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    Studie zu den Leistungen in der Physiotherapie
    (Schweizer Physiotherapie Verband, 09.05.2023) Kraft, Eliane; Manike, Katja; Josi, Renata; Schoch, Tobias; Thees, Oscar; Müller, Roman; Trittin, Anke; Zürcher, Yvonne; Schopf-Lazzarino, Andrea
    Im Auftrag von Physioswiss, dem Schweizer Physiotherapie Verband, haben wir den Zeitaufwand für die eigentliche physiotherapeutische Behandlung und für definierte Tätigkeiten erhoben, die vor, nach oder zwischen den Behandlungen von Physiotherapeut/-innen durch-geführt werden. Ebenfalls untersucht wurde, wie diese Tätigkeiten abgerechnet werden. Das Studiendesign entsprach einer Querschnittsdatenerhebung bestehend aus einer Fremd- und einer Selbstbeobachtung. Es erlaubte uns, allfällige Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Erhebungsmethoden zu analysieren und Empfehlungen für eine zukünftige Datenerhebung bei den Physiotherapeut/-innen abzugeben. Die untersuchte Stichprobe basiert auf dem Zahlstellenregister der Sasis AG und ist nach Sprachregion und Praxisgrösse geschichtet. Insgesamt wurden in der Studie Daten zu knapp 5’000 Behandlungen erhoben.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Data traceability for lifecycle management
    (2024) Eisenbart, Barbara; Schlick, Sandra; Ganbold, Nomindari
    Purpose – This paper studies the benefits of applying a single lifecycle management approach to improve data traceability. Through digitalization there is an increasing rise of “smarter” products. Hardware and software of smart products need to be managed throughout the entire product life cycle, requiring product traceability from product and application lifecycles. Design/methodology/approach – The Design Science Research approach was applied. Data was collected at a Swiss company with around 16’000 employees worldwide via qualitative interviews (n=10) in an IT integration project with dispersed teams worldwide. The identified requirements were tested in an artefact with business using the tool Polarion. Findings – The main result of this research shows that product data traceability can be improved with one life- cycle management tool, which increases efficiency and improves the transparency of processes and disciplines. Findings from interviews confirmed the following requirements: direction, consistency, effort, completeness, visibility, and clarity. Business implication – Smart Products are of raising importance for producing companies. However, traditionally ALM (software) and PLM (product/hardware) tools exist with different users and purpose. The study suggests the implementation of an integrated smart product life-cycle management tool due to its identified benefits to increase efficiency through training of users as well through harmonization and standardization. Originality/ Value – The study revealed various perspectives of senior manager and application manager on lifecycle management. Different levels of management in the company, as well as their skills, have different opinions on data traceability and data integration benefits. Type of work – Empirical Paper
    06 - Präsentation
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    Contrastive analysis of crisis communication in the DACH region and Scandinavia on the example of the Covid-19 pandemic​
    (2023) Verhoeven, Marcel; Bomnüter, Udo
    Problem, research purpose and relevance to media management scholarship The study at hand discusses the following topics specified in the call #emmaLeeuwarden 2024: It outlines the quality of public and social media content addressing the societal and political challenges of the containment of the Covid-19 pandemic. The findings thus invite reflection on responsible leadership practices in media management by outlining contents, dissemination, and reception. The recent Covid-19 pandemic differed from other health emergencies due to its complexity and rapid evolvement and confronted public institutions worldwide with unprecedented challenges (Rubinelli et al., 2023). The scope and complexity are also reflected in the volume of research into a wide range of facets of communication on the pandemic. Research on the topical field ‘Covid-19 communication’ must be framed in a meaningful context that enables reflection, comparison, and interpretation of results. The importance of effective crisis communication is confirmed. Communication can help to reduce anxiety and confusion among people and can enhance trust between various publics and health authorities (Varghese et al., 2021). Similarly, communication is essential for evoking awareness at a targeted public (Cooks et al., 2022; Prochaska, 2020). Effective communication can prevent or reduce societally undesirable outcomes of misinformation. In this argumentation, the role of public media and thus of responsible media management in the dissemination of information attains (further) relevance. Research and analysis method A concise form of qualitative content analysis (Mayring, 2015) is deployed on empirical studies of facets of public communication on Covid-19. In addition, the procedure that includes inductive category development and deductive category application, is conducted regarding communication by various public (health) authorities and societal institutions. Results: Contextualizing crisis communication on Covid-19 in the DACH region and Scandinavia The consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic are widespread illness, death, economic disruption, and healthcare challenges. The course of the Covid-19 pandemic and the deployed containment policies are described in the global, European, supra-regional, and national context. The course of the pandemic in DACH countries and Scandinavia shows similarities as well as significant differences. The actors communicating during the pandemic can be charted as governmental institutions, experts, public health boards, media professionals, and other content creators, such as professed experts, and users generating online content. Other societal actors publicly discuss Covid-19 and containment. The channels of communication are traditional news media, online and social media. The social (socialization, orientation, integration) and political (monitoring, warning, forum, activation) functions of established (news) media has evoked the distribution of information regarded as legitimate by media gatekeepers, and mandated sources prevailed for a certain (initial) period. In times of crises and an unusually strong need for orientation, people turn to readily available and ‘fast’ news sources (Van Aelst et al., 2021). ‘Alternative’ news media for various commercial and/or ideological reasons distribute (mis-) information also from other sources. Social media can (after adaptation) disseminate information of all sources, whereby the (reconfigured) output of traditional media constitutes a large share. In general, the social media content on the Covid-19 pandemic is from a public health perspective regarded as ambivalent. Social media may be used to interact with a large and / or specific audience quickly and easily. However, authorities deploy mainly one-directional communication (Ding & Zhang, 2010). Moreover, misinformation is rampant (Kouzy et al., 2020), social media communication is negatively associated with support for healthy behaviours (Friemel & Geber, 2022) and provide an arena for political instrumentalization (Bolsen & Palm, 2022). Public authorities, institutions, organizations, associations, and panels mandated with containment of the pandemic inform to reach a variety of timely and situation-based goals by providing content. In contrast, many studies point at the salience of misinformation (Dhawan et al., 2021; Gisondi et al., 2022 ; Kricorian et al., 2022; Kim & Tandoc, 2022; Pierri et al., 2022; Seo & Faris, 2021; Song et al, 2021). Meta-analyses by de Saint Laurent et al. (2022) and Skafle et al. (2022) show that this problem is widespread, but misinformation can vary depending on the country, region, or even local community (Leuker et al., 2022). The reception of communicated information on COVID-19 containment can vary significantly among individuals and communities. People process and respond to information based on their cognitive, emotional, and sociocultural factors (Barello et al., 2021; Paakkari & Okan, 2020; Seng et al., 2023). The platform of the emma 2024 conference offers the welcome opportunity of an expert discussion on further elements of a contextualization of communication on Covid-19.
    06 - Präsentation
  • Vorschaubild
    Empowering sustainability. A tailored support program for Swiss SMEs
    (Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024) Pavlova, Pavlina; Daub, Claus-Heinrich; Zuluaga, Dorleta Ibarra; Igartua Lopez, Juan Ignacio
    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Switzerland encounter significant challenges in integrating sustainability into their operations. Internal obstacles like a lack of orientation and limited resources, compounded by external factors such as the absence of tailored standards, hinder progress. This paper presents a support program by the University of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland (FHNW) and the Aargauische Kantonal Bank (AKB) aimed at catalysing sustainability efforts within SMEs. The program leverages research on the importance of committed top management and past pioneering activities to foster strategic sustainability and green innovation. It offers tailored interventions in strategic setting, knowledge sharing, communication, and partnerships. Utilizing customized questionnaires and expert coaching, SMEs formulate and implement sustainability strategies aligned with their goals. Workshops and storytelling enhance sustainability communication, while networking opportunities facilitate collaboration. Initial results show promising progress, particularly in strategic alignment and communication. Challenges remain in addressing environmental and climate issues. Continued long-term measurement and expanded support offerings hold promise for driving systemic shifts in SME sustainability performance. This paper provides insights into the effectiveness of tailored support mechanisms, paving the way for future initiatives to bolster sustainable practices in the SME sector.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Human vs. Chatbot. Who is perceived as more trustworthy?
