Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures
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2 Ergebnisse
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Publikation Three-Tier Garden: More-than-Human Choreographies in the Post-COVID City(11.01.2023) Ampatzidou, Cristina; Ntourakos, Ektor; Bedö, ViktorThe Three-Tier Garden is a more-than-human design research project exploring shared urban gardens as places for healing and recovery from the traumatic ruptures caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. It builds on the rapidly growing interest among urban residents in engaging with natural environments, particularly during the period of restrictions. It explores design opportunities for individual and collective posttraumatic growth by strengthening the sense of belonging and grounding, primarily through what we call mutual choreographies: how gardens and gardeners shape each other’s lives through the temporal and socio-spatial infrastructures of the garden.10 - Elektronische-/ WebpublikationPublikation I Am a Nettle: Approaching More-than-Human Service Design(MoTH Cities, 01/2022) Bedö, Viktor; Heitlinger, SaraThe workshop title ‘Data Interactions In The More-than-Human Smart City’ on the first reading suggests questions about sensor types, algorithms, interfaces, devices, apps, mobility solutions and what they afford to hedgehogs. I would argue that the workshop goes far beyond that in not only investigating knowledge embodied in design, but the frontiers of the knowable for designers’ bodies.04A - Beitrag Sammelband