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246 Ergebnisse
Ergebnisse nach Hochschule und Institut
Publikation Zwei PISA-Fächer im Fokus der Bildungsforschung(Academic Press Fribourg, 2010) Aeby Daghé, Sandrine; Labudde, Peter01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation «Wenn einen etwas anspringt, dann gehts wie von allein» – zur Expertise von Kursleitenden in der Grund- und Nachholbildung(Verein Leseforum Schweiz, 2013) Lindauer, Nadja; Sturm, Afra01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Schreibkompetenzen von schreibschwachen SchülerInnen wahrnehmen(Pädagogische Hochschule FHNW, 2013) Sturm, Afra; Lindauer, Nadja01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Die Fachdidaktiken und ihre disziplinären Bezüge. Dokumentation der Tagung Fachdidaktiken vom 19. Januar 2017(swissuniversities, 06/2017) Lindauer, Nadja; Schläpfer, Martina; Schmidiger, Patricia03 - SammelbandPublikation Higher education in Switzerland. Predictors of becoming engaged in higher vocational or academic education – the role of workplace factors(European Research Network Vocational Education and Training, 17.12.2018) Nägele, Christof; Neuenschwander, Markus; Rodcharoen, PatsaweeContext: Vocational education and training enables young people to quickly and effectively enter the labour market. To advance their careers and to develop their professional expertise even more, they must then further their education through higher vocational or higher academic education. In this study, we looked at young people at work: What motivates them to move on towards higher education? As they are engaged in their jobs, their work situations will a ect their further educational engagement. We hypothesised that individuals will more likely move towards higher education if their workplaces o er learning opportunities and social support. Human capacities, attitudes, and goals at work develop mainly in informal or non-formal learning situations and in their interactions with their teams. We tested the e ect of these workplace factors by taking into account additional important predictors of educational pathways, such as sociodemographic factors (social background, nationality, gender) and motivational factors (values).01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Mathematische Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit dem Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung. Eine Querschnittstudie(Pabst Science Publishers, 01.01.2015) Garrote, Ariana; Moser Opitz, Elisabeth; Ratz, Christoph01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Mathematische Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit dem Förderschwerpunkt Geistige Entwicklung. Erste Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie(Beltz Juventa, 01.01.2014) Moser Opitz, Elisabeth; Garrote, Ariana; Ratz, Christoph01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation The relationship between the social participation and social skills of pupils with an intellectual disability. A study in inclusive classrooms(European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, 01.01.2017) Garrote, Ariana01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Assessing pre-service history teachers' pedagogical content knowledge with a video survey using open-ended writing assignments and standardized rating items(UCL Press, 2019) Waldis Weber, Monika; Nitsche, Martin; Wyss, CorinneThis paper explores pre-service history teachers' ability to recognize and reflect on typical situations occurring in the history classroom and to link these to students' historical learning. Therefore, we draw on the concept of professional vision (Goodwin, 1994), which assumes that teachers need a professional knowledge base to monitor and to reason about teaching and student learning. Based on theoretical notions of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), we investigated history teachers' professional vision by means of a video survey with integrated video clips, open-ended writing assignments and standardized item ratings. We collected data from 303 and 220 pre-service teachers at the beginning and at the end, respectively, of their subject-specific teacher training. The collected data open up the possibility of 'simultaneous triangulation' (Morse, 1991), which was used for test validation. First, we tested the reliability of the closed-ended test instrument using item response theory, in order to develop a feasible test model. Second, we investigated the validity of the test instrument by comparing test results with the findings of the open-ended writing task. In general, student teachers reached rather low-test scores. They experienced difficulties in assessing classroom events in terms of their potential to support historical competencies and to evaluate the consequences for students' learning. Findings from the open writing assignment show that student teachers commented largely on generic teaching strategies while hardly noticing student learning. In sum, the chosen methodological approaches seem to contribute to a more distinct picture of preservice teachers' abilities to reason about history teaching and learning.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Die Rolle der Schweiz in den Weltkriegen. Aktuelle Geschichtslehrmittel zwischen Mythos und Dekonstruktion(Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017) Thyroff, Julia; Bernhard, Roland; Grindel, Susanne; Hinz, Felix; Kühberger, Christoph04A - Beitrag Sammelband