Peter, Marc K.

Marc K.
Peter, Marc K.


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Assessing the quality and impact of eHealth tools: systematic literature review and narrative synthesis

2023, Jacob, Christine, Lindeque, Johan Paul, Klein, Alexander, Ivory, Chris, Heuss, Sabina, Peter, Marc K.

Background: Technological advancements have opened the path for many technology providers to easily develop and introduce eHealth tools to the public. The use of these tools is increasingly recognized as a critical quality driver in health care; however, choosing a quality tool from the myriad of tools available for a specific health need does not come without challenges. Objective: This review aimed to systematically investigate the literature to understand the different approaches and criteria used to assess the quality and impact of eHealth tools by considering sociotechnical factors (from technical, social, and organizational perspectives). Methods: A structured search was completed following the participants, intervention, comparators, and outcomes framework. We searched the PubMed, Cochrane, Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases for studies published between January 2012 and January 2022 in English, which yielded 675 results, of which 40 (5.9%) studies met the inclusion criteria. The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines and the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions were followed to ensure a systematic process. Extracted data were analyzed using NVivo (QSR International), with a thematic analysis and narrative synthesis of emergent themes. Results: Similar measures from the different papers, frameworks, and initiatives were aggregated into 36 unique criteria grouped into 13 clusters. Using the sociotechnical approach, we classified the relevant criteria into technical, social, and organizational assessment criteria. Technical assessment criteria were grouped into 5 clusters: technical aspects, functionality, content, data management, and design. Social assessment criteria were grouped into 4 clusters: human centricity, health outcomes, visible popularity metrics, and social aspects. Organizational assessment criteria were grouped into 4 clusters: sustainability and scalability, health care organization, health care context, and developer. Conclusions: This review builds on the growing body of research that investigates the criteria used to assess the quality and impact of eHealth tools and highlights the complexity and challenges facing these initiatives. It demonstrates that there is no single framework that is used uniformly to assess the quality and impact of eHealth tools. It also highlights the need for a more comprehensive approach that balances the social, organizational, and technical assessment criteria in a way that reflects the complexity and interdependence of the health care ecosystem and is aligned with the factors affecting users’ adoption to ensure uptake and adherence in the long term.


The digital transformation of Swiss small and medium-sized enterprises: insights from digital tool adoption

2022, Kraft, Corin, Lindeque, Johan Paul, Peter, Marc K.

PurposeThe study explores the alignment of Swiss small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) managers' understanding of digital transformation, with evidence of digital tool adoption in managerial and operative work. This reveals opportunities for more fully realizing the potential of digital transformation for SMEs.Design/methodology/approachThis multiple-case study, with four theoretically sampled cases, analyzes data from the qualitative answers of 1,593 respondents to a survey of Swiss SMEs about digital transformation. The study draws on a convenience sample of Swiss SME managers.FindingsThe analysis shows little understanding of digital transformation as related to managerial work. However, there are two clear digital tool adoption patterns for managerial work: (1) workflow and workforce management and (2) work-flow and team management. Understandings of digital transformation and operative work focus on the (1) organization of operational work or (2) a combination of organization and changing the way people work. The digital tool adoption in operational work additionally focuses on the digital skills of operational employees.Research limitations/implicationsThe study is only able to identify patters of understanding of digital transformation and digital tool adoption in managerial and operative work. More research is needed to understand why these patterns are observed.Practical implicationsSME managers need to think far more carefully about aligning their vision for digital transformation and the digital tools they adopt in both managerial and operational work, but especially in managerial work.Originality/valueThis is the first empirical study of the digital transformation of Swiss SMEs and their digital tool adoption. Significant potential for alignment is revealed, suggesting potential performance gains are possible.

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IT-Sicherheit für KMU. So navigieren Sie Ihr Unternehmen sicher durch Cyber-Turbulenzen

2021, Mayencourt, Nicolas, Peter, Marc K.

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Geschäftsmodellinnovationen in Unternehmenswettbewerben

2021, Philippi, Stefan, von Büren, Deborah, Peter, Marc K.


FDI motives and city location preferences in the automotive and commercial banking industries

2023, Danes, Dan, van Eijck, Patrick, Lindeque, Johan Paul, Meyer, Mona, Peter, Marc K.

Cities remain an understudied unit of analysis for understanding the motives of multinational enterprises’ (MNE) foreign direct investment (FDI), with subnational locations in International Business (IB) research to date predominantly captured via the phenomenon of agglomeration. As regional integration projects, such as the European Union and to a lesser degree NAFTA, increasingly reduce the importance of national institutional environments, this paper argues regional and subnational levels become more important for studying MNE location choice. A qualitative deductive bottom-up multiple-case study research design is adopted to study the city location choices and FDI motives of six automotive and six commercial banking companies. These purposefully sampled manufacturing and service MNEs have different home countries and regional orientations. Data on their foreign investments across the ex-tended Triad of Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific were collected for the time period of 2000-2021. Findings suggest that different classes of city tend to attract specific types of FDI and that these patterns might vary across sectors and be influenced by the regional strategic orientations of MNEs. Industry specific findings reveal the importance of related and support industries and partners in a city location for the automotive MNEs, while the commercial banks seek investment opportunities in cities that allow acquisition targets that have an attractive customer based and will improve their local market knowledge. The findings provide evidence in support of MNEs in manufacturing and service industries perceiving the attractiveness of three city types in different ways across the Triad regions.

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Digitale Transformation, Business Model Innovation und IT-Sicherheit. Veränderung als Chance für die kontinuierliche digitale Transformation nutzen

2022, Peter, Marc K., Savoy, Valérie, Tonazzi, Mike, von Büren, Deborah, Rozumowski, Anna

Die digitale Transformation hat die Bedürfnisse, die Erwartungen und insbesondere das Verhalten der Menschen nachhaltig verändert. Um diesen Veränderungen gerecht zu werden, sind Unternehmen gefordert, ihre Strategien und Geschäftsmodelle auf die digitalen Bedürfnisse auszurichten und ihr Leistungsversprechen an den veränderten Markt anzupassen. Mit der digitalen Transformation und mit Business Innovationen können Unternehmen neue Geschäftspotenziale identifizieren, aufbauen und damit den eigenen Markterfolg stärken. Dabei gilt es, Mehrwerte für Kundinnen und Kunden zu schaffen und zeitgleich die eigene Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu steigern. Doch Transformation und Business Model Innovation bedeuten mehr, als Produktneuheiten oder neue Dienstleistungen anzubieten. Es handelt sich um die Transformation von Geschäftsmodellen. Hier gilt es auch, die möglichen Gefahren des digitalen Zeitalters rund um das Thema IT-Sicherheit zu kennen und Konzepte zur Stärkung der IT-Infrastruktur aufzubauen.

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Now you see me: a quantitative study on the effects of ad blocker usage on users’ brand perception

2021, Stallone, Valerio, Rozumowski, Anna, Pelka, Amelie, Reisig, Dominik, Pankratz, Claire, Rocha, Álvaro, Reis, José Luís, Peter, Marc K., Cayolla, Ricardo, Loureiro, Sandra, Bogdanović, Zorica

An increasing amount of Web users is turning to ad blockers to avoid ads, which Web users perceive as annoying, an invasion of privacy, or as slackening their Web experience. Ad blocker users still encounter online advertising on their Web journey although using ad blockers. While there has been significant research into factors driving ad blocker adoption, the effects of online advertising on brand perception for ad blocker users are not well understood. To approach this white space, we conduct an online survey. We build two groups, ad blocker users and non-users. We then check for significant differences in likeability toward and perceived positive image of the brands the groups saw online ads. In our analysis, we did not find any significant difference neither in the first nor in the second variable between ad blocker users and non-users for when they see online advertising. We conclude that ad blocker users remain interesting targets for advertisers.

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Das Digital Marketing Toolkit: Eine Literaturübersicht zur Identifizierung von digitalen Marketingkanälen und -plattformen

2023, Peter, Marc K., Dalla Vecchia, Martina, Dornberger, Rolf

Die digitale Transformation, die durch technologische Fortschritte und veränderte Kundenbedürfnisse vorangetrieben wird, stimuliert die Nutzung des digitalen Marketings. 11 % der Schweizer Unternehmen betrachten digitales Marketing als einen wichtigen Investitionsbereich im Rahmen ihrer Gesamtstrategie für die digitale Transformation, wobei mehr als ein Drittel der Schweizer Unternehmen derzeit in neue Vertriebs- und Marketinginstrumente investiert. Leider gibt es Umsetzungslücken zwischen Schweizer Klein- und Mittelunternehmen (KMU) und Großunternehmen (GU). Kurz gesagt, die KMU hinken den GU hinterher und nutzen im Allgemeinen deutlich weniger digitalen Marketing-Tools, -Kanäle und -Plattformen. Zu den Hindernissen, die KMU davon abhalten, mehr digitale Marketinginstrumente einzusetzen, gehören kulturelle Veränderungen, begrenzte Ressourcen/hohe Kosten, Technologie und Fachwissen. Ziel dieses Kapitels ist es, die Wissenslücke zu schließen und KMU auf der Grundlage einer Literaturübersicht einen Überblick über die wichtigsten digitalen Marketinginstrumente zu geben, um die Chancen der digitalen Technologie im Marketingbereich zu nutzen und den Abstand zu GU zu verringern. Bei der Literaturrecherche wurden neunzehn relevante Artikel ermittelt. Diese Artikel enthalten 162 Zitate von Tools, Kanälen, Plattformen und Methoden, die von KMU genutzt werden können, um die Wissenslücke zu schließen und so die Vorteile eines neuen, digitalen Marketingportfolios zu nutzen. Die vierundzwanzig individuellen digitalen Marketinginstrumente werden auf der Grundlage einer vergleichenden Analyse vorgestellt, wobei die elf am häufigsten zitierten Instrumente definiert und beschrieben werden. Es wurde Potenzial für die weitere Forschung identifiziert.

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The social media monitoring process and its role in social media strategy development

2021, Zachlod, Cécile, Peter, Marc K., Martínez-López, Francisco J., López López, David

Social media marketing is an integral part of digital marketing. It requires a strategy, user generated content and technology applications. A review of the identified German literature unveiled eighteen social media strategy frameworks, of which only three included the component of social media monitoring. This is in contrast to the English literature, where social media monitoring is evidenced in a large literature review. The research analyses and describes the eighteen identified frameworks in the German literature, validates them against a generic social media strategy framework consisting of seven components/steps; and describes the underrepresented component of social media monitoring by suggesting a four-step process.

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Neues Wissen zur digitalen Transformation. Forschungsbeiträge zu E-Government, zur Smart City und der digitalen Ökonomie

2021, Peter, Marc K.

Die von den Begutachtern – den Mitgliedern des Academic Boards DDF – gutgeheissenen Beiträge werden im jährlichen Sammelband als «Conference Proceedings» publiziert. Somit trägt das DDF mit seinen über 2'000 Teilnehmenden als wichtige Konferenz im digitalen Zeitalter dazu bei, neben den vielen Praxisvorträgen auch die neuen Erkenntnisse («neues Wissen zur Digitalen Transformation») zu den Themen E-Government, Smart City und der digitalen Ökonomie aus den Hochschulen zu vermitteln. Gleichzeitig stärkt der Academic Track das DDF als nationale, angewandte wissenschaftliche verankerte Konferenz mit Praxisrelevanz. Der erste Sammelband zum Davos Digital Forum 2020 beinhaltet Beiträge zur Smart City, digitaler Demokratie, zu digitalen Skills, der Sharing Economy und Risk 4.0.