Schwander, Markus

Schwander, Markus


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Ausweiten - Freiräume durch partizipative Kulturprojekte mit Schulen

2019-11-21, Schwander, Markus, Z'Rotz, Tina, Hamer, Gunhild

Freiräume entstehen in partizipativen Projekten sowohl bei den Kulturschaffenden wie auch in den Schulen. Während sich für die Kunstschaffenden die Möglichkeit bietet, ihre Themen durch eine veränderte Produktionspraxis neu zu reflektieren, ermöglichen grosse partizipative Projekte den Lehrpersonen, ihre Schülerinnen und Schüler in einer veränderten Situation auf eine andere Weise wahrzunehmen. Das Projekt Safari bietet in unterschiedlichen Bereichen Möglichkeiten, solche Freiräume zu kreieren. Die Offenheit der Ausschreibung ermöglicht es den Kulturschaffenden ihre eigenen Themen in den Zusammenhang der Schule zu stellen, so auf bestehendem Wissen und Kompetenzen aufzubauen und immer wieder einen mutigen Schritt weiterzugehen.

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In which direction does research direct the artist?

2016-03-23, Caviezel, Flavia, Schwander, Markus, Murdoch, Sadie, Hagmann, Sabine

A workshop conceptualized and organised by the SARN Board members Flavia Caviezel and Markus Schwander. For many years, SARN has been conducting the debate about artistic research. In this Workshop, it will deepen the debate with new content, by examining the exhibitions Dada Anders and Ulla Von Brandenberg (Museum haus konstruktiv Zurich) as well as by hosting a talk between the artist Sadie Murdoch and the Goldsmiths alumni and artist Sabine Hagemann about Murdoch's work as lecturer and researcher at Goldsmiths College London.

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Art Research Work. 3rd conference of the Swiss Artistic Research Network SARN.

2017-12-08, Caviezel, Flavia, Schwander, Markus, Schenker, Christoph, Preisig, Barbara, Rüegger, Romy, Gisler, Priska, Mader, Rachel, Peyer, Siri, Koehle, Petra, Hürzeler, Luzia

Collaboration of the SARN Board member Flavia Caviezel with the other members and organizers on the conference concept; conducting a table talk at the SARN conference Art Research Work. The 2017 SARN Conference explored the working conditions prevailing within artistic research. In the last 20 years, an institutionalization and academization of artistic work known as “artistic research” has taken place. Arts universities are establishing research institutes, promoting PhD programs, and competing against universities for funding. Most artists only have small workloads in institution-based research. As much time is spent on projects and exhibitions as on teaching and earning a living. Although much of this work receives great symbolic recognition, it remains unremunerated. Working in such diverse contexts demands great flexibility regarding methods, skills, and the ability to reconcile several roles. The two-day SARN Conference reflected on the processes involved in institutionalizing the changing material and ideological preconditions of artistic research in recent years from the perspective of artistic researchers. The conference aimed to better understand the current situation of artistic researchers, to outline concrete ideas for future work-life strategies and for other funding and job opportunities, and to formulate concrete demands for self-determined artistic research. The Conference took place at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). In line with the conference topic, we reflected on working conditions at ZHdK’s new building.

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(SARN): Walk on the Wild Side? Questioning the Impact of Artistic Research

2015-06-18, Caviezel, Flavia, Dumond, Camille, Gisler, Priska, Mader, Rachel, Peyer, Siri, Schwander, Markus

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Digitale Ausdrucksformen im Unterricht: 3D-Druck lehren und lernen mit Portfolios

2017, Scheidig, Falk, Schwander, Markus, Berner, Nicole, Rieder, Christine

In ihrem Artikel beschreiben Falk Scheidig und Markus Schwander das Potential des 3D-Drucks im Unterricht am Beispiel von Aufgaben im Bildnerischen Gestalten. Sie formulieren didaktische Zugänge und Überlegungen zur Verwendung digitaler Portfolios.

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Eighty-Seven Questions on Artistic Research

2015, Caviezel, Flavia, Schwander, Markus