    (2019) Rozumowski, Anna; Rellstab, Rolf; Klaas, Michael
    In response to the increasing importance of e-commerce, new communication modes have been developed. For example, chatbot technologies were designed to interact efficiently with customers. As trust can have positive effects on purchasing intentions, trust is the basis of successful business relationships. Trust is also fundamental to the virtual environment and, therefore, users’ trust is a prerequisite of conversational agents, such as chatbots. According to the model of trust, the main judging dimensions in the trust-formation process are warmth and competence. There is still little research on how these trust assessments are made in virtual contact. Moreover, existing research does not provide clear results about the extent of the difference in the interrelationships of sympathy, competence, and trust between human-machine interactions and human-human interactions. Therefore, the present study addresses this gap in research and analysis of trust assessments in human-machine and human-human sales interactions. To test our hypotheses, an experiment was conducted that included a chat-based live sales interaction which the test subjects participated in and evaluated. 98 people took part in the simulation. The results show that the warmth of human-human interaction is perceived as equal to that of human-chatbot interaction. No differences were found in the competence perceptions of the human-chatbot or human-human interactions.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Unlocking the power of trust. Enhancing trustworthiness and trust perceptions
    (2023) Rozumowski, Anna
    The study aims to analyse how trust based on impression formation can be enhanced in business encounters. Building on the model of trust from Doney and Cannon (1997) and Wood et al. (2008), the study demonstrates how a salesperson’s trustworthiness and trust perceptions can be enhanced in a video consultation through their warmth and competence perceptions. The research contributes to the knowledge of impression formation with a focus on warmth and competence perceptions.
    06 - Präsentation
  • Vorschaubild
    The workplace of the future. The COVID-19 pandemic and working from home in Swiss small businesses
    (Emerald, 2024) Peter, Marc K.; Würsch, Lucia; Neher, Alain; Lindeque, Johan Paul; Mändli Lerch, Karin
    Purpose Micro and small enterprises (MSE) play a critical role in the Swiss economy but had no meaningfully adopted working from home (WFH) policy before the COVID-19 crisis. The timing of the study’s data collection allowed a unique assessment of Swiss MSEs’ adoption of WFH enabled by the adoption of digital technologies due to the first government-mandated COVID-19 lockdown. The study also set out to assess the permanence of any changes in the adoption of WFH by MSEs after initial government COVID-19 restrictions ended. Design/methodology/approach The study uses a threefold theoretical framework combining social, technical and spatial dimensions. Data were collected via telephone interviews. The utilised sampling frame included 153,000 small businesses with 4–49 employees, and the realised sample for the study was 503 interviews with MSE owners and managing directors (MDs). Findings The Swiss government’s COVID-19 crisis lockdown policies accelerated the digital transformation of work by employees in Swiss MSEs by increasing the number of employees WFH. However, the number of MSEs with WFH employees decreased after the first lockdown ended. Small business leadership is an important influence on the persistence of any increases in WFH. Originality/value The data collection uniquely captures the effects of externally driven digital transformation of work in small businesses by the adoption of WFH. The findings show that small businesses can rapidly learn new ways of working and support the claim that Swiss MSE MDs play a critical role in the adoption of WFH. They also confirm the importance of digital leadership and culture for realising the potential of WFH in small businesses.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Stochastische Frontieranalyse. Ein Konzept zur Messung der Effizienz von Forstbetrieben?
