Leimstoll, Uwe

Leimstoll, Uwe


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  • Publikation
    Changing Attitudes of Retailers Towards Cross-channel Commerce and its Success Factors: a Longitudinal Study
    (IADIS Press, 2017) Leimstoll, Uwe; Wölfle, Ralf; Kommers, Piet; Isaías, Pedro [in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on e-Society, Budapest, Hungary, 10 – 12 April, 2017]
    Cross-channel commerce concepts are increasingly being implemented and are almost universally accepted as a panacea for many current retail problems. In practice, however, these concepts are extremely complex and the question arises as to whether and under which conditions multichannel concepts can be successful. This paper shows how retailers assess the trend towards multichannel concepts and how their attitude has changed over the last years. Further, current success factors for cross-channel commerce are derived. The opinions of leading industry experts in Switzerland serve as a qualitative empirical basis. In contrast to previous years, the experts have estimated the cross-channel concepts as a whole to be successful since 2014. The analysis results further show that the success factors described in the literature so far have to be supplemented by two further factors: the density of physical stores with simultaneous scaling of the online channel and a transformation in management and organization. These results and experiences from Switzerland might help retailers who think of expanding their traditional business into the online channel or the other way round.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Personalization Beyond Recommender Systems
    (Springer, 2006) Schubert, Petra; Leimstoll, Uwe; Risch, Daniel [in: IFIP International Federation for Information Processing]
    Personalization is an interdisciplinary topic that has been discussed in the literature of marketing and information systems as well as in other research areas. In this paper we present findings from a longitudinal research project on personalization of e-commerce systems. The findings were taken from interviews and software development projects with company partners (action research). The main contribution described in this paper is the Personalization Map. The map provides an extensive overview on personalization functions that can be used to individualize and improve human-computer-interaction both in B2C and B2B e-commerce environments. In a first step, the functions are classified according to their order of appearance in the buying process. In a second step they are grouped into subcategories. There is no single strategy for selecting successful personalization functions as the suitability varies depending on the industry and the goods sold.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Fallstudie Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund: Ersatzteilmanagement
    (Hanser, 2002) Leimstoll, Uwe; Schubert, Petra; Wölfle, Ralf; Dettling, Walter [in: Procurement im E-Business: Einkaufs- und Verkaufsprozesse elektronisch optimieren]
    Migros, das grösste Detailhandelsunternehmen der Schweiz, bietet seinen Kunden einen umfassenden Kundendienst an. Die Fallstudie beschreibt die Organisation des Beschaffungsprozesses für Ersatzteile vom Lieferanten bis zum Endkunden. Dieser Prozess wird durch den Beschaffungsdienstleister M-Service mit Hilfe von integrierten Informationssystemen geführt. Besonderes Augenmerk wird einem elektronischen Multilieferantenkatalog geschenkt, der die Effizienz und die Effektivität der Ersatzteilbeschaffung deutlich erhöht.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    The Extended Web Assessment Method (EWAM) applied: do websites for consumer goods stand the test?
    (International Institute of Infonomics, 16.09.2001) Schubert, Petra; Leimstoll, Uwe [in: Eighth Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets RSEEM. Workshop Papers]
    The paper presents an analysis of four commercial Web sites in the consumer goods sectors. The Web sites were evaluated using the Extended Web Assessment Method (EWAM), an evaluation tool which has been specifically created for the assessment of e-commerce applications. EWAM builds on the Web Assessment Method developed at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland [Schubert/Selz, 1999] and integrates findings from the Technology Acceptance Model [Davis, 1985] and several alternative approaches. It defines an evaluation grid including a set of criteria to appraise the quality and success of existing e-commerce applications. The focus lies on consumer perspectives and the specific features of the Internet as medium. The findings show that most Web sites are far from fully meeting user expectations. The paper presents the findings of an empirical study carried out in April 2001. Twenty students from an executive training class in E-Business completed the web assessment forms.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift