Kassis, Wassilis

Kassis, Wassilis


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    Longitudinal negotiation, navigation processes, and school Success in High School. A two-wave latent transition approach
    (Springer, 17.01.2024) Kassis, Wassilis; Dueggeli, Albert; Govaris, Christos; Kassis, Maria; Dittmar, Miriam; Aksoy, Dilan; Favre, Céline Anne [in: Adversity and Resilience Science]
    By combining person-centered analysis with latent transition analysis (LTA) and adapting a navigation and negotiation perspective, we examined the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents’ depression and anxiety levels as well as their adaptation and success in high school. Focusing on the navigation (individual adaptation) and negotiation (social adaptation) factors that contribute to school success, our data from a longitudinal study in Switzerland (wave 1 in autumn 2020, grade eight [n = 315]; wave 2 in spring 2021, grade eight [n = 257]) revealed four patterns: students with high levels in both dimensions (“thriving”), students with low levels in both dimensions (“demanding”), students with low negotiation but moderate to high navigation (“unsupported bloomers”), and students with high negotiation but low navigation (“encouraged non-achievers”). The “thriving” pattern had about three times more students than the “encouraged non-achiever” pattern did and about five times more students with a lower depression/anxiety profile than the “demanding” pattern did. Parental involvement and reading comprehension were identified as crucial factors in students’ academic achievement, with parental involvement being significantly associated with the “unsupported bloomers” pattern, suggesting that parents can compensate for the lack of teacher academic support and recognition and it can contribute to students’ academic success. Adolescents with high navigation and negotiation resources had higher reading comprehension scores compared to those with lower navigation and negotiation resources. Reading comprehension significantly influenced grades in language subjects and mathematics. The study emphasized the importance of individual and social adaptation factors in promoting academic success and personal growth in high school.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Resilience development of Swiss adolescents. A convergent mixed-methods approach
    (MDPI, 2024) Kassis, Wassilis; Graf, Ulrike; Rietz, Christian; Widmer, Franziska [in: Education Sciences]
    Introduction: We applied a convergent mixed-methods research design, focusing on data from Swiss students to identify patterns of resilience development in high school. Method: The study consisted of an online longitudinal survey conducted in two waves, in autumn 2019 (n = 377 grade seven) and spring 2021 (n = 257 grade eight). By combining latent transition analysis (LTA), a person-oriented quantitative method, and qualitative content analysis, we detected four resilience patterns. Results: The longitudinal survey revealed a decrease in the “blooming” pattern (students who displayed high levels of individual and social support indicators as well as satisfaction with their grades and academic success measures) over time and, on the other hand, an increase in the “challenged” pattern, suggesting larger numbers of students with low levels of social support and academic success. Additionally, qualitative interviews were conducted with four students from the sample. These interviews provided insights into the stressors; coping experiences, skills, processes, and resources; and outcomes related to resilience. Discussion: The analysis revealed key factors contributing to resilience, including empowering experiences, supportive individuals, self-help as a prioritized resource, and a positive school environment. Merging the data has elicited various claims such as improving both home and school environments, along with focusing on elaborating their interplay, is the most efficacious approach to bolstering resilience.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    The cycle of violence. Effects of violence experience, behavior, and attitudes on adolescents’ peer rejection networks
    (Frontiers Research Foundation, 2024) Favre, Céline Anne; Garrote, Ariana; Kassis, Wassilis; Bacher, Janine; Wullschleger, Andrea; Aksoy, Dilan [in: Frontiers in Education]
    Previous research on adolescent peer networks has mainly focused on friendship networks and their association with violence, but very limited research is available on peer rejection networks. This lack of knowledge hinders the effectiveness of preventing peer rejection and its negative effects. Based on the theory of the cycle of violence, the present study examines the extent to which parental physical abuse experiences, aggressive behavior toward peers and acceptance of violence are related to peer rejection networks at school. Social network analysis with a stochastic actor-oriented model of longitudinal data collected from high school students (Wave 1, n = 620; Wave 2, n = 590) confirms that adolescents who frequently use aggression toward their peers are more likely to be rejected, especially if those adolescents have experienced abuse. Similarly, peers are more likely to reject adolescents with high levels of accepting violence. The results also show that aggression toward peers generally tends to decrease over time but not for adolescents who reject a larger number of students. For students who reject many peers, aggression frequency increases. From the perspective of resilience theory, peer rejection, when combined with aggression toward peers and acceptance of violence, particularly in female adolescents, creates a significant risk factor for socio-emotional development. Therefore, tackling violence attitudes, experiences and behavior in the school environment and at home is crucial in overcoming the cycle of violence.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    On the complex relationship between resilience and hair cortisol levels in adolescence despite parental physical abuse. a fourth wave of resilience research
    (Frontiers Research Foundation, 2024) Kassis, Wassilis; Aksoy, Dilan; Favre, Céline Anne; Arnold, Julia; Gaugler, Stefan; Grafinger, Katharina; Artz, Sibylle; Magnuson, Doug [in: Frontiers in Psychiatry]
    Introduction: To understand the family’s role in adolescents’ mental health development and the connection to neurodevelopmental disorders related to experienced parental physical abuse, we first explored resilience pathways longitudinally and secondly, connected the identified patterns to adolescents’ hair cortisol levels that are rooted in the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis as the main stress response system and connected brain structure alterations. Methods: We analyzed longitudinal online questionnaire data for three consecutive high school years (from seventh to ninth grade) and four survey waves from a representative sample of n = 1609 high school students in Switzerland on violence–resilience pathways. Furthermore, we collected students’ hair samples from a subsample of n = 229 at survey wave 4. About 30% of the participating adolescents had been physically abused by their parents. Out of the overall sample, we drew a subsample of adolescents with parental abuse experiences (survey wave 1 n = 509; survey wave 2 n = 506; survey wave 3 n = 561; survey wave 4 n = 560). Results: Despite the odds, about 20–30% of adolescents who have experienced parental physical abuse escaped the family violence cycle and can be called resilient. By applying a person-oriented analytical approach via latent class and transition analysis, we longitudinally identified and compared four distinct violence–resilience patterns. We identified violence resilience as a multidimensional latent construct, which includes hedonic and eudaimonic protective and risk indicators. Because resilience should not solely be operationalized based on the lack of psychopathology, our latent construct included both feeling good (hedonic indicators such as high levels of self-esteem and low levels of depression/anxiety and dissociation) and doing well (eudaimonic indicators such as high levels of self-determination and self-efficacy as well as low levels of aggression toward peers). Discussion: The present study confirmed that higher cortisol levels significantly relate to the comorbid pattern (internalizing and externalizing symptoms), and further confirmed the presence of lasting alterations in brain structures. In this way, we corroborated the insight that when studying the resilience pathways and trajectories of abused adolescents, biological markers such as hair cortisol significantly enhance and deepen the understanding of the longitudinal mechanisms of psychological markers (e.g., self-determination, self-esteem, self-efficacy) that are commonly applied in questionnaires.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Social and individual factors predicting students’ resilience. A multigroup structural equation model
    (MDPI, 2023) Kassis, Wassilis; Vasiou, Aikaterini; Govaris, Christos; Favre, Céline Anne; Aksoy, Dilan; Graf, Ulrike [in: Education Sciences]
    We investigated students’ resilience predictors during the COVID-19 pandemic. With a two-wave longitudinal sample (n = 713) of students from Greece, Germany, and Switzerland (eighth grade in autumn 2020 and ninth grade in autumn 2021), we determined which social and individual predictors longitudinally predicted resilience before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We identified the high likelihood of individual factors (self-esteem, self-efficacy) fostering resilience by social factors (teacher, parents, and social resources). Multigroup structural equation modeling analyses demonstrated that the adolescent population was best typified by two growth trajectory classes: a low-anxiety class characterized by a low initial level of depression/anxiety and a high-anxiety class characterized by a higher initial level of depression/anxiety. The model was gender-, migration-, and country-invariant. Overall, the model showed that teachers overlook adolescents with high anxiety or depression levels, but parents support them more. These findings highlight the necessity to pay attention to students’ depression or anxiety symptoms and to satisfy their basic psychological needs, as vital prerequisites for their meaningful, coherent engagement in modern societies despite the odds.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Individual and social predictors of Greek early adolescents’ self-determination. A longitudinal structural equation analysis
    (Hellenic Psychological Society, 2023) Kassis, Wassilis; Vasiou, Aikaterini; Govaris, Christos; Rietz, Christian; Graf, Ulrike [in: Psychology: the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society]
    Given that early adolescence is a dynamic and vulnerable developmental period, it is important to examine factors that promote adolescents’ individual development and, more specifically, the satisfaction of psychological needs within the framework of self-determination theory. In a two-wave longitudinal sample (N = 218) of Greek adolescents (eighth grade in autumn 2020 and ninth grade in autumn 2021), we used structural equation modeling to determine which individual and social factors longitudinally predict autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The examination of these psychological needs is regarded as a necessary step in designing school-based prevention and intervention programs for adolescents. Individual factors, such as self-esteem, self-efficacy, and depression or anxiety, foster self-determination through social factors, such as recognition and support from teacher and parents, and social resources. Adolescents with a migration background showed lower levels of social factors. The model was gender invariant and indicated that social agents (teachers and parents) and social resources predict a very large proportion of variance in early adolescents’ individual development. These findings support the view that early adolescents’ development depends on social factors through the satisfaction of psychological needs.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Patterns of students’ well-being in early adolescence: A latent class and two-wave latent transition analysis
    (Public Library of Science, 01.12.2022) Kassis, Wassilis; Janousch, Clarissa; Sidler, Petra; Aksoy, Dilan; Favre, Céline Anne; Ertanir, Beyhan; Nazari, Nabi [in: PLOS ONE]
    Adolescence is a developmental stage with high risks in terms of psychological challenges and adjustments related to subjective well-being. Thus far, the findings reported a general decrease in school-related well-being over time. We considered well-being a multidimensional and latent construct that included both feeling good and functioning well at the individual level, and focused on the interplay between hedonic and eudemonic factors. Data of = 377 high school students in Switzerland were used by conducting an online longitudinal study with two waves. Baseline data was gathered in autumn 2019 and the subsequent time point occurred 1 year later (2020; grades seven and eight). By applying a person-oriented analytical approach via latent class and latent transition analyses, we were able to identify and compare longitudinally three distinct well-being patterns and the respective trajectories. Regarding the distribution of the well-being patterns for both waves, significant changes over time were identified: particularly from wave 1 to wave 2, where there was an increase for the low and high well-being patterns, yet a decrease for the middle pattern. Comparing the stability of the respective patterns over time, the high well-being level showed the highest stability of all identified patterns. Multinomial logistic regression of covariates to the identified latent status membership established for both waves showed low but significant effects of socio-demographic variables. At wave 1, having a migration background was associated with a significant increase of being in a low versus high well-being level pattern. At wave 2, being female was associated with a significant increase of being in a low versus high and in a middle versus high well-being pattern.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Understanding school success of migrant students. An international perspective
    (MDPI, 11.02.2022) Makarova, Elena; Kassis, Wassilis
    The aim of this book is to empirically identify the school success pathways of migrants for policy actions in schools and communities, in order to tackle barriers to migrant students’ school success. These resilience pathways highlight differences in individual and social risks and identify protective factors for young migrants, to help them overcome obstacles linked to discrimination and low educational outcomes. It presents international empirical research comparing and explaining school success factors for migrant students in various countries, namely Germany, Greece, Russia, and Switzerland.
    03 - Sammelband
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    Longitudinal changes in Swiss adolescent’s mental health outcomes from before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
    (MDPI, 02.12.2021) Ertanir, Beyhan; Kassis, Wassilis; Garrote, Ariana [in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health]
    This study aimed to explore changes in mental health outcomes (depression, anxiety, home, and school stress) from before the first COVID-19 wave (autumn 2019) to the later stages of the same wave (autumn 2020) in a sample of N = 377 Swiss adolescents (Mage = 12.67; 47% female. The results showed that the expected impact of the pandemic on mental health was not noticeable in the later stages of the first COVID-19 wave. Only two effects were demonstrated in terms of intra-individual changes, namely, an effect of gender on depression and anxiety symptoms and an effect of reported COVID-19 burden on school stress symptoms. Moreover, few associations were found for selected predictors and students’ mean level scores, averaged across both time points.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Identification and comparison of school well-being patterns of migrant and native lower secondary-school students in Greece and Switzerland: A multigroup latent profile analysis approach
    (Elsevier, 13.09.2021) Kassis, Wassilis; Govaris, Christos; Chouvati, Raia; Sidler, Petra; Janousch, Clarissa; Ertanir, Beyhan [in: International Journal of Educational Research]
    We detected three very similar school well-being patterns among migrant and native students for both countries. The highest school well-being pattern for migrant and native students is derived from a combination of low levels of fear/depression and high levels of self-determination, self-efficacy, and self-esteem in conjunction with high levels of life satisfaction, general well-being, and satisfaction with grades at school. Overall, we found that higher levels of social support, as introduced via teacher support and resilience, play a great role in determining the school well-being level that a young person achieves.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift