Edinger, Eva-Christina

Edinger, Eva-Christina


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  • Publikation
    Examining Space Perceptions. Combining Visual and Verbal Data with Reactive and Non-Reactive Methods in Studies of the Elderly and Library Users
    (GESIS, 01.04.2014) Edinger, Eva-Christina [in: Historical Social Research]
    Space is characterised by both its material and its social aspects. To examine space perceptions in this holistic understanding it is crucial to combine verbal with visual data and reactive with non-reactive methods, because not every perception is verbally expressible. The article starts illustrating a socio-spatial-material concept of space. Based on this it will be displayed how a triangulative research design with visual interview stimuli, participant observation, mental maps, photo do-cumentation, and architectural analysis can enable to get new insights into spatial perceptions. This will be shown by outlining two specific research projects, the first focuses on the space experience and imaginations of elderly people, the second on space perceptions of library users. The projects with their approaches and results clarify the impact of the triangulation of visual data and non-reactive methods in the exploration of spatial perception. Furthermore, the contribution of every kind of method will be shown in the discussion of the results and unexpected findings. Finally, the article reveals in a broader context that it is important to combine text-based and visual methods, not only for the collection of data but for the presentation of research results as well.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Teach the Teachers - E-Learning in Further Education for Lecturers in Higher Education
    (IEEE, 01.10.2013) Edinger, Eva-Christina; Reimer, Ricarda T.D.; van der Vlies, Stefan [in: Technical Committee on Learning Technology. Bulletin]
    The article focuses on how lecturers in higher education use e-learning not only in a teaching role, but furthermore as learners in further education. An insight into two empirical studies concerning the use of media in e-learning contexts in general and social media and tablet use in particular built the basis. Requirements for e-learning tools as well as demands on the teaching and learning settings will be illustrated. Based on the empirical results innovative e-learning settings for further education have been designed.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Vernetzte Räume: Vom Bücherregal zur Bibliothek 2.0 - Neue Standorte und Perspektiven
    (Universitätsbibliothek Basel, 12.03.2013) Edinger, Eva-Christina; Reimer, Ricarda T.D. [in: 027.7 Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur]
    Bibliotheken erfahren im Zeitalter des Internets neue Dimensionen: Sie existieren materiell, digital und virtuell. Allerorts generieren BibliotheksnutzerInnen mittels mobiler Endgeräte ihre ganz eige­nen individuellen Räume und beteiligen sich gleichzeitig am Diskurs und sind somit Teil einer Community. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt Standorte und Perspektiven für die Vernetzung bestehender Bibliotheks­räume zu einer zukunftsweisenden Bibliothek 2.0 auf und verweist auf die Bedeutung einer interdisziplinär angelegten Information Literacy.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift