Hinz, Andreas

Hinz, Andreas


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    Effectuation und Lean Startup Methode - Analyserahmen und empirische Überprüfung anhand eines E-Healthcare Systems
    (edition gesowip, 2019) Eisenbart, Barbara; Hinz, Andreas; Verkuil, Arie Hans; Hinkelmann, Knut; Aeschbacher, Marc [in: Digitalisierung und andere Innovationsformen im Management]
    Dieser Artikel baut auf zwei Forschungsschwerpunkten auf, die in der Entrepreneurship-Literatur von hoher Bedeutung und Popularität sind - Effectuation und die Lean Startup Methode. Beide Ansätze können sowohl bei der Entwicklungunternehmerischer Chancen wie auch als Methoden unternehmerischen Handelnseingesetzt werden. Die übergeordnete Forschungsfrage lautet deshalb: Wie können Effectuation und der Lean Startup Ansatz konzeptionell kombiniert werden, um unternehmerisches Venturing sowohl für Startups wie auch in etablierten Unternehmen zu unterstützen? Die Auswertung unserer Interviews deuten eindeutig darauf hin, dass Effectuation mit dem Lean Startup Ansatz in Verbindung gesetzt werden kann. Die drei diskutierten Konzeptpaare können unternehmerisches Venturing methodisch unterstützen.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Connecting the dots. Effectuation and lean startup
    (2019) Hinz, Andreas; Eisenbart, Barbara; Belgiawan, Prawira Fajarindra; Mayangsari, Lidia; Wasesa, Meditya; Windasari, Nila Armelia; Wulansari, Amilia; Aprianingsih, Atik; Aprilianty, Fitri [in: Proceeding book of The 4th international Conference on Management in Emerging Markets (ICMEM) 2019 and The 11th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IICIES)]
    Accelerated progress in digitalization calls for more entrepreneurial thinking and venturing in an uncertain and fast changing environment. This applies not only to startups but also to established companies. In both cases, entrepreneurial thinking and behavior helps to develop future business opportunities with benefits for new products and business model innovation. Entrepreneurial teachings such as effectuation and the lean startup methodology have significantly improved the tool kit for entrepreneurs in recent years. This paper seeks to combine these two research streams in order to examine how additional insights can be gained in practice at the example of an integrated e-healthcare system in Switzerland. In times of ageing societies where rising health care costs are met by limited resources, digitalized processes can reap significant benefits. Developing digitalized diagnostic solutions – with the help of entrepreneurial effectuation and the lean startup methodology – will enable cost-efficient hom
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Business model innovation in Switzerland. The unused potential
    (2018) Hinz, Andreas; Philippi, Stefan [in: 8th Annual International Conference on Business & Economics (CBE 2018)]
    Science and practice agree: companies that rely on innovative business models are successful in the long term. Business model innovations offer advantages over other types of innovation, but are still relatively rare in practice and most companies still rely on product and service innovations. To better explore this topic, we examined business plans of the participants in the Swiss Innovation Challenge, a program to promote innovative start-ups and SMEs with an integrated competition based in Switzerland. And indeed, product and service innovations play a dominant role in the Swiss Innovation Challenge. Almost 60% of the business plans examined can be classified as product and service innovation while only 18% of the business plans, are classified as business model innovations. However, it also became clear that many of the projects that were not classified as a business model innovation had the potential to innovate their business model.
    06 - Präsentation
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    The link between self-efficacy and effectuation. What do entrepreneurs think?
    (Springer, 2018) Hinz, Andreas; Philippi, Stefan [in: 8th Annual International Conference on Business & Economics (CBE 2018)]
    Exploring causal relationships between self-efficacy and effectuation can provide valuable insights into entrepreneurial behaviour. Antecedents of entrepreneurial self-efficacy are examined including performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, means and entrepreneurial experience. Different effectual behaviours such as forming partnerships, exploiting contingencies, addressing affordable loss and using experimentation are studied. Based on earlier work on the subject, this article reviews self-efficacy and effectuation as well as a conceptual model that links these two concepts. The reviewed model highlights the impact of the antecedents of entrepreneurial self-efficacy as well as the impact of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on effectual behaviours. Going beyond the conceptual nature of earlier work, this article presents empirical findings in order to contribute to the discussion and build understanding of the matter. Semi-structured interviews with ten entrepreneurs were conducted in five countries ac
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Agile Internationalisierung
    (edition gesowip, 2018) Reineke, Rolf-Dieter; Hinz, Andreas; Verkuil, Arie Hans; Hell, Benedikt; Kirchhofer, Roger; Aeschbacher, Marc [in: Gründung, Innovation, Nachfolge]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Entrepreneurial behaviour revisited: Linking self-efficacy with effectuation
    (2016) Hinz, Andreas [in: International Conference of Management in Emerging Markets]
    Entrepreneurial behaviour is increasingly becoming a major area of research. The literature review on entrepreneurial behaviour in this article suggests that entrepreneurial self-efficacy and effectuation are important research streams and that linkages between them can provide valuable insights. To build understanding on the matter, this article examines the antecedents of entrepreneurial self-efficacy such as performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, means and entrepreneurial experience. Further, the article assesses effectual behaviours such as forming partnerships, exploiting contingencies, addressing affordable loss and using experimentation. A conceptual model is constructed in order to illustrate relationships between these two research streams. The model demonstrates the impact of the antecedents of entrepreneurial self-efficacy as well as the impact of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on effectual behaviours. Especially the latter impact has not received much attention in the literature so far. Based on this discussion, research propositions are derived to inform further research.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Agile Internationalisation
    (2016) Reineke, Rolf-Dieter; Hinz, Andreas [in: International Conference on Innovation in Business and Strategy]
    The principles of agile development have revolutionised software development by replacing rigid planning with flexible and responsive approaches in order to get results faster. Given the significant potential for saving resources, this paper proposes to use these principles in a novel way by putting them in the context of internationalisation strategies of born globals and SMEs. This results in seven principles of agile internationalisation that support companies in their endeavours. To assist the implementation of these principles, a comprehensive process of agile internationalisation is developed in this paper. By distinguishing between the four internationalisation stages of market selection, preparatory steps, market entry and market expansion, related tasks and agile internationalisation models are presented. These models include the “backpacker method”, the “umbrella concept” and strategic alliances which can successfully guide born globals and SMEs on their journey into the global market place where corporate agility is of the essence.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
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    Turning sustainability into action: Explaining firms' sustainability efforts and their impact on firm performance
    (Elsevier, 2013) Schrettle, Stefan; Hinz, Andreas; Scherrer-Rathje, Maike; Friedli, Tom [in: International Journal of Production Economics]
    This research seeks to shed more light on how manufacturing firms adjust their strategy according to the sustainability challenge. Strategic decisions are influenced by strategic long-term considerations, which take into account aspects that lie within firms' boundaries and beyond. Therefore, the first step of this paper is to operationalise the sustainability challenge by identifying relevant drivers for sustainability that firms are exposed to. Second, we develop a framework showing which dimensions affect decisions concerning a sustainability move and which dimensions are affected by these decisions. A sustainability move can contain initiatives emphasising the adoption of new manufacturing technologies, the development of new, sustainable products or the integration of green practices into the supply chain. Next to the influence of sustainability drivers, we explain firms' decisions concerning a sustainability move with past performance, firm size and current level of sustainability action. Depending on whether initiatives are led by strategic or ad-hoc decisions, firms have to explore new knowledge and/or exploit existing knowledge to realise competitive advantage. The goal of this research is to provide an explanation of how decisions of sustainability moves are motivated and which dimensions in the firm are affected by these moves.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Knowledge management as a requirement for successful sustainability management
    (Universität St. Gallen, 2012) Hinz, Andreas
    02 - Monographie
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    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung