Auflistung nach Schlagwort "660 - Technische Chemie"
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Publikation Building and characterisation of a radon emanation source using a historical watch painted with radioluminescent paint containing radium(Institut Nachhaltigkeit und Energie am Bau, Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Geomatik FHNW, 27.09.2024) Grapentin, RaphaelConducting experiments with 222Rn not always requires a radon emanation source traceable to primary standards, often it is sufficient to use a well characterised radium source. In this work we present the building and characterisation of a radon emanation source using a watch with radioluminescent paint containing 226Ra. The source with 179±9 kBq 226Ra was characterised for different air flow rates between 0.05 L/min and 2 L/min. The mean radon emanation coefficient was 0.54 ± 0.19 while a dependence of radon emanation on relative air humidity was discovered.05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Characterizing particulate emissions from wood burning appliances including secondary organic aerosol formation potential(Elsevier, 31.08.2017) Keller, Alejandro; Burtscher, HeinzBiomass burning is a major contributor to environmental particulate matter pollution and should therefore be contemplated by emission control legislation. However, policy decisions for improving air quality by imposing emission limits are only as good as the selected metric. We discuss an approach that incorporates recent scientific results and is compatible with type-approval testing and field measurements. We include potential secondary organic aerosol (SOA) by aging emissions in an oxidation flow reactor. Quantification is done by particle-bound total carbon analysis. Total carbon is the fraction relevant to combustion quality and a better marker for toxicity than total particulate matter, which also includes salts and ashes. The data is complemented by on-line size distribution measurements. We exemplify our approach by showing measurements performed on a variety of appliances. Our measurements suggest that non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) species with very low volatility are responsible for most of the SOA. Condensing and precipitating this fraction significantly reduces SOA potential but has no noticeable impact on total NMHC. Thus, key precursors of SOA may be a much smaller subset than previously thought. Targeting this fraction could be a straightforward SOA mitigation strategy. These results could not have been derived using the current standard emission control metrics.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Damping of selective-laser-melted NiTi for medical implants(Springer, 2014) de Wild, Michael; Meier, Fabian; Bormann, Therese; Howald, Chaim; Müller, BertNiTi exhibits distinct damping properties associated with the martensite-austenite transformation. We fabricated net-shape NiTi parts layer-by-layer using a laser beam that locally melted the NiTi powder. The damping properties of such NiTi parts were analyzed by the decay of cantilever vibrations in comparison to conventionally prepared NiTi. The dynamic modulus as a function of the temperature was derived from the resonant frequency. We found that the two cantilevers showed a damping ratio of about 0.03 at temperatures below austenite start, maximal values of up to 0.04 in the transformation regions and low values of about 0.005 above austenite finish. The results indicate that selective-laser-melted NiTi qualifies for the fabrication of shock-absorbing medical implants in the same manner than conventionally produced NiTi.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Equation of state and thermodynamic properties for mixtures of H2O,O2, N2, and CO2 from ambient up to 1000 K and 280 MPa(Elsevier, 05.03.2019) Mangold, Fabienne; Pilz, Stephan; Bjelic, Sasa; Vogel, FrédéricSupercritical water oxidation (SCWO) is an effective technique to treat wet organic wastes. Its modeling requires an accurate calculation of thermodynamic properties. In this work an equation of state (EOS) is proposed which accurately predicts the thermodynamic state of mixtures of water, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide for a wide range of compositions, temperatures, and pressures including supercritical conditions. The EOS includes a volume translation, an evolved alpha-function and non-quadratic mixing rules. The introduced parameters are regressed to experimental data. From the pressure-explicit EOS, enthalpy, specific heats at constant volume and constant pressure, and fugacity coefficients are derived and calculated. The binary mixtures H2O/O2, H2O/N2, H2O/CO2, N2/CO2 as well as the ternary mixture H2O/O2/N2 are well predicted by the proposed EOS with relative errors below 10% and 15%, respectively. The region of low temperature and high pressure is most difficult to predict with relative errors up to 20%.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Holzvergasung von PU-verleimtem Restholz(Hochschule für Technik FHNW, 24.06.2024) Oester, Marc; Batu, Shevin; Baumann, Mario; Kamber, Sebastian; Wacker, Gian; Mandaliev, Petar; Dr. Horst MatzkeDie Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen, dass die Verwertung von PU verleimtem Restholz aus der Verarbeitung von Holzprodukten in einem lokalen Holzheizkraftwerk wie der LiPRO Anlage der Flück AG eine vielversprechende und ökologisch sowie ökonomisch sinnvolle Verwertungsmöglichkeit darstellen kann. Das anfallende Restholz unterscheidet sich hinsichtlich der Holzart (hauptsächlich Tanne und Fichte) nicht von naturbelassenen Waldholzhackschnitzeln. Ein Teil des Restholzes enthält Polyurethanleim aus der Verleimung der Holzkomponenten. Bei einer angenommenen Leimfugendicke von durchschnittlich 0.1 mm ergeben sich für die gängigsten Restholzstücke aus dem Abbundbetrieb der Flück AG durchschnittliche Mengen von < 0.6 bis < 11.9 Liter PU-Leim pro Kubikmeter Holz. Eine Vorbehandlung des Holzes bei diesen geringen Mengen PU-Leim zur Entfernung der Leimschicht ist nach heutigem Stand der Technik weder ökologisch noch ökonomisch sinnvoll. Die Auswertung der externen Messungen hat gezeigt, dass bei der Verbrennung und Vergasung von naturbelassenen Holzschnitzeln im Holzheizkraftwerk der Firma Flück AG Emissionswerte resultieren, welche die Vorgaben der LRV deutlich unterschreiten. Für die überwiegende Zahl der Parameter existieren jedoch keine LRV-Grenzwerte für den gemessenen Anlagentyp (siehe Bericht NoxaQuant, Anhang F). Es ist denkbar, dass auch für PU-verleimtes Restholz die Emissionswerte im gesetzlich gegebenen Rahmen bleiben. Dies sollte allerdings für verschiedene Kombinationen von Holzresten überprüft werden.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Hydrothermale Karbonisierung von Klärschlamm und Gülle im Labormassstab(Hochschule für Technik FHNW, 18.08.2023) Egolf, Tim; Vogel, FrédéricIn der Schweiz entspricht das gesamte jährliche, energetische Potential, welches chemisch in Klärschlamm gebunden ist rund 5 PJ. Bei Gülle und Mist sind es knapp 49 PJ. Da Klärschlamm verbrannt werden muss, wird dieser vorab mechanisch entwässert und teilweise noch thermisch getrocknet. Besonders der zweite Schritt der Trocknung benötigt dabei viel Energie, weshalb alternative Möglichkeiten gesucht werden, den Klärschlamm für die Verbrennung aufzubereiten. Auch für überschüssige Gülle, welche nicht zum Düngen auf landwirtschaftlichen Feldern genutzt werden kann, würde sich eine solche Aufbereitung und anschliessende Nutzung als Brennstoff anbieten. Dies wäre besonders auch interessant, wenn in Zukunft durch vermehrtes Nährstoffrecycling einem Teil der Gülle die Funktion als Düngemittel verloren gehen würde. Ein alternatives Verfahren zur Entwässerung nasser Biomasse stellt die hydrothermale Karbonisierung (HTC) dar. In einem Reaktor wird das Substrat typischerweise bei 200 °C und 20 bar Druck innert weniger Stunden in einen braunkohleartigen Festbrennstoff umgewandelt. Dies gelingt, indem hauptsächlich durch Hydrolyse- und Dehydratisierungsreaktionen chemisch gebundenes Wasser und CO2 von der Biomasse abgeschieden werden. Dabei verringert sich die Molekülgrösse, der Kohlenstoffanteil steigt und damit auch der Brennwert. In einer Reihe von HTC-Batchversuchen mit Klärschlamm und Gülle im Labor wurde die Aufkonzentrierung des Trockensubstanzgehalts der Biomasse sowie deren Ansäuerung mit verdünnter Schwefelsäure untersucht. Dafür wurde ein Labordruckreaktor des Modells «kiloclave» von der Firma Büchi AG verwendet. Im Vordergrund der Untersuchungen stand die energetische Nutzung der erhaltenen Karbonisate. Die Ergebnisse wurden wo möglich jeweils mit Resultaten einer kontinuierlich arbeitenden Pilotanlage der Firma Mehli in Chur verglichen. Dabei musste berücksichtigt werden, dass gewisse Parameter wie zum Beispiel der Trockensubstanzgehalt der Ausgangssubstrate, nicht immer bei beiden Systemen identisch waren. