SNF Gewaltresilienz

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Im Mittelpunkt unseres vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds unterstützten Projekts, stehen die Erkennung und Steuerung der veränderbaren Gelingensbedingungen, die Resilienzprozesse sozialer Entwicklung jugendlicher SchülerInnen auf der Sekundarstufe I. Ausgehend von der Tatsache, dass Gewaltsymptomatiken in der Schule, sich zwar sehr wohl deutlich in der Schule zeigen können aber nicht zwingend auch ihren Ursprung in der Schule haben müssen, fragen wir im Rahmen dieses Projektes aus der Sicht der Resilienzforschung nach den beeinflussbaren inner- und ausserschulischen Schutz- und Belastungsfaktoren zur Förderung einer positiven sozialen Entwicklung von SchülerInnen und damit einhergehend auch zu einer Entlastung belastender Unterrichtssituationen für Lehrpersonen, MitschülerInnen und Schulen führen. Dabei ist es unser Ziel, diese Resilienzprozesse einerseits besser zu verstehen und andererseits sowohl Massnahmen zur Förderung der Schutzfaktoren wie auch zur Überwindung von Belastungen für SchülerInnen, Eltern und Lehrpersonen zu erarbeiten. Es findet hierzu eine Längsschnittstudie über 2'700 SchülerInnen und ca. 150 Schulklassen zu insgesamt vier Befragungszeitpunkten über drei Jahren, also über die gesamte Sek I Zeit statt, startend in Herbst 2020.
Während FHNW Zugehörigkeit erstellt
Zukunftsfelder FHNW
Pädagogische Hochschule FHNW
Institut Forschung und Entwicklung
Finanziert durch
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)
SAP Referenz
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds SNF
Sekundarstufe I
Fachgebiet (DDC)
Internalizing and externalizing symptoms in adolescents with and without experiences of physical parental violence, a latent profile analysis on violence resilience
(Frontiers, 31.03.2022) Aksoy, Dilan; Favre, Céline Anne; Janousch, Clarissa; Ertanir, Beyhan
Questionnaire data from a cross-sectional study on social resilience in adolescence, with a sample of N = 1,974 Swiss seventh grade high school students ages 12–14 (M = 11.76; SD = 0.65) was used to identify and compare violence resilience profiles. Person-centered latent profile analysis (LPA) was applied and allowed for the grouping of adolescents into profiles of internalizing (depression/anxiety, dissociation) and externalizing symptoms (peer aggression, peer victimization, classroom disruption) and differentiation of adolescents with (n = 403) and without (n = 1,571) physical parental violence experiences. Subsequently, a multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to further investigate the sociodemographic predictors of violence resilience profiles. With LPA, we identified four distinct profiles for both adolescent groups (with and without parental physical violence experiences). The results showed three particularly burdened profiles of adolescents, one with higher externalizing and one with higher internalizing symptoms, which did not occur simultaneously to the same extent. Furthermore, the third profile contained adolescents with both elevated internalizing and externalizing symptoms, the comorbid profile. The fourth profile consisted of the majority of adolescents, who exhibited little or no internalizing and externalizing symptoms, the so-called no/low symptomatic profile. A differentiated view of the symptoms can create added value regarding the understanding of violence resilience. Moreover, in the multinomial logistic regression, significant associations were found between the profiles and adolescents’ gender in the group of adolescents with parental physical violence experiences, but none were found in relation to sociocultural status and migration background.
01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
Exposure to intimate-partner violence and resilience trajectories of adolescents. A two-wave longitudinal latent transition analysis
(MDPI, 28.04.2023) Aksoy, Dilan; Favre, Céline Anne; Simões, Celeste
Despite the serious emotional and social consequences of adolescents’ exposure to intimate-partner violence (IPV) and the high prevalence of this exposure, few analyses have focused on person-centered models or considered psychological IPV. Studies that address exposure to violence tend to focus on physical IPV. Therefore, in this study, we examine (across two waves) the trajectories of resilience among adolescents who have witnessed psychological IPV by conducting a latent transition analysis and predicting class membership through socio-demographic and individual-level protective factors. Using a sample of 879 (T1, fall 2020) and 770 (T2, spring 2022) adolescent Swiss students with mean ages of 11.74 (SD = 0.64) and 13.77 (SD = 0.53), we identified four distinct time-invariant resilience classes: comorbid-frustrated, internalizing-frustrated, comorbid-satisfied, and resilient. The classes characterized by some level of psychopathological symptoms and basic psychological-needs frustration were the most stable over time. Furthermore, we found the four typical resilience trajectories: recovery, chronic, delayed, and improving. Gender, socioeconomic background, and protective factors showed a significant prediction of class membership in wave 1, highlighting the importance of increasing sensitivity to psychological-IPV exposure on the one hand, and reinforcing the relevance of prevention in schools regarding the promotion of protective factors on the other.
01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift