Schwaferts, Dino

Schwaferts, Dino


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Digitale Innovation und digitale Business-Transformation im Zeitalter des digitalen Wandels

2023, Dornberger, Rolf, Schwaferts, Dino, Dornberger, Rolf

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Digital ecosystem. How companies can achieve a sustainable competitiveness in the future and the digital age

2019, Grieder, Hermann, Schwaferts, Dino, Verkuil, Arie Hans, Hinkelmann, Knut, Aeschbacher, Marc

Companies today are still highly influenced by the management theories of the indus-trial age. To be successful in the future companies need to become part of digital eco-systems where partners and customers will be co-creators. Customers and employees’ expectations are changing, and managers need to re-evaluate traditional management methods to enable companies to successfully transition into the digital era. During the transition, we will see a change from sociotechnical systems to transitional constructs that enable co-creation and collaboration. Digital Arenas will allow companies to create value outside of their industry by collaborating with other companies through APIs; this will give rise to new business models everywhere.

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Digital Economy in a Digital Society

2015-09, Schwaferts, Dino

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Digital innovation and digital business transformation in the age of digital change

2020, Dornberger, Rolf, Schwaferts, Dino, Dornberger, Rolf

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Digital Maturity Model - How companies can achieve sustainable competitiveness in the future and the digital age

2019, Fluri, Jasmin, Schwaferts, Dino, Verkuil, Arie Hans, Hinkelmann, Knut, Aeschbacher, Marc

For companies to be sustainably successful in the digital age, there are certain preconditions they must fulfill to be able to react to customer expectations and offer appropriate products or services competitively. This ability to proactively provide proper products or services within an adequate period is called Digital Maturity. To reach Dig-ital Maturity, companies must establish four preconditions: Customer Knowledge, Strategic Management, Technical Capability, and Cultural Agility. Those preconditions are called pillars of Digital Maturity. This chapter explains, why Digital Maturity concerns the whole company and requires different prerequisites on the leadership- as well as on the technical-, organizational, and cultural side of a company. The Digital Maturity assessment of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland is introduced and explains how to set up and incrementally perform a Digital Maturity assessment inside a company to continuously improve the companies’ Digital Maturity.

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Komplexitätsbewältigung mithilfe emotionaler Bewertung

2015, Schwaferts, Dino, Hüsselmann, Claus, Seidl, Jörg

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Digital Business Development – Die Agilität des digitalen Zeitalters managen

2019, Schwaferts, Dino, Gatziu Grivas, Stella

Wir sehen, dass sich mit dem Übergang in das digitale Zeitalter die Lebensweise und damit auch die Nachfrage der Kunden ändern. Wir sehen auch, dass die Digitalisierung die Unternehmensformen, den Führungsanspruch und die unternehmerischen Risiken ändert. In der Summe der derzeitigen Veränderungen entsteht so eine Komplexität, die für Unternehmen oft schwer zu greifen ist. Dieser Beitrag bringt die Veränderungen auf den Punkt, zeigt die Zusammenhänge auf und hilft den Unternehmen so, ihre Weichen so zu stellen, dass sie in der digitalen Zukunft agil sein können, aber auch gleichzeitig sattelfest bleiben.

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Digital transformation management and digital business development

2018, Schwaferts, Dino, Baldi, Shama, Dornberger, Rolf

In a study on the subject of digital transformation carried out by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland from April to May 2017, 82% of the companies stated that their driver for digital transformation was their wish to support their business processes. However, the majority of companies also stated that, in addition to the desired process support, they observed a greater impact on individual elements of the business model. The aim of this chapter is to explain these observations and their correlations, as well as to provide an approach regarding how digital transformation could be managed systematically against the background of its impact on the business model. Thereby, the terms “Digital Business Development” and “Business Stream Matrix” are used. Building on this approach of digital transformation management, the question is raised as to whether classical management concepts are still adequate to guide companies during and after digital transformation. Where there are management gaps, this chapter substantiates approaches to close these gaps. The term “digital leadership” is used. This chapter concludes with an approach to the “sociotechnical framework”, outlining and substantiating a possible form of organization to which digital transformation tends.