    (Schweizerischer Forstverein, 2024) Bürgi, Patric; Heimsch, Fabian
    Die Schweizer Waldwirtschaft erbringt eine Vielzahl ökonomischer und gesellschaftlicher Leistungen. Derzeit weist jedoch nur knapp die Hälfte der Forstbetriebe ein positives Ergebnis in der Waldbewirtschaftung aus. Der wichtigste Grund für die mangelnde Rentabilität sind die hohen Produktionskosten. Im Hinblick auf die gezielte Entwicklung von Ansätzen zur Kostenoptimierung ist es wichtig, ein vertieftes Verständnis über relevante Determinanten der Kosteneffizienz in der Waldbewirtschaftung zu erlangen. Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes wurden die grundsätzliche Eignung und die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von stochastischen Frontieranalysen zur Analyse der Kosteneffizienz von Forstbetrieben untersucht. Paneldaten aus dem forstwirtschaftlichen Testbetriebsnetz der Schweiz bildeten dafür die Datenbasis. Als Vorbereitung für die stochastische Frontieranalyse wurde eine Clusteranalyse durchgeführt. Diese verfolgte das Ziel, homogene Gruppen von Forstbetrieben zu bilden, die über ähnliche Produktions- und Randbedingungen verfügen. Die beste Clusterlösung umfasst drei Betriebscluster, die über den gesamten Betrachtungszeitraum stabil sind. Basis der stochastischen Frontieranalyse bildeten 36 unterschiedliche Modelle zur Schätzung einer Cobb-Douglas-Kostenfunktion. Als Basismodell wurde ein True-random-Effects-Modell gewählt. Dieses bietet den Vorteil, das unbeobachtete Heterogenität nicht automatisch als Kostenineffizienz interpretiert wird. Wie zu erwarten war, stellen die Faktorpreise des Personals den wichtigsten Kostentreiber dar. In der konkreten Anwendung des Modells zeigt sich, dass in allen Clustern Skaleneffekte (Economies of Scale) und Dichtevorteile (Economies of Density) beobachtet werden können. Die durchgeführten Analysen haben gezeigt, dass die Schätzung einer einfachen Kostenfunktion für Forstbetriebe möglich ist und durch die Bildung solider Betriebscluster Fragen der Effizienz untersucht werden können.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Robust multipe imputation with GAM
    (Springer, 2024) Templ, Matthias
    Multiple imputation of missing values is a key step in data analytics and a standard process in data science. Nonlinear imputation methods come into play whenever the linear relationship between a response and predictors cannot be linearized by transformations of variables, adding interactions, or using, e.g., quadratic terms. Generalized additive models (GAM) and its extension, GAMLSS—where each parameter of the distribution, such as mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis, can be represented as a function of predictors, are widely used nonlinear methods. However, non-robust methods such as standard GAM’s and GAMLSS’s can be swayed by outliers, leading to outlier-driven imputations. This can apply concerning both representative outliers—those true yet unusual values of your population—and non-representative outliers, which are mere measurement errors. Robust (imputation) methods effectively manage outliers and exhibit resistance to their influence, providing a more reliable approach to dealing with missing data. The innovative solution of the proposed new imputation algorithm tackles three major challenges related to robustness. (1) A robust bootstrap method is employed to handle model uncertainty during the imputation of a random sample. (2) The approach incorporates robust fitting techniques to enhance accuracy. (3) It effectively considers imputation uncertainty in a resilient manner. Furthermore, any complex model for any variable with missingness can be considered and run through the algorithm. For the real-world data sets used and the simulation study conducted, the novel algorithm imputeRobust which includes robust methods for imputation with GAM’s demonstrates superior performance compared to existing imputation methods using GAMLSS. Limitations pertain to the imputation of categorical variables using robust techniques.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Die Verselbständigung des Kapitalismus. Wie KI Menschen und Wirtschaft steuert und für mehr Bürokratie sorgt
    (Wiley, 2024) Binswanger, Mathias
    Die digitale Transformation führt dazu, dass sich die Dynamik kapitalistischer Wirtschaften zunehmend verselbständigt. Die Entwicklung geht dahin, dass Algorithmen statt Menschen wirtschaftlich relevante Entscheide treffen. Denn Algorithmen sind Menschen in mehrfacher Hinsicht überlegen. Sie sind in der Lage, in gigantischen Datenmengen, hochkomplexe zeitliche und räumliche Muster zu erkennen. die dann entsprechende Schlussfolgerungen über zukünftiges Verhalten von Menschen, Unternehmen und ganzen Systemen erlauben. Diese Mustererkennung macht es möglich, schnell auf Veränderungen zu reagieren und in kurzer Zeit optimale Entscheide zu fällen. Da Algorithmen im Unterschied zu Menschen jeden Tag 24 Stunden optimieren, führt dies zu einer Perfektionierung der kapitalistischen Wirtschaft. Eine durch selbstlernende Algorithmen gesteuerte Wirtschaft kann das Prinzip der Gewinnmaximierung viel konsequenter umsetzen, als Menschen dazu je in der Lage waren. Aber dafür bezahlt man einen Preis. Schnell werden Freiheit und Privatsphäre zugunsten von Bequemlichkeit, Sicherheit und Korrektheit geopfert, und es entsteht eine immer umfangreichere Controlling-Bürokratie.
    02 - Monographie