Nadai, Eva

Nadai, Eva


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The Moralization of Labor: Establishing the Social Responsibility of Employers for Disabled Workers

2019, Nadai, Eva, Canonica, Alan, Schiller-Merkens, Simone, Balsiger, Philip

As a “fictitious commodity” (Polanyi), that cannot be separated from the human being who is its owner, labor has a special moral significance. However, this moral quality is not a given but must be asserted in struggles over the value of labor. With the example of disabled workers in Switzerland, this paper examines the moralization of labor as a means to revalue a category of workers who range far down the labor queue. Moralization mediates the tension between the normative societal goal of inclusion for disabled people and the freedom of employers to select the most “productive” workers. Drawing on the theoretical approach of the Economics of Convention the paper analyzes the valuation frames proposed by economic and welfare state actors in political debates over the establishment of the Swiss disability insurance and the role of employers regarding occupational integration. A core concept used in negotiations of the value of disabled labor in the public arena and within individual businesses is the “social responsibility” of employers. Historically, employers’ associations successfully promoted the liberal principle of voluntary responsibility to prevent state interference in the labor market. In contrast, disability insurance argues predominantly within the market and the industrial convention to “sell” its clientele in the context of employer campaigns and case-related interactions with employers. Only recently, both sides started to reframe the employment of disabled people as a win-win affair, which would reconcile economic self-interest and the common good.

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Un/Abhängigkeit, Un/Sicherheit, Emanzipation

2015, Nadai, Eva, Nadai, Eva, Nollert, Michael

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Investitionsobjekt und Emanzipationsprojekt. Migrantinnen in der Arbeitsintegration

2014, Nadai, Eva, Bangerter, Annika, Speiser, Béatrice

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Contours of the field(s). Multi-sited ethnography as a theory-driven research strategy for sociology

2009, Nadai, Eva, Maeder, Christoph, Falzon, Mark-Anthony


Asymmetrische Responsibilisierung oder wie man Arbeitgeber vom Wert von „Behinderten“ überzeugt

2017, Nadai, Eva, Bilgi, Oktay, Frühauf, Marie, Schulze, Kathrin

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"Bereitschaft zur Arbeitsaufnahme". Zur Rolle von Dokumenten in der Verwaltung von Arbeitslosigkeit

2015, Nadai, Eva, Kutscher, Nadia, Ley, Thomas, Seelmeyer, Udo

Im Rahmen des Sozialinvestitions- und Aktivierungsparadigmas ist die Praxis der Arbeitslosenversicherung und der Sozialhilfe primär auf die Eingliederung der Klientel in den Arbeitsmarkt ausgerichtet. Die „Vermittlungsfähigkeit“ der Erwerbslosen ist dabei zugleich Voraussetzung für und Ziel der Arbeit dieser Institutionen. Sie wird einerseits interaktiv und situativ zwischen Sozialarbeitenden und Erwerbslosen ausgehandelt, anderseits wird sie „interobjektiv“ mit Rekurs auf situationsunabhängige Strukturierungen abgeprüft und kategorisiert. Diese Strukturierungen sind in einer Reihe von Formularen abgelagert, die den Sozialarbeitenden als objektivierte Kategorisierungsanleitungen dienen. Zusammen mit weiteren Dokumenten bilden sie einen Textkorpus, der in der Summe den zu bearbeitenden „Fall“ konstituiert und verschiedene Funktionen erfüllt. Das Dossier ist Aushandlungsgegenstand zwischen Klient/in und Sozialarbeiter/in im Beratungsprozess, Handlungsanleitung für die Sozialarbeitenden sowie Medium der Handlungskoordination mit externen Institutionen. Überdies verknüpft es die lokale Praxis mit übergreifenden sozialpolitischen Diskursen, indem auf der Basis der mit den Fallakten erzeugten Fakten Statistiken erstellt werden, die ein Wissen um das soziale Problem der Arbeitslosigkeit hervorbringen.

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2013, Nadai, Eva, Riedi, Anna Maria, Zwilling, Michael, Benz Bartoletta, Petra Elisabeth, Aebi Zindel, Doris

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Whose Welfare − Whose Autonomy? Welfare, Work, and Care in Social Investment Practice

2016, Nadai, Eva, Liebig, Brigitte, Gottschall, Karin, Sauer, Birgit

In much of feminist theory economic independence is regarded as crucial for women’s autonomy and emancipation. However, as critics argue, the model of autonomy based on continuous labour-force participation is androcentric and class biased. For many women it is neither accessible nor desirable. Nevertheless, the productivist turn of social policy since the 1990s has actually reinforced the primacy of labour market participation by framing welfare expenditures as investments in human capital in order to stimulate economic prosperity. In social investment policy women are caught between the “farewell to maternalism” (Ann Orloff) and a “new maternalism” (Jane Jenson). The paper examines the contradictory consequences of social investment policy for women’s autonomy with the example of unemployed women with little “human capital”. For them – especially for (lone) mothers – the promise of autonomy qua labour-force participation seems even more elusive, yet activation strategy demands that they seek a job. How do the women integrate the demands of activation into their “moral economy” of work, care and personal aspirations? Welfare institutions, too, are confronted with the structural conflict between commodification and care: should they invest in the employability of women with poor job prospects or should they invest in their clients’ mothering/caring function with an eye on the development of the children as the future workforce? Given the women’s limited cultural, social and economic capital on the one hand, and institutional restrictions of the welfare system and culture on the other hand – to what extent do social investment practices aiming at labour market integration actually enhance women’s autonomy? The findings are assessed within the theoretical framework of the capability approach: autonomy is understood as genuine opportunity to lead a life according to one’s own values. In the context of compulsory activation the “capability for voice”, i.e. exit options as well as the right and opportunity to have a say in concrete measures, is especially important.

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Mutter, alleinerziehend, auf Stellensuche. Kategorisierungen und die Rationalität von Sozialinvestitionen

2014, Nadai, Eva, Karl, Ute

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Von Fällen und Formularen: Ethnographie von Sozialarbeitspraxis im institutionellen Kontext

2012, Nadai, Eva, Schimpf, Elke, Stehr, Johannes