Weichbrodt, Johann

Weichbrodt, Johann


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Personal Growth at Work: A case study on the interconnection of individual and collective learning

2023-05-14, Weichbrodt, Johann, Willms, Johannes

In this case study, nine employees from a consulting firm participated in a 6-month personal development program based on the Immunity-to-Change approach (Kegan & Lahey, 2009). Participants set personal growth goals, identified hidden assumptions holding them back, and conducted experiments. The case study examined the individual and organizational effects of this program. Methods included observation, interviews, as well as quantitative measurements. Results showed improvements in personal growth goals for participants and positive changes in teamwork and trust on the collective level. The work setting functioned as a "container" for personal growth, but the "container" also developed. The study suggests that personal growth in a collaborative setting can enhance cooperation and trust, benefiting both individuals and organizations.


"WorkAnywhere" - Utilizing mobile and flexible work to avoid peak traffic periods: Results of a field study with two Swiss companies

2014-07-12, Weichbrodt, Johann, Schulze, Hartmut

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Regeln und Absprachen für ein ausbalanciertes mobil-flexibles Arbeiten im Team

2023-04-04, Weichbrodt, Johann

Flexibles Arbeiten zuhause, unterwegs und vor Ort – wie bringt man dies im Team unter einen Hut? Wie gelingt die Balance zwischen Eigenverantwortung und Regulierung? Dr. Johann Weichbrodt stellt typische Herausforderungen sowie Lösungsansätze vor. Die persönliche Autonomie beim mobil-flexiblen Arbeiten ist für die meisten Menschen besonders attraktiv. Gleichzeitig braucht es aber Regelungen und Absprachen, z.B. über Erreichbarkeit, gemeinsame Präsenz vor Ort oder Kommunikationskanäle. Das produktive mobil-flexible Team muss also eine Balance aus Freiräumen und Regulierung finden. Dies hat auch Auswirkungen auf die Führungskultur. In seinem Vortrag gibt Dr. Johann Weichbrodt eine fachliche Einordnung dieser Themen im Kontext aktueller Entwicklungstrends in der Arbeitswelt. Es werden aktuelle Studienergebnisse vorgestellt, sowie ein erprobter Ansatz zum teambasierten Finden von Regelungen. Beispiele für gute und weniger gute Regulierung mobil-flexibler Arbeit werden diskutiert.


Establishment of flexible work as organizational development: Results from a qualitative case study

2018-04-13, Weichbrodt, Johann, Schulze, Hartmut, Gisin, Leila Jennifer, Tanner, Alexandra, Welge, Katrina

The introduction and establishment of flexible work can be understood as a complex organizational development (OD) phenomenon, which includes culture, leadership, policies, technology, and office design (among others). In our study “GeMobAU” (Gestaltung mobil-flexibler Arbeit in grossen und mittleren Unternehmen – Design of mobile and flexible work in large and mid-sized companies), we tried to untangle the complexity around flexible work as an OD challenge. In order to achieve this, we conducted qualitative interviews, in pairs with teams and their supervisors in 13 cases in nine different companies, in which we discussed previous experiences as well as future expectations around flexible work on each of the five dimensions. Our analysis yielded distinctly different OD processes for beginner and advanced teams and organizations: While beginners had to cope with new requirements and competencies for employees, advanced organizations and teams expressed more concern about new leadership skills and styles that were needed, as well as finding the right technological solutions for highly mobile and distributed work.