kay W.


Assessing cycling skills in Switzerland

2022-11, van Eggermond, Michael, Schaffner, Dorothea, Studer, Nora

For many people, safety concerns are a major barrier to ride a bicycle. Indeed, cyclists bear a higher risk than most other types of road users. Improving cycling infrastructure is the most obvious and effective way to increase cycling safety. This paper sets out to identify skills required by cyclists to navigate safely through an urban environment in Switzerland. We set out to identify situations that might result in accidents and require specific competences. This research has shown that there is potential to further develop cyclists’ skills. Rather than focusing on motoric skills or presenting simple situations, we advise that skills should be trained based on more complex situations. These situations include turning, branching, maintaining distance from parked cars and recognising right of way in residential areas.

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Wie bringt man respektvoll produzierte tierische Produkte an die Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten?

2020-10-21, Bürgin, Steven, Schaffner, Dorothea, Sciarra, Cesare

Die Vermarktung von respektvoll produzierten tierischen Produkten steht vor der Herausforderung, dass klassische Informationskampagnen wenig erfolgsversprechend sind. Dies weil sich die positiven Einstellungen zum Tierwohls in der Bevölkerung nicht im entsprechenden Konsumverhalten widerspiegeln. Diese Dissoziation wird meat paradox genannt. Die Wirtschaftspsychologie bietet verschiedene Erklärungsansätze für dieses Phänomen und gleichzeitig die Grundlage für psychologisch fundierte Vermarktungsstrategien. Am meisten Erfolg versprechen Massnahmen am Point-of-Sale, welche den gesellschaftlichen Veränderungsprozess dahin gehend unterstützen, dass der Kauf von respektvoll produzierten tierischen Produkten die Norm wird.