Hinkelmann, Knut

Hinkelmann, Knut


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    Der Geschäftsprozess in der Cloud
    (Swiss Professional Media, 2018) Hinkelmann, Knut; Woitsch, Robert [in: Unternehmer Zeitung]
    CLOUD-COMPUTING: Zunehmend durchdringt die IT auch das Geschäftsmodell. Für die Strategie in der Cloud wurde im Rahmen eines EU-Projekts ein neues Konzept erarbeitet.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
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    Business Process as a Service (BPaaS): The Smart BPaaS Design Environment
    (2016) Woitsch, Robert; Hinkelmann, Knut; Juan Ferrer, Ana Maria; Yuste, Joaquin Iranzo; Karagiannis, Dimitris; Schlamberger, Niko [in: Proceedings of CAiSE 2016 Industry Track]
    This paper introduces the project idea of Business Processes as a Services (BPaaS) that is worked out in the H2020 project CloudSocket. Concept models and semantics are used to align domain specific business processes with executable workflows that are deployed and in production in a multi-cloud environment. The Business Process Management System Paradigm (BPMS) is requesting the functional capabilities of the so-called BPaaS Environments (i) design, (ii) allocation, (iii) execution and (iv) evaluation, which technically compose the CloudSocket Broker platform. This paper introduces first findings of aligning customers’ business needs with BPaaS cloud offerings using a model-based approach.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Run-Time Planning of Case-based Business Processes
    (IEEE, 2016) Hinkelmann, Knut; Sprovieri, Danillo; Diaz, Daniel; Mazo, Raul; España, Sergio; Ralyté, Jolita; Souveyet, Carine [in: IEEE 10th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science]
    Organizations act in highly competitive markets, which forces them to be flexible. Constantly changing business requirements require flexible business processes. Case Management Model and Notation (CMMN) supports modeling run-time flexibility of partially structured business process models, but does not fully specify the control flow. Objective: The goal is to develop a planning algorithm that supports the case worker in planning case-based business processes at run-time. Method: We identify the requirements of run-time planning of partly structured processes by analyzing the admission process for the master degree at FHNW. To plan the process instance, we develop a planning algorithm. Our planning algorithm is evaluated using concrete cases provided by FHNW in order to demonstrate real application. Results: The planning algorithm reflects the requirements for serializing tasks at run-time. Conclusion: Our planning algorithm allows to automatically deriving context-specific execution plans for CMMN models at run-time.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Business Process Flexibility and Decision-aware Modeling - The Knowledge Work Designer
    (Springer, 2016) Hinkelmann, Knut; Karagiannis, Dimitris; Mayr, Heinrich C.; Mylopoulos, John [in: Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling]
    This chapter describes the Knowledge Work Designer, a modelling method for knowledge work. It is based on two principles: (1) the separation of business logic and process logic and (2) the support of both structures and unstructured knowledge. Process logic can be represented in a structured way in BPMN and in a non-structured way with CMMN. For real processes there is no strict separation between structured processes and cases. Therefore the Knowledge Work Designer offers a deep integration of BPMN and CMMN. Business logic can be represented in a structured way using decision tables. Unstructured business logic can be represented in documents. The separation of business logic and process logic allows for simpler process model and easier maintenance.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
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    A new paradigm for the continuous alignment of business and IT: combining enterprise architecture modelling and enterprise ontology
    (Elsevier, 2016) Hinkelmann, Knut; Gerber, Aurona; Karagiannis, Dimitris; Thönssen, Barbara; van der Merwe, Alta; Woitsch, Robert [in: Computers in Industry]
    The paper deals with Next Generation Enterprise Information Systems in the context of Enterprise Engineering. The continuous alignment of business and IT in a rapidly changing environment is a grand challenge for today’s enterprises. The ability to react timeously to continuous and unexpected change is called agility and is an essential quality of the modern enterprise. Being agile has consequences for the engineering of enterprises and enterprise information systems. In this paper a new paradigm for next generation enterprise information systems is proposed, which shifts the development approach of model-driven engineering to continuous alignment of business and IT for the agile enterprise. It is based on a metamodelling approach, which supports both human-interpretable graphical enterprise architecture and machine-interpretable enterprise ontologies. Furthermore, next generation enterprise information systems are described, which embed modelling tools and algorithms for model analysis.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    KPIs 4 Workplace Learning
    (Springer, 2016) Emmenegger, Sandro; Thönssen, Barbara; Hinkelmann, Knut; Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Ana, Fred; Aveiro, David [in: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS)]
    Enterprises and Public Administrations alike need to ensure that newly hired employees are able to learn the ropes fast. Employers also need to support continuous workplace learning. Work-place learning should be strongly related to business goals and thus, learning goals should direct-ly add to business goals. To measure achievement of both learning and business goals we pro-pose augmented Key Performance Indicators (KPI). In our research we applied model driven engineering. Hence we developed a model for a Learning Scorecard comprising of business and learning goals and their KPIs represented in an ontology. KPI performance values and scores are calculated with formal rules based on the SPARQL Inferencing Notation. Results are presented in a dashboard on an individual level as well as on a team/group level. Requirements, goals and KPIs as well as performance measurement were defined in close co-operation with Marche Region, business partner in Learn PAd.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Workplace Learning - Providing Recommendations of Experts and Learning Resources in a Context-sensitive and Personalized Manner
    (2016) Emmenegger, Sandro; Laurenzi, Emanuele; Thönssen, Barbara; Zhang Sprenger, Congyu; Hinkelmann, Knut; Witschel, Hans Friedrich [in: Proceedings of Special Session on Learning Modeling in Complex Organizations (LCMO) at MODELSWARD'16]
    Support of workplace learning is increasingly important as change in every form determines today's working world in industry and public administrations alike. Adapt quickly to a new job, a new task or a new team is a major challenge that must be dealt with ever faster. Workplace learning differs significantly from school learning as it should be strictly aligned to business goals. In our approach we support workplace learning by providing recommendations of experts and learning resources in a context-sensitive and personalized manner. We utilize user s' workplace environment, we consider their learning preferences and zone of proximal development, and compare required and acquired competencies in order to issue the best suited recommendations. Our approach is part of the European funded project Learn PAd. Applied research method is Design Science Research. Evaluation is done in an iterative process. The recommender system introduced here is evaluated theoretically based on user requirements and practically in an early evaluation process conducted by the Learn PAd application partner.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Integration of BPMN and CMMN
    (12.06.2015) Hinkelmann, Knut
    In this presentation an integration between the two OMG standards Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and Case Management Model and Notation (CMMN) is proposed. The presentation was given at an in OMG technical meeting.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Adapting an Enterprise Architecture for Business Intelligence
    (2015) von Bergen, Pascal; Hinkelmann, Knut; Witschel, Hans Friedrich [in: 8th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling]
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Supporting Business and IT Alignment by Modeling Business and IT Strategy and its Relations to Enterprise Architecture
    (08/2014) Hinkelmann, Knut; Pasquini, Alex [in: Second International Conference on Enterprise Systems. Proceedings]
    In this study, the literature on strategic alignment, strategy modeling and infrastructure architecture modeling has been analyzed and a prototype has been developed for modeling business strategy and IT strategy as well as the relationship between. This modeling technique allows improving the business and IT alignment based on the Strategic Alignment Model of Henderson and Venkatraman. The modeling language is an extension and adaptation of the Business Motivation Model of OMG. The elements, which constitute the overall strategy, can belong to a business view, an IT view or to both. Due to this feature, it is possible to visualize the IT view (IT strategy) or the business view (business strategy) of the generic strategy separately. A concrete example shows how a strategy may be developed.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift