Suess, Solveig

Suess, Solveig


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Elemental Geography and Geo-Filmmaking: An Online Discussion

2021-05-03, Suess, Solveig, Bazdyrieva, Asia, Litvintseva, Sasha, Skarnulyte, Emilija, Busse, Tanya, Hsin, Su Yu, Brasiskis, Lukas, Weixian, Pan, Zhou, Xin

This section brings together the emerging female artists and artists’ collectives who represent different angles of what can be called geo-filmmaking - artistic observations of the Earth, be it imagings of the planet from non-anthropocentric perspective or investigations of the excavation of the Earth strata. By scanning and mapping the landscapes, geo-observing and counter-prospecting the featured artists critically expose the human inclination to colonize and administer the elemental and to extract natural resources from the ground. From technological and philosophical analysis of representation of the Earth, to a scrutiny of detrimental impact of extractive capitalism, the works presented in this section highlight the functioning of geocinema in the epoch of the Capitalocene. In the panel discussion following the screening, the artists will join us to discuss the potentials and limits of use of optical and sensory technology in geological and cartographic moving-image making.

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Rewrite-ability. Making the catalogue rewritable, challenging author-ities

2021, Bruder, Johannes, Sobecka, Karolina, Suess, Solveig, Kolb, Lucie, Kolb, Lucie, Weinmayr, Eva

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The Rewrite Collaborative Framework

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Environmental Machines, Datafied Earths

2021-03-24, Suess, Solveig, Bazdyrieva, Asia

The presentation will depart from the method of Geocinema, which is to examine infrastructures of earth-sensing data as forms of cinema. Drawing on their recent fieldwork on the Digital Belt and Road Initiative in China and their subsequent documentary, Making of Earths (2020), Solveig Suess and Asia Bazdyrieva will speak on the techniques of earth sensing, vast resource extraction, and present day demands aimed towards battling a future of climate change. While simple sets of data are accrued from geological to techno-political formations, they translate into the many versions of Earths. These large-scale imaging operations feed back and circulate across scales of the body, the apparatus, the landscape.

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Overland, There's Shorter Time to Dream

2020-11-23, Suess, Solveig

The low pressures in the atmosphere over the Taklamakan and Gobi deserts create windy conditions in the area during late winter and early spring. Loose top soils are picked up by westerly winds, pulling these sands into an increasingly intense Asian dust storm. Freezing all activity in its path, these storms have become an annual occurrence in western China, compared to half a century ago when each phenomenon struck only once every seven or eight years. Their movements have become an increasing threat to the bourgeoning infrastructural projects of the Belt and Road Initiative which stretch across their paths. In this talk and discussion, we begin from inside the dust storm. It is here where we learn how geographies that have long appeared in the peripheries of popular imagination, have been central in the formation of supply chain capitalism—contingent upon state support, concentration and monopolization of capital power, and the organization of weather and the environment itself. Such 'random acts of violence' brought by these storms call for an urgent need to shift our common-sense understandings and contemporary culture in ways which are both imaginary and epistemological. While the Belt and Road imaginary evokes a liquid and mobile world of commodity exchange, its political infrastructures are generating closures as much as openings, stasis as much as flow. These new geometries mark not only the geopolitical reorganization of goods, people, capital, and ideas, but also forms of resistance expressed through movements, grain by grain. The symposium will draw on Solveig’s documentary-led research into the New Silk Road, mapping these constellations through interviews, field recordings, found WeChat videos with excerpts from her documentary AAA Cargo (2018).

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Environmental Machines, Datafied Earths

2021-01-29, Suess, Solveig

The presentation will depart from the method of Geocinema, which is to examine infrastructures of earth-sensing data as forms of cinema. Drawing on their recent fieldwork on the Digital Belt and Road Initiative in China and their subsequent documentary, Making of Earths (2020), Solveig Suess and Asia Bazdyrieva will speak on the techniques of earth sensing, vast resource extraction, and present day demands aimed towards battling a future of climate change. While simple sets of data are accrued from geological to techno-political formations, they translate into the many versions of Earths. These large-scale imaging operations feed-back and circulate across scales of the body, the apparatus, the landscape.

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Critical Media Lab