Institut Forschung und Entwicklung
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11 Ergebnisse
Ergebnisse nach Hochschule und Institut
Publikation How do professional development programs on comparing solution methods and classroom discourse affect students' achievement in mathematics? The mediating role of students’ subject matter justifications(Elsevier, 2022) Mok, Sog Yee; Hämmerle, Christian S.; Rüede, Christian; Staub, FritzComparing solution methods fosters strategy flexibility in equation solving. Productive classroom discourse such as Accountable Talk (AT) orchestrated by teachers can improve students’ justifications during classroom discussions and achievement. Do students’ subject matter justifications during classroom discourse mediate the effect of teachers’ professional development (PD) programs focused on comparing and AT on students’ mathematics achievement? We investigated whether two PD programs (comparing or comparing+AT) compared to a control group increased the number of students justifications, and whether this affected mathematics achievement (strategy flexibility, procedural knowledge, and conceptual knowledge). The study (739 9th and 10th grade students in 39 classes) had an experimental pre-post control group design. Both PD programs significantly increased students justifications compared to the control group. The results of our multilevel path models showed significant small mediation effects in the comparing+AT group on procedural and conceptual knowledge. No mediation effects were found in the comparing group.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Does coaching, mentoring, and supervision matter for pre-service teachers’ planning skills and clarity of instruction? A meta-analysis of (quasi-) experimental studies(Elsevier, 2021) Mok, Sog Yee; Staub, FritzDuring the practicum, pre-service teachers (PSTs) practice instructional skills such as lesson planning and clarity of instruction. Different approaches to assisting PSTs with coaching, mentoring, or supervision have been developed to improve PSTs' instructional skills. We conducted a meta-analysis based on quasi-experimental and experimental studies. The results showed a small and significant overall effect of coaching, mentoring, or supervision on instructional skills (d = 0.41). Cooperating teachers' or supervisors' cognitive modeling (i.e., making cognitive processes explicit and demonstrating teaching-related practices) of lesson planning and teaching practices was a significant moderator (d = 0.90). Implications for initial teacher education are discussed.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Advancing teacher learning through pre-lesson conferences between mentor and student teachers(18.06.2014) Staub, Fritz; Waldis Weber, Monika; Schatzmann, Sina; Futter, Kathrin06 - PräsentationPublikation Unterrichtsbesprechungen als Lerngelegenheiten im Praktikum(Waxmann, 2014) Staub, Fritz; Waldis Weber, Monika; Futter, Kathrin; Schatzmann, Sina; Arnold, Karl-Heinz; Gröschner, Alexander; Hascher, Tina04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Talk among experts and novices - nature of mentor teachers assistance and its effects on student teachers learning in school practica(28.08.2013) Waldis Weber, Monika; Futter, Kathrin; Staub, Fritz06 - PräsentationPublikation Effects of pre-conferences in practica on student learning, quality of teaching and pupil learning. Paper presentation at the joint conference of EARLI's SIG Higher Education and SIG Teaching and Teacher Education in Kirkkonumni(2010) Staub, Fritz; Waldis Weber, Monika; Futter, Kathrin06 - PräsentationPublikation Förderung und Unterstützung der Berufsmotivation in der berufspraktischen Ausbildung: Zum Einfluss der Praktikumsbegleitung auf das Erleben von Selbstbestimmung und die Entwicklung intrinsischer Motivation bei Lehrerstudierenden(12.03.2014) Waldis Weber, Monika; Staub, Fritz; Schatzmann, Sina06 - PräsentationPublikation Fachspezifisches Coaching in Lehrpraktika: Ergebnisse einer Interventionsstudie zum Mathematikunterricht auf der Sekundarstufe I(25.06.2014) Staub, Fritz; Waldis Weber, Monika; Schatzmann, Sina; Futter, Kathrin06 - PräsentationPublikation Interaktionsqualität in Unterrichtsbesprechungen und berufspraktisches Lernen angehender Lehrpersonen(13.03.2014) Futter, Kathrin; Staub, Fritz; Schatzmann, Sina; Waldis Weber, Monika06 - PräsentationPublikation Unterrichtsbesprechungen als Lerngelegenheiten im Praktikum(Waxmann, 2014) Waldis Weber, Monika; Staub, Fritz; Futter, Kathrin; Schatzmann, Sina; Arnold, Karl-Heinz; Gröschner, Alexander; Hascher, TinaWissenschaftlicher Beitrag einer empirischen Studie zur Wirksamkeit von Unterrichtsbesprechungen auf das Lernen von Lehrerstudierenden im Fachpraktikum Mathematik.04A - Beitrag Sammelband