Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures
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Publikation Soothing lag on osi reference model layer 3(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Stucki, Michael; Bedö, ViktorIn the interactive video installation, visitors trigger the playback of a live stream from Tokyo, interspersed with live streams of video surveillance from data centres. The rhythm of these overlaying livestreams is dictated by a traceroute-command from the installation's location to a server in Japan, creating a tangible manifestation of lag. This project redefines infrastructural properties, shifting our perspective from seeing them as mere constraints to recognizing their affordances and capabilities. By disrupting the seamless experience of the internet, the installation transforms lag into a joyful reminder of our everyday digital interactions. The materiality and rhythm of the video itself are enhanced through decompression artifacts and framebuffering the user interaction, weaving a complex, interactive tapestry. This installation highlights the anxieties and dependencies on our complex and often incomprehensible technological systems, inviting viewers to perceive lag as a meaningful aspect of digital infrastructure.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Reviving matter. Stories in material(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Krättli, Leonard; Bruder, JohannesWhat happens with the remains of housing infrastructure when buildings are demolished? Today's architectural discourse deals intensively with the issue of wasteful demolition. Countless and very interesting concepts are being developed to extend the life cycle of materials. Whether existing buildings can be reused and extended as much as possible instead of being replaced with a new building is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, there is the reality of construction with very well-established processes in planning and labour contracting that are somewhat resistant to change. This means that there is still a lot of building waste, which is constantly piling up because of the building culture of the last few decades. The materials to be seen in this space are typically considered as waste with not further use. Reviving Matter takes up the basic principle of careful handling to revive, join, and bind materials that would normally go to landfills or burn.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Toolkit for other worldings(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Nuñez Fuentes, Daniela; Pritchard, HelenWe design what designs us: individually, collectively and planetary. How can we reorient our design practice at times of great change and challenge like the ones we live in? Divided into three parts, this research exploration first departs and revisits Victor Papanek’s definition of design and the evolution of his thought reflected in the changes he published in the second edition of his book “Design for the Real World”. It explores how this evolution of thought is connected to the awareness of our own subjectivity as a fundamental factor to our design making, thus to our world making. Second, it engages decolonial theory in relation to design practice as a framework to illuminate our subconscious subjectivities and how we reproduce them in our practice, proposing border-thinking as a field for potential new openings and other practice orientations. In the third part, it links the development and integration of this subjectivity awareness to the body-knowing and erotic knowledge epistemologies, staging somatic practices as fertile tools to approach design making otherwise. This research project culminates in a speculative space inspired in health practices from worlds outside the modern/colonial world. Envisioned as a rehearsal of a possible future, where health services embrace the needs of the physical body as much as the needs of the psychic body and soul. A holistic approach in which our inner worlds are welcome as much as it is a practice of communing and collective health.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Research read friendship(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Ledebur de Antas de Campos, Mariana; Pritchard, HelenHow wonderful it is, / To be rehearsing research in this academic bubble, / Where my~our emotions are welcome, / naps are welcome, / dramatization is welcome, / exploration is welcome, / and a cease fire is craved for. / Where there is a web of soft and warm people / Holding a space for me~us, / Who listen and react, / In ways that feel dignified and empowered, / Creating a web of learning that are based on sharing, / circulating, multiplying,,, For Research read Friendship, experiments of heavy / processing~permissions~reminders on / research~friendship~polyamory~de~anticoloniality have been materialized / through writing~calligraphy~encryption~material exploration. Black and queer feminists have fought and worked for autotheory to have a place inside a sterile academia. Thanks to them I~we can explore themes of personal relevance, the materialization of objects with personal meaning and practices of attuning of sensorial nature. Generating meaning in my own life and sharing with friendships who want to join playing.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Point of view(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Lerner, Carolin; Bruder, JohannesEntering the digital realm creates a data persona, resulting in an uncanny and often unpleasant co-existence of biological and data selves. To conduct an auto-ethnography, I examine this state of being by utilizing a dataset of screenshots which, generated by an automatized screen capture process of my phone, freezes my Point of View at regular intervals. This visual form of data, captured on a random, subconscious level, mirrors unremarkable everyday interactions and archives snapshots in the relentless circulation of data. The analysis of the screenshots reveals that my data self only partially represents my biological self, bringing about a number of "glitching selves" as artefacts of attempts at having my data persona and my biological self converge. By curating screenshots as tangible data artefacts, I illustrate the data glut – excess data produced in trying to merge my digital and biological selves. This excess can become mere junk, emphasizing the absurdity of my data glut or the source of an escape from being only one self.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation My little dystopia. If we could change the world(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Nhieu, Fiona; Mbuti, AnnWie wird sich das Leben weiterentwickeln? Kunststoffe und Industriechemikalien sind zu einem integralen Bestandteil der Natur geworden. Eine dystopische Vision zeigt ein mutiertes Ökosystem, in dem plastikfressende Organismen und chemikalienresistente Pflanzen koexistieren. Diese post-anthropozänen Lebensformen werden in einer Web-Enzyklopädie dokumentiert. Die Installation zielt darauf ab, Wissen durch kreatives Design zugänglich zu machen und die Rolle von Gestalter:innen in der Vermittlung wissenschaftlicher Forschung hervorzuheben. Es handelt sich um eine kollaborative, immersive und interaktive Installation, die experimentelle Design-Tools verwendet, um ein dystopisches Traum-Ökosystem zu veranschaulichen. Das Konzept der Installation umfasst drei interaktive Räume: Einschlafen, Träumen und Aufwachen. Mithilfe von Projektionen, Sound, digitalen und analogen Werkzeugen wie 3D-Animationen, kinetischen Objekten, virtueller Realität und künstlicher Intelligenz sollen ökologische Konsequenzen sichtbar gemacht werden, um zum Nachdenken und Handeln zu provozieren.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation While the sun rises, so does the moon. Searching for the musical «mother-tongue» – Indonesian traditional music combined with western techniques(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Leclaire, Agnes; Mbuti, Ann; Shärifulla, StasTo deconstruct entrenched thought patterns, habits, decision-making processes, and production methods in music, it is necessary to take the time to delve into the colonial history of Indonesia and question the origins of certain definitions. Understanding these ongoing, often invisible consequences is essential to addressing the global and digital challenges that musicians face today. In this project Sun and Moon represent spatiality, simultaneity, change of perspective, interdependence, and symbiosis. Dealing with the topic of preserving a time-honored tradition of gamelan music and its authenticity, without falling into the trap of «romanticizing» the past, lead to the question how two (musical) realities can be reinterpreted and merged. As Wahono (Uwalmassa) said: «There’s really no staying true to gamelan because it keeps evolving and changing. We’re experimenting with something that’s already been modified several times so the only authenticity that we need to maintain is to continue developing and innovating.»11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Stay dear body. Eine räumlich und körperlich erfahrbare Erzählform(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Lüthi, Cyril; Cogni, Francesca; Walthard, CatherineDiese Bachelor-Arbeit dokumentiert die Entwicklung einer eigenen künstlerischen Sprache und Thematik. Das Resultat ist eine Installation zur Erfahrbarkeit von Depression mit dem Titel «Head in a Box». In dieser wird versucht, durch körperliche und räumliche Erfahrungen den Verständnishorizont zu erweitern. Ziel ist es, eine empathische Basis zu schaffen, die den Austausch über Depression erleichtern soll.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Non-human perspectives. Nachhaltigkeitserzählung in Beziehung bringen(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Rubitschung, Moritz; Schweizer, PaulThe current pedagogical framework, dominated exclusively by human educators, is examined through the lens of ecological interconnectedness and the potential of non-human perspectives and knowledge. Inclusion of non-human teachers, emphasizing the importance of co-learning and co-existence, is laying the groundwork for a more inclusive and resilient approach to education and sustainability.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation (In)visible borders. Wie zugänglich ist die Regelstruktur von Hochschulen in der Schweiz für Personen mit Fluchterfahrung(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2024) Riek, Antonie; Reden, Tina OmayemiDiese Bachelor-Arbeit befasst sich mit der Zugänglichkeit von Hochschulen in der Schweiz für Personen mit Fluchterfahrung. Sie bezieht sich auf Menschen mit dem Aufenthaltsstatus B, N, F, S sowie auf Menschen ohne legalisierten Aufenthaltsstatus (Sans-Papiers). Es werden die verschiedenen Hürden aufgezeigt und mögliche Ansätze für Veränderung dargelegt. Dabei ist wichtig zu erwähnen, dass Diskriminierung und Ausschliessung von Personen mit Fluchterfahrung nicht isoliert im Hochschulkontext betrachtet werden kann, sondern als Teilaspekt innerhalb diskriminierender Strukturen in einer postkolonialen, kapitalistischen Gesellschaft. Fluchtursachen sind meist auf Ausbeutung, Kolonialismus und Kapitalismus zurückzuführen. Mit dieser Arbeit möchte ich diskriminierende Strukturen im Bildungs- sowie Asylwesen in der Schweiz aufzeigen und mögliche Veränderungen diskutieren.11 - Studentische Arbeit