Hinz, Andreas

Hinz, Andreas


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Agile Internationalisation

2016, Reineke, Rolf-Dieter, Hinz, Andreas

The principles of agile development have revolutionised software development by replacing rigid planning with flexible and responsive approaches in order to get results faster. Given the significant potential for saving resources, this paper proposes to use these principles in a novel way by putting them in the context of internationalisation strategies of born globals and SMEs. This results in seven principles of agile internationalisation that support companies in their endeavours. To assist the implementation of these principles, a comprehensive process of agile internationalisation is developed in this paper. By distinguishing between the four internationalisation stages of market selection, preparatory steps, market entry and market expansion, related tasks and agile internationalisation models are presented. These models include the “backpacker method”, the “umbrella concept” and strategic alliances which can successfully guide born globals and SMEs on their journey into the global market place where corporate agility is of the essence.

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Achieving competitive advantage by addressing the dimensions of eco-sustainability and innovation in manufacturing processes

2011, Hinz, Andreas, Scherrer-Rathje, Maike, Neumann, Michèle

This paper explores how firms can generate competitive advantage by simultaneously addressing the dimensions of eco-sustainability and innovation in manufacturing processes. The eco-sustainability dimension is divided into eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness while the innovation dimension is divided into incremental and radical innovation. These two dimensions are combined in an eco-sustainability & innovation matrix which allows to build clusters of studied firms. In order to shed more light into the connectedness of these two dimensions and the impact on competitive advantage, case studies are conducted with firms that are actively engaged in eco-sustainability and innovation initiatives.

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Prävention von Transportschäden durch den Einsatz von Sensor-Telematik-Systemen aus der Versicherungsperspektive

2011, Skorna, Alexander, Bode, Christoph, Hinz, Andreas

Die steigende Komplexität der Transport- und Logistikprozesse führt zu einer Vielzahl von Risiken und Gefahren bei den Transportakteuren und Versicherungen. Die global verteilten Produktions- und Absatzmärkte sind eine Ursache, dass immer mehr und höherwertigere Güter in weltumspannenden Logistiknetzwerken transportiert werden. Aufgrund des steigenden Wettbewerbsdrucks unter den Logistikdienstleistern bündeln diese vermehrt Transporte zu grösseren Transporteinheiten und lagern zeitunkritische Sendungen teilweise zwischen. Dies erhöht für die Versicherungen das Risiko von Kumulschäden und kann bei grösseren Schäden beim Warenempfänger für Lieferengpässe bzw. zu Betriebsunterbrüchen führen. Gleichzeitig sind detaillierte Informationen über den Zustand von Waren und ihrer Integrität innerhalb der Lieferkette nicht durchgehend vorhanden und die genauen Bedingungen während des Transports bleiben intransparent. Sensor-Telematik-Systeme werden heute bereits von führenden Logistikdienstleistern und Frachtführern z.B. auf ausgesuchten Routen oder für hochwertige Waren eingesetzt. Durch diese Entwicklungen werden ebenso Risiken sowohl für den Transportversicherer als auch für die Transportakteure identifizier- und messbar, was die Grundlage von effektiven präventiven, schadensmindernden Massnahmen bildet. Der Technologieeinsatz mündet in ein situativ an die jeweiligen Transportcharakteristika angepasstes Risikomanagement. Welche Einflüsse, Potentiale sowie Risiken aus dem Technologieeinsatz im Transportbereich erwachsen, soll im Rahmen des vorliegenden Beitrags diskutiert werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund analysiert dieser Beitrag das Schadenreduktionspotential eines Einsatzes von Sensor-Telematik-Systemen im Trans-portbereich in drei Schritten: (1) Zur Identifikation der aktuellen Problemstellungen und Transportrisiken im globalen Warenverkehr werden die Kernergebnisse einer Schadendatenanalyse bei einer der führenden europäischen Transportversicherung vorgestellt. (2) Im Anschluss werden die Ergebnisse der quantitativen Schadendatenanalyse anhand von 25 Experteninterviews weiter verdichtet und verallgemeinert. (3) Den Abschluss der Untersuchung bildet die Zusammenstellung der quantitativ-qualitativ erhobenen Ergebnisse und Ableitung der Wirkungspotentiale von Sensor-Telematik-Systemen zur Prävention von Transportschäden.

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Making use of dynamic capabilities to address the sustainability challenge

2011, Hinz, Andreas, Boks, Casper, Scherrer-Rathje, Maike, Skorna, Alexander, Schneider, Anselm

Manufacturing firms are increasingly exposed to pressures coming from the sustainability challenge. A thorough understanding of these drivers is important in order for firms to be able to react to the sustainability challenge. Since the sustainability challenge creates dynamic market conditions, dynamic capabilities are believed to be a key for firms in dealing with that dynamism. Knowledge-related dynamic capabilities appear to be particularly important in supporting firms to find solutions to the challenge. However, to the best of our knowledge, empirical evidence is rather limited so far. Therefore, it is the goal of this paper to examine these drivers and assess dynamic capabilities in the light of the sustainability challenge. Four case studies with multinational manufacturing firms provide empirical findings.

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Loss Prevention in Transportation to Ensure Product Quality. Insights from the Cargo Insurance Sector

2011, Skorna, Alexander, Hinz, Andreas

Transport and logistics operations are vulnerable to many types of risks due to an increasing dynamic and structural complexity of today's supply chain networks. Globally distributed sourcing and production lead to more transported goods in general but also to more high-value cargoes being shipped around the world. However, detailed information about the transport condition and integrity are not available in the end-to-end chain as logistics operations lack full transparency. Therefore, this paper identifies causes and risks of cargo-related losses by an analysis of cargo insurance claims. Based on these results, appropriate preventive measures to monitor and improve the product quality during logistics operations are derived.

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Using Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD) as an organisational learning tool to raise management awareness of the eco-sustainability challenge and to facilitate operational problem solving

2011, Hinz, Andreas, Scherrer-Rathje, Maike, Gütter, Saskia

This paper introduces Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD) as an organisational learning tool which should help managers of manufacturing firms to build awareness and understanding of the eco-sustainability challenge. In order to achieve that, the literature and case studies are used to analyse the drivers of the eco-sustainability challenge as well as their impact on innovation in the form of eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness. Better understanding supports management to deal with this challenge and to sustain competitive advantage. CLD are a useful tool to structure and visualise components of the sustainability challenge and to highlight important cause-effect relations between components.