Hinkelmann, Knut

Hinkelmann, Knut


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    Enhance classroom preparation for flipped classroom using AI and analytics
    (SciTePress, 2018) Hinkelmann, Knut [in: ICEIS 2018. 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Proceedings]
    In a flipped classroom setting, it is important for students to come prepared for the classroom. Being prepared in advance helps students to grasp the concepts taught during classroom sessions. A recent student survey at Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW), Business School, Switzerland, revealed that only 27.7% students often prepared before a class and only 7% always prepared before a class. The main reason for not preparing for classes was lack of time and workload. A literature review study revealed that there is a growth of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), for example, chatbots and teaching assistants, which support both teachers and students for classroom preparation. There is also a rise in the use of data analytics to support tutor decision making in real time. However, many of these tools are based on external motivation factors like grading and assessment. Intrinsic motivation among students is more rewarding in the long term. This paper proposes an application based on AI and data analysis that focuses on intrinsically motivating and preparing students in a flipped classroom approach.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Enterprise architecture driven and user-friendly SaaS service selection
    (IEEE, 2018) Hinkelmann, Knut [in: 2018 Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Systems. ES 2018. 1-2 October 2018, Limassol, Cyprus. Proceedings]
    In the last decade the number of cloud services has grown significantly, and its nature challenges the traditional process of requirements elicitation for software solutions. Most of the conducted cloud research address nonfunctional requirements, such as payment strategies, performance or security. Methods are required which provide an appropriate level of abstraction for describing the functional aspects of cloud services. We suggest an approach which exploits the potential of enterprise architecture modeling for cloud service selection. This study contributes to cloud service selection in two ways. First, we suggest a concept for the description of functional requirements for vertical SaaS services. Second, we provide a method that enables various kinds of stakeholders to describe their requirements considering their individual knowledge level.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Towards an agile and ontology-aided modeling environment for DSML adaptation
    (2018) Hinkelmann, Knut [in: Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops (CAiSE 2018)]
    The advent of digitalization exposes enterprises to an ongoing transformation with the challenge to quickly capture relevant aspects of changes. This brings the demand to create or adapt domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) efficiently and in a timely manner, which, on the contrary, is a complex and time-consuming engineering task. This is not just due to the required high expertise in both knowledge engineering and targeted domain. It is also due to the sequential approach that still characterizes the accommodation of new requirements in modeling language engineering. In this paper we present a DSML adaptation approach where agility is fostered by merging engineering phases in a single modeling environment. This is supported by ontology concepts, which are tightly coupled with DSML constructs. Hence, a modeling environment is being developed that enables a modeling language to be adapted on-the-fly. An initial set of operators is presented for the rapid and efficient adaptation of both syntax and semantics of modeling languages. The approach allows modeling languages to be quickly released for usage.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Towards business-to-IT alignment in the cloud
    (2018) Hinkelmann, Knut [in: Advances in service-oriented and cloud computing. Workshops of ESOCC 2017, Oslo, Norway, September 27-29, 2017, revised selected papers]
    Cloud computing offers a great opportunity for business process (BP) flexibility, adaptability and reduced costs. This leads to realising the notion of business process as a service (BPaaS), i.e., BPs offered on-demand in the cloud. This paper introduces a novel architecture focusing on BPaaS design that includes the integration of existing state-of-the-art components as well as new ones which take the form of a business and a syntactic matchmaker. The end result is an environment enabling to transform domain-specific BPs into executable workflows which can then be made deployable in the cloud so as to become real BPaaSes.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Stakeholder-oriented and enterprise architecture driven cloud service selection
    (2018) Hinkelmann, Knut [in: Business Information Systems Workshops. BIS 2018 International Workshops, Berlin, Germany, July 18-20, 2018, revised papers]
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    An agile and ontology-aided modeling environment
    (Springer, 2018) Hinkelmann, Knut [in: The Practice of Enterprise Modeling. 11th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference, PoEM 2018, Vienna, Austria, October 31-November 2, 2018, proceedings]
    Enterprise knowledge is currently subject to ever-changing, complex and domain-specific modeling requirements. Assimilating these requirements in modeling languages brings the benefits associated to both domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) and a baseline of well-established concepts. However, there are two problems that hamper the speed and efficiency of this activity: (1) the separation between the two key expertise: language engineering and domain knowledge, and (2) the sequential modeling language engineering life-cycles. In this work, we tackle these two challenges by introducing an Agile and Ontology-Aided approach implemented in our Modeling Environment - the AOAME. The approach seamlessly integrates meta-modeling and modeling in the same modeling environment, thus cooperation between language engineers and domain experts is fostered. Sequential engineering phases are avoided as the adaptation of the language is done on-the-fly. To this end, a modeling language is grounded with an ontology language providing a clear, unambiguous and machine-interpretable semantics. Mechanisms implemented in the AOAME ensure the propagation of changes from the modeling environment to the graph-based database containing the ontology.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Customer Experience Modelling and Analysis Framework - A Semantic Lifting Approach for Analyzing Customer Experience
    (12.12.2016) Hinkelmann, Knut [in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship : IE2016]
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    A Modelling Environment for Business Process as a Service
    (Springer, 2016) Hinkelmann, Knut [in: Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops : CAiSE 2016]
    Business processes can benefit from cloud offerings, but bridging the gap between business requirements and technical solutions is still a big challenge. We propose Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) as a main concept for the alignment of business process with IT in the cloud. The mechanisms described in this paper provide modelling facilities for both business and IT levels: (a) a graphical modelling environment for processes, workflows and service requirements, (b) an extension of an enterprise ontology with cloud-specific concepts, (c) semantic lifting of graphical models and (d) SPARQL querying and inferencing for semantic alignment of business and cloud IT.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    A Case Modelling Language for Process Variant Management in Case-based Reasoning
    (2015) Hinkelmann, Knut [in: AdaptiveCM 2015 – 4th International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management and other non-workflow approaches to BPM]
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Towards a Procedure for Assessing Supply Chain Risks Using Semantic Technology
    (Springer, 2013) Hinkelmann, Knut [in: Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management]
    In the APPRIS project an Early-Warning-System (EWS) is developed applying semantic technologies, namely an enterprise ontology and an inference engine, for the assessment of procurement risks. Our approach allows for analyzing internal resources (e.g. ERP and CRM data) and external sources (e.g. entries in the Commercial Register and newspaper reports) to assess known risks, but also for identifying black swans, which hit enterprises with no warning but potentially large impact. For proof of concept we developed a prototype that allows for integrating data from various information sources, of various information types (structured and unstructured), and information quality (assured facts, news); automatic identification, validation and quantification of risks and aggregation of assessment results on several granularity levels. The motivating scenario is derived from three business project partners real requirements for an EWS.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift