Nadai, Eva

Nadai, Eva


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  • Publikation
    Werten und Verwerten. Konventionen der Beschäftigung von Menschen mit Behinderungen in Wirtschaft und Wohlfahrtstaat
    (Springer VS, 2019) Nadai, Eva; Canonica, Alan; Gonon, Anna; Rotzetter, Fabienne; Lengwiler, Martin
    Der Wohlfahrtstaat kann die Arbeitsmarktinklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen fördern, aber die Entscheidung über die Beschäftigung liegt bei der Wirtschaft. Diese Studie untersucht die Koordination von Arbeitgebern und Invalidenversicherung in der Schweiz und fragt, wie die Wertbestimmung von Arbeitskraft in politischen und betrieblichen Arenen verhandelt wird. Sie rekonstruiert historisch und ethnografisch die Strukturen und widersprüchlichen Rechtfertigungen der beruflichen Eingliederung, die im Konzept der begrenzten freiwilligen sozialen Verantwortung von Arbeitgebern zum Ausdruck kommen.
    02 - Monographie
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    The Moralization of Labor: Establishing the Social Responsibility of Employers for Disabled Workers
    (Emerald, 2019) Nadai, Eva; Canonica, Alan; Schiller-Merkens, Simone; Balsiger, Philip [in: The Contested Moralities of Markets]
    As a “fictitious commodity” (Polanyi), that cannot be separated from the human being who is its owner, labor has a special moral significance. However, this moral quality is not a given but must be asserted in struggles over the value of labor. With the example of disabled workers in Switzerland, this paper examines the moralization of labor as a means to revalue a category of workers who range far down the labor queue. Moralization mediates the tension between the normative societal goal of inclusion for disabled people and the freedom of employers to select the most “productive” workers. Drawing on the theoretical approach of the Economics of Convention the paper analyzes the valuation frames proposed by economic and welfare state actors in political debates over the establishment of the Swiss disability insurance and the role of employers regarding occupational integration. A core concept used in negotiations of the value of disabled labor in the public arena and within individual businesses is the “social responsibility” of employers. Historically, employers’ associations successfully promoted the liberal principle of voluntary responsibility to prevent state interference in the labor market. In contrast, disability insurance argues predominantly within the market and the industrial convention to “sell” its clientele in the context of employer campaigns and case-related interactions with employers. Only recently, both sides started to reframe the employment of disabled people as a win-win affair, which would reconcile economic self-interest and the common good.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Marketing without moralising. Service orientation and employer relations in the Swiss disability insurance
    (Routledge, 2018) Nadai, Eva; Sowa, Frank; Staples, Ronald; Zapfel, Stefan [in: The transformation of work in welfare state organizations: new public management and the institutional diffusion of ideas]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Costs, risks and responsibilities. Negotiating the value of disabled labour
    (Seismo, 2018) Nadai, Eva; Gonon, Anna; Rotzetter, Fabienne [in: Swiss Journal of Sociology]
    Drawing on the theoretical framework of the Economics of Convention this paper analyses the employment of people with disabilities as a valuation process. Based on case studies and interviews in business companies and disability insurance offices it explores how employers and disability insurance determine the value of disabled workers. Since employers are not willing to alter performance standards, job design and work organisation disability insurance attains individual exceptions for its clients at best, while disabling standards remain intact.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Win-win. The deployment of disabled workers between common good and free riding
    (22.06.2017) Nadai, Eva
    The paper focuses the use of direct and indirect financial incentives, in particular temporary wage subsidies for hiring disability insurance clients and different forms of fixed term work trials to address employers. For employers, these work trials constitute free labour because workers receive disability insurance benefits instead of a salary. Again, financial incentives pose a policy (and moral) dilemma. On the one hand, they serve the common good by promoting the em-ployment of a category of workers who by themselves are not competitive in the labour market. On the other hand, private businesses profit from subsidized labour without being obliged to offer long-term regular employment. In an ethnographic study on the relations between disability in-surance and employers we found three main patterns of (not) using disabled workers: categori-cal exclusion, temporary tolerance and systematic use of subsidised labour. The paper discuss-es the function of wage subsidies and work trials for these deployment patterns and under what circumstances the use of subsidized disabled workers is framed as serving the common good or constituting ‘egotistic’ profit-seeking.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Soziale Verantwortung in ökonomischen Grenzen. Berufliche Eingliederung von Menschen mit gesundheitlichen Einschränkungen zwischen Unternehmen und Invalidenversicherung
    (Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW, 2017) Nadai, Eva; Gonon, Anna; Rotzetter, Fabienne
    In einem gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekt, das vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds finanziell gefördert wurde, haben die Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit / FHNW und das Departement Geschichte der Universität Basel die Geschichte und die aktuelle Praxis der beruflichen Eingliederung von Behinderten aus Sicht der Arbeitgeber und der IV-Stellen untersucht. Der vorliegende Kurzbericht fasst die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des sozialwissenschaftlichen Teils zusammen. In dieser Teilstudie wurde erforscht, unter welchen Umständen und in welchen Formen Unternehmen Menschen mit gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen (weiter)beschäftigen und wie die IV-Stellen die berufliche Eingliederung fördern und mit den Arbeitgebern kooperieren.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
  • Publikation
    Asymmetrische Responsibilisierung oder wie man Arbeitgeber vom Wert von „Behinderten“ überzeugt
    (Springer VS, 2017) Nadai, Eva; Bilgi, Oktay; Frühauf, Marie; Schulze, Kathrin [in: Widersprüche gesellschaftlicher Integration. Zur Transformation Sozialer Arbeit]
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift