Freivogel, Claudia

Freivogel, Claudia


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Newsletter Jahr 3 Forschungsprojekt «Intervention zur Risikoreduktion der multiplen antimikrobiell resistenten Übertragungswege»

2020-12, Visschers, Vivianne, Freivogel, Claudia

Zusammenfassung der Aktivitäten und des Outputs des dritten Projektjahres.

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Erklärungsvideo Antibiotikaresistenzen - Lebensmittel

2020, Freivogel, Claudia, Visschers, Vivianne

Erklärungsvideo für Konsument*Innen über die Verbreitung antimikrobieller Resiztenzen durch den Kontakt mit Lebensmitteln und Haustieren. Das Video zeigt welche Massnahmen ergriffen werden können, um die Übertragung resistenter Keimen zu reduzieren. Das Video wurde zusammen mit Pascale Küng, Claudia Wirth, Vanessa Feck und Stefan Holaus entwickelt. Educational video for consumers about the transmission of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria through food handling and pet care. The video explains behavioral measures that prevent the spread of resistant bacteria. The video was developed together with Pascale Küng, Claudia Wirth, Vanessa Feck and Stefan Holaus.

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Lebensmittel als mögliche Infektionsquelle von Antibiotikaresistenzen: Prädiktoren von präventivem Verhalten

2019-09-27, Freivogel, Claudia, Visschers, Vivianne

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Developing an evidence-based intervention for lay people to reduce the risks of multiple antimicrobial resistance transmission pathways

2019-03-28, Freivogel, Claudia, Lechner, Isabel, Visschers, Vivianne


Understanding the Underlying Psychosocial Determinants of Safe Food Handling among Consumers to Mitigate the Transmission Risk of Antimicrobial-Resistant Bacteria

2020-04-08, Freivogel, Claudia, Visschers, Vivianne

In this study, we aimed to explore the psychosocial factors related to consumers’ safe food-handling behaviors to reduce the transmission risk of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria through food products. To this end, we investigated the extent to which the variables of the health action process approach (HAPA) and subjective norms can predict safe food handling by consumers. Data were collected from a representative sample of consumers belonging to the German-speaking part of Switzerland by administering a self-reporting questionnaire. The results showed that risk perception, self-efficacy, and positive outcome expectancy (i.e., the motivational phase of HAPA) were significant predictors of the intentions to handle food in a safe manner (see graphical abstract below). Additionally, in the volitional phase of HAPA, intention was found to be a significant predictor of safe food-handling behaviors. Contrary to expectations based on HAPA, action planning did not mediate the intention–behavior relationship. Only a small part of the variance in behavior was explained by coping planning and action control. The findings confirmed that the motivational phase of HAPA may be useful for determining safe food handling.


Exposure pathways to antimicrobial resistance at the human-animal interface—A qualitative comparison of Swiss expert and consumer opinions

2020, Lechner, Isabel, Freivogel, Claudia, Stärk, Katharina D. C., Visschers, Vivianne

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an emerging global health concern, affecting both the animal and the human population. Transmission pathways of AMR are therefore abundant and complex, and ways to prevent or reduce transmission to consumers must be identified. The overall goal of this study was to define the content of an intervention study aimed at reducing the transmission of AMR from animal sources to humans. To identify the most relevant pathways, Swiss experts and consumers were interviewed about their opinions on the risks of transmission of AMR. Opinions of experts and consumers were then qualitatively compared and the main gaps identified. The results revealed that Swiss consumers had several misconceptions regarding the sources and transmission of AMR, and that they in particular underestimated the importance of poultry meat and pets as a potential source of AMR. Furthermore, high uncertainty was noted in experts regarding the prevalence of AMR in pets and the potential of transmission to their owners. Consequently, awareness of AMR transmission pathways should be increased among consumers to overcome common misconceptions, which will help reduce the risk of transmission. Further research is needed to better understand the pets' potential to harbor and transmit AMR to their owners, and to identify most effective methods to increase risk awareness in consumers as well as intervention strategies promoting consumer behaviors to mitigate AMR transmissions at the human-animal interface.

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Reducing the transmission risk of antimicrobial resistant germs: Swiss peoples` awareness of exposure pathways

2019-09-06, Freivogel, Claudia, Visschers, Vivianne

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Erklärungsvideo Antibiotikaresistenzen - Haustiere

2020, Freivogel, Claudia, Visschers, Vivianne

Erklärungsvideo für Konsument*Innen über die Verbreitung antimikrobieller Resiztenzen durch den Kontakt mit Haustieren. Das Video zeigt welche Massnahmen ergriffen werden können, um die Übertragung resistenter Keimen zu reduzieren. Das Video wurde zusammen mit Pascale Küng, Claudia Wirth, Vanessa Feck und Stefan Holaus entwickelt. Educational video for consumers about the transmission of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria through pet contact and care. The video explains behavioral measures that prevent the spread of resistant bacteria. The video was developed together with Pascale Küng, Claudia Wirth, Vanessa Feck and Stefan Holaus.


2. Begleitgruppentreffen: Forschungsprojekt «Intervention zur Risikoreduktion der multiplen antimikrobiellen Übertragungswege»

2019-12-11, Freivogel, Claudia, Lechner, Isabel, Visschers, Vivianne


Newsletter Jahr 2: Forschungsprojekt «Intervention zur Risikoreduktion der multiplen antimikrobiell resistenten Übertragungswege»

2019-05, Visschers, Vivianne, Freivogel, Claudia, Lechner, Isabel

Jahresübersicht des zweiten Projektjahres.