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass durch die Trockensubstanz-Aufkonzentrierung mehr Energie von der Ausgangs-Biomasse in das Karbonisat überführt werden konnte, da sich besonders auch mehr Feststoffmasse vom Klärschlamm, beziehungsweise der Gülle im Karbonisat wiederfand. Durch eine Ansäuerung der Biomasse liess sich die Massenausbeute hingegen kaum verbessern. Die Brennwerte der Karbonisate waren über alle Versuche hinweg höher als jene der entsprechenden Ausgangssubstrate. Durch die Aufkonzentrierung und die Ansäuerung konnten jedoch nur kleine Steigerungen erreicht werden. Maximal wurde durch die Ansäuerung auf pH 2.0 eine Steigerung von 1.1 MJ/kg für Karbonisat aus Klärschlamm und 0.3 MJ/kg für Karbonisat aus Gülle erzielt. Daraus wurde abgeleitet, dass sich die Trockensubstanz-Aufkonzentrierung zur energetischen Optimierung des HTC-Karbonisats besser eignet als die Ansäuerung. Es muss jedoch berücksichtigt werden, dass sich dadurch auch mehr Organik im Prozesswasser löst und dieses dadurch stärker belastet ist. Es dürfte also auch schwieriger werden, dieses Nebenprodukt für die Einleitung in eine Abwasserreinigungsanlage aufzubereiten. Der Einsatz von Schwefelsäure schien sich zwar für die energetische Optimierung der HTC-Karbonisate nicht zu eignen, jedoch wären hierzu weitere Untersuchungen in Bezug auf die stoffliche Verwertung der Karbonisate interessant. So wurde in einer anderen Studie zum Beispiel eine bessere Löslichkeit von Phosphor in Zusammenhang mit einer Säurezugabe zur Biomasse beobachtet. IV Bei den Verbrennungsversuchen in einem Einzelpelletofen wurde festgestellt, dass der Grenzwert für Stickoxid-Emissionen von Holzfeuerungen mit allen HTC-Karbonisaten deutlich überschritten werden. Der Kohlenstoffmonoxid-Grenzwert wird zwar eingehalten, ist bei den Gülle-Karbonisaten aber um ein Vielfaches höher als bei Holz oder Klärschlamm-Karbonisat. Aus diesen Erkenntnissen lässt sich sagen, dass die untersuchten HTC-Karbonisate nicht für eine herkömmliche Holzfeuerung geeignet sind. Für die Verbrennung sind stickoxidreduzierende Massnahmen nötig wie beispielsweise das Einspritzen von Ammoniak zur Reduktion von NOx zu elementarem Stickstoff. Um die hohen CO-Emissionen bei den Karbonisaten aus Gülle zu senken, könnte zum Beispiel noch eine Abgasrückführung umgesetzt werden, um Kohlenstoffmonoxid in einem zweiten Schritt vollständig zu CO2 zu oxidieren.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Identification of organic acids in secondary organic aerosol and the corresponding gas phase from chamber experiments(American Chemical Society, 15.10.2004) Fisseha, Rebeka; Dommen, Josef; Sax, Mirjam; Paulsen, Dwane; Kalberer, Markus; Maurer, Rolf; Höfler, Frank; Weingartner, Ernest; Baltensperger, UrsOrganic acids in the gas and aerosol phase from photooxidation of 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene in the presence of 300 ppb propene and 300 ppb NOx in smog chamber experiments were determined using a wet effluent diffusion denuder/aerosol collector coupled to ion chromatography (IC) with conductivity detection. Behind the IC, the samples were collected using a fraction collector, for identification of unresolved/unidentified organic acids with IC-mass spectrometry (MS). In total, 20 organic acids were found with MS of which 10 were identified. The organic acids identified offline by IC-MS were then further quantified based on the online IC data. The identification was additionally confirmed with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. At the maximum aerosol concentration, organic acids comprised 20-45% of the total aerosol mass. The method has a detection limit of 10-100 ng/m3 for the identified carboxylic acids.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Non-volatile particle emissions from aircraft turbine engines at ground-idle induce oxidative stress in bronchial cells(Nature, 05.03.2019) Jonsdottir, Hulda R.; Delaval, Mathilde; Leni, Zaira; Keller, Alejandro; Brem, Benjamin T.; Siegerist, Frithjof; Schönenberger, David; Durdina, Lukas; Elser, Miriam; Burtscher, Heinz; Liati, Anthi; Geiser, MarianneAircraft emissions contribute to local and global air pollution. Health effects of particulate matter (PM) from aircraft engines are largely unknown, since controlled cell exposures at relevant conditions are challenging. We examined the toxicity of non-volatile PM (nvPM) emissions from a CFM56-7B26 turbofan, the world’s most used aircraft turbine using an unprecedented exposure setup. We combined direct turbine-exhaust sampling under realistic engine operating conditions and the Nano-Aerosol Chamber for In vitro Toxicity to deposit particles onto air–liquid-interface cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) at physiological conditions. We evaluated acute cellular responses after 1-h exposures to diluted exhaust from conventional or alternative fuel combustion. We show that single, short-term exposures to nvPM impair bronchial epithelial cells, and PM from conventional fuel at ground-idle conditions is the most hazardous. Electron microscopy of soot reveals varying reactivity matching the observed cellular responses. Stronger responses at lower mass concentrations suggest that additional metrics are necessary to evaluate health risks of this increasingly important emission source.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation On the effects of organic matter and sulphur-containing compounds on the CCN activation of combustion particles(Copernicus, 2005) Petzold, Andreas; Gysel, Martin; Vancassel, Xavier; Hitzenberger, Regina; Puxbaum, Hans; Vrochticky, S.; Weingartner, Ernest; Baltensperger, Urs; Mirabel, PhilippeThe European PartEmis project (Measurement and prediction of emissions of aerosols and gaseous precursors from gas turbine engines) was focussed on the characterisation and quantification of exhaust emissions from a gas turbine engine. The combustion aerosol characterisation included on-line measurements of mass and number concentration, size distribution, mixing state, thermal stability of internally mixed particles, hygroscopicity, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation potential, and off-line analysis of chemical composition. Based on this extensive data set, the role of sulphuric acid coating and of the organic fraction of the combustion particles for the CCN activation was investigated. Modelling of CCN activation was conducted using microphysical and chemical properties obtained from the measurements as input data. Coating the combustion particles with water-soluble sulphuric acid, increases the potential CCN activation, or lowers the activation diameter, respectively. The adaptation of a Köhler model to the experimental data yielded coatings from 0.1 to 3 vol-% of water-soluble matter, which corresponds to an increase in the fraction of CCN-activated combustion particles from ≤10‾⁴ to ≌10‾² at a water vapour saturation ratio Sw=1.006. Additional particle coating by coagulation of combustion particles and aqueous sulphuric acid particles formed by nucleation further reduces the CCN activation diameter. In contrast, particles containing a large fraction of non-volatile organic compounds grow significantly less at high relative humidity than particles with a lower content of non-volatile OC. The resulting reduction in the potential CCN activation with an increasing fraction of non-volatile OC becomes visible as a trend in the experimental data. While a coating of water-soluble sulphuric acid increases the potential CCN activation, or lowers the activation diameter, respectively, the non-volatile organic compounds, mainly found at lower combustion temperatures, can partially compensate this sulphuric acid-related enhancement of CCN activation of carbonaceous combustion aerosol particles.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Online gas and aerosol measurement of water soluble carboxylic acids in Zurich(Wiley, 2006) Fisseha, Rebeka; Dommen, Josef; Gäggeler, Kathrin; Weingartner, Ernest; Samburova, Vera; Kalberer, Markus; Baltensperger, UrsWe discuss the diurnal and seasonal variability of low molecular weight organic acids in Zurich city on the basis of online quasi‐continuous measurement in the gas and aerosol phase using a wet effluent diffusion denuder/aerosol collector (WEDD/AC) coupled to ion chromatography. The measurements were performed during August–September 2002 and March 2003. Acetic acid exhibited the highest concentration in the gas phase during all the measurement periods, followed by formic acid. Oxalic acid was predominantly found in the aerosol phase and often below the detection limit in the gas phase. In addition, filter samples were analyzed using ion chromatography–mass spectrometry (IC‐MS) to provide more information on organic acids in the aerosol phase. From the offline IC‐MS measurements, 20 monocarboxylic, dicarboxylic, and tricarboxylic acids were determined. In addition, more than 20 different masses were detected with the MS; however, identification of the organic acids was not possible. The sum of the carboxylic acids contributed on average 2% to the water soluble organic carbon (WSOC). The fraction of dicarboxylic acids to the WSOC was higher in summer compared to winter suggesting that dicarboxylic acids are mainly a result of photochemical reactions in summer whereas in winter they mainly result from primary sources.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Responses of reconstituted human bronchial epithelia from normal and health-compromised donors to non-volatile particulate matter emissions from an aircraft turbofan engine(Elsevier, 15.08.2022) Delaval, Mathilde N.; Jonsdottir, Hulda R.; Leni, Zaira; Keller, Alejandro; Brem, Benjamin T.; Siegerist, Frithjof; Schönenberger, David; Durdina, Lukas; Elser, Miriam; Salathe, Matthias; Baumlin, Nathalie; Lobo, Prem; Burtscher, Heinz; Liati, Anthi; Geiser, MarianneHealth effects of particulate matter (PM) from aircraft engines have not been adequately studied since controlled laboratory studies reflecting realistic conditions regarding aerosols, target tissue, particle exposure and deposited particle dose are logistically challenging. Due to the important contributions of aircraft engine emissions to air pollution, we employed a unique experimental setup to deposit exhaust particles directly from an aircraft engine onto reconstituted human bronchial epithelia (HBE) at air-liquid interface under conditions similar to in vivo airways to mimic realistic human exposure. The toxicity of non-volatile PM (nvPM) from a CFM56-7B26 aircraft engine was evaluated under realistic engine conditions by sampling and exposing HBE derived from donors of normal and compromised health status to exhaust for 1 h followed by biomarker analysis 24 h post exposure. Particle deposition varied depending on the engine thrust levels with 85% thrust producing the highest nvPM mass and number emissions with estimated surface deposition of 3.17 × 109 particles cm−2 or 337.1 ng cm−2. Transient increase in cytotoxicity was observed after exposure to nvPM in epithelia derived from a normal donor as well as a decrease in the secretion of interleukin 6 and monocyte chemotactic protein 1. Non-replicated multiple exposures of epithelia derived from a normal donor to nvPM primarily led to a pro-inflammatory response, while both cytotoxicity and oxidative stress induction remained unaffected. This raises concerns for the long-term implications of aircraft nvPM for human pulmonary health, especially in occupational settings.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Seasonal and diurnal characteristics of water soluble inorganic compounds in the gas and aerosol phase in the Zurich area(Copernicus, 2006) Fisseha, Rebeka; Dommen, Josef; Gutzwiller, Lukas; Weingartner, Ernest; Gysel, Martin; Emmenegger, C.; Kalberer, Markus; Baltensperger, UrsGas and aerosol samples were taken using a wet effluent diffusion denuder/aerosol collector (WEDD/AC) coupled to ion chromatography (IC) in the city of Zurich, Switzerland from August to September 2002 and in March 2003. Major water soluble inorganic ions; nitrate, sulfate, and nitrite were analyzed online with a time resolution of two hours for the gas and aerosol phase. The fraction of water soluble inorganic anions in PM10 varied from 15% in August to about 38% in March. Seasonal and diurnal variations of nitrate in the gas and aerosol phase were observed with more than 50% of the total nitrate in the gas phase during August and more than 80% of nitrate in the aerosol phase during March exceeding the concentration of sulfate by a factor of 2. Aerosol sulfate, on the other hand, did not show significant variability with season. However, in the gas phase, the SO2 concentration was 6.5 times higher in winter than in summer. Nitrous acid (HONO) also showed a diurnal variation in both the gas and aerosol phase with the lowest concentration (0.2–0.6 µg/m³) in the afternoon. The primary pollutants, NO, CO and SO2 mixing ratios were often at their highest between 04:00–10:00 local time due to the build up of fresh vehicle emission under a nocturnal inversion.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Thermokinetic model of hydroxylamine decomposition in the catalytic oxidation of ammonia with titanium silicalite-1(Hochschule für Life Sciences FHNW, 23.10.2020) Walthert, Florian; Zogg, Andreas; Fabian Meemken LonzaHydroxylamine is a key molecule for some important chemical processes. An example is the synthesis of ε-caprolactam, which is required for the production of Nylon. Since hydroxylamine decomposes thermally, its transport and storage are problematic. It is also problematic for the synthesis of hydroxylamine from ammonia with titanium silicalite-1. The goal of this study was to investigate the exothermic decomposition reaction. The heat of the reaction was measured in multiple DSC experiments. During the decompo sition, vast quantities of gases are released. To measure the pressure rise, an explosion reactor was employed. Three reaction hypotheses have been tested. With the use of a mathematical model one hypothesis could be proven. The material in uence on the de composition reaction was examined for PEEK, stainless steel and hastelloy C22. From the DSC measurements, a descriptive model and isoconversional kinetics were obtained.11 - Studentische Arbeit