Nussli, Natalie

Nussli, Natalie


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Field research in Second Life: Strategies for discussion group facilitation and benefits of participation

2017-07, Nussli, Natalie, Oh, Kevin, Panconesi, Gianni, Guida, Maria

This chapter explores the educational potential of discussion groups situated in three-dimensional (3D) virtual worlds. Virtual discussion groups are examined from the following perspectives: the benefits and challenges of participation and the best practices in terms of effective discussion group moderation. The authors start by describing the benefits of online discussion groups and continue by identifying strategies on how to facilitate such meetings effectively, with a focus on techniques promoting a sense of community. The authors will discuss the major themes that emerged from the content analysis of field notes, an ethnographic journal, and interviews with a discussion group member after immersion in various discussion groups in Second Life. An understanding of the communication modalities (voice and text-chat) and the principles of social interaction may help educators use virtual learning environments effectively. Guidelines for discussion group moderation are presented throughout the chapter.

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Discussions in three-dimensional virtual worlds: Benefits of participation and strategies for the facilitation of in-world discussions

2016-05-11, Nussli, Natalie, Oh, Kevin

Social interactions in three-dimensional (3D) virtual worlds are examined from two perspectives: the benefits of virtual discussion group participation and best practices in terms of virtual discussion group facilitation. The objectives of this qualitative study were to identify what makes a virtual discussion or support group in a 3D platform appealing and how these discussions can be facilitated effectively, with a special focus on developing a sense of community. The content analysis of 18 observation events (total of 17 hours), three field notes, one text-chat log, two interviews, and an ethnographic fieldwork journal has generated three major themes: benefits of participation, facilitation strategies, and social cues. Identifying the way people communicate virtually helps design these spaces to support social needs. The society can take advantage of this mode of communication to pursue various objectives, such as using 3D virtual discussion groups for educational purposes, promoting mental health support groups, and as a practice platform for people with social skills challenges.