Institute of Contemporary Design Practices
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17 Ergebnisse
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Publikation Imitation, mimicry, Täuschung und deren Enttäuschung. Imitations surround me, representation of a representation, the desire to feel like I belong somewhere(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2023) Fässler, Christoph Cong; Bakhit, BakriFor many years I felt the unstoppable urge to search for my own hybrid third space a vacuum created by myself. A space in which the new status quo does not do justice to the opposites, no, but imitates them and presents them in its own form, function, and way of being. Deceiving and simultaneously disappointing the critically observing eyes which gaze from afar. Through the design process from analog collages and sketches to trained AIs, I found a way to rethink my design process in a way that is hybrid for me. As a team in an exchange with technology to bring imitations from the digital world back to the analog. As a climber and designer, to unite function with the desire for aesthetics. To re-imitate imitations in my own way and to present the act of imitation itself as a representation.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation The empress’s new clothes. No matter how hard conservative opposition may try, they cannot stamp out drag(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2023) Cicirò, Lorenzo; Morger, PriskaDrag is part of the unique way that queer people express themselves. We imagine and create in distinctive ways with whatever resources we have lying around and I think we should be proud of that.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Shift reality. We understand the transitions between the analog and the digital world as fluid states(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2023) Belser, Andreas; Bakhit, BakriWhile the digital world defines the future, there will always remain a connection to the analog world. It is precisely at the interface that Collective MVS works, which consists of Andreas Belser and Florian Kech. They understand the transitions between these two worlds as fluid states, as the reality of a way of life that is becoming more and more self-evident and is also perceived as such. Collective MVS investigate the perception of digital and analog clothing and fashion, creating an actual virtual reality.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation The adjustable fit: and the art of fitting in. We fit clothes to our bodies and not our bodies to the clothes(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2023) Barreto, Alexis; Morger, PriskaFit. Such a short, uncontroversial, ordinary word. Used in words like outfit, fitness, misfit, fitting, and phrases like 'fitting in'. It means so much but at the same time, no one really knows what the word 'fit' means or what it should represent. We project our own understanding of the word onto its meaning. A word that we psychologically and physically experience in our everyday lives. A word's meaning that can impact a mood and set the tone for the day. My idea is to incorporate modifiable and size adjustable features in clothing that promote the idea of garments becoming individually fitted to the body, and that allow the body flow with its natural course of changing, evolving and allowing whatever temporary state it currently idles at. By employing the practice of removing, adding, or relocating seams the focus on certain areas on the body is dissuaded. This makes a size adjustment less obvious while allowing the garment to look proportional on various bodies. I also utilize excess fabric often disguised in folds to inconspicuously add more room for fluctuations – this consequentially offers an opportunity to create a repositioning moment permitting a size adjustable feature. With this design approach, I encourage the assemblage of capsule wardrobe items to counteract impulsive consumer behavior often relating to discomfort. Simultaneously, I instill awareness concerning the unrealistic standard ready-to-wear garments try to convey to consumers while empowering a concept of body neutrality - where it is okay to just be the way you are. As well as to shift away from resorting to the idea of body modification to sustain society-oriented expectations rather than having a garment modify to fit our bodies instead. That rather than abiding a constant longing and striving for a different body state, perfectly normal weight fluctuations, transitions such as pregnancy and post-partum, menstrual cycles, age progression, or even just a larger meal than usual - are perfectly alright.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation The egg. In the depths of the abyss, I reach for helping hands(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2023) Ackermann, Ezra; Morger, PriskaThe play revolves around the themes and ideas of transness. At its core it is a critical social commentary about the political realities trans people are subjected to. On the surface the performance implements a variety of visual tools to translate these ideas to the audience. Each character in the play is carefully curated which can be seen in each aspect of the role. Those aspects include the materials that are used to build the costumes of the characters and go as far to include textures of the materials. Also, the audiovisual part of the play tries to translate concepts that are based on real life experiences11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Das Mädchen mit der zweiten Haut, auf der Suche nach einer Dritten. I see clothes as my second skin(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2023) Christen, Charlotte; Haddad, YasminaI SEE CLOTHES AS MY SECOND SKIN, MY SECURITY, MY SAFESPACE, MY MEANS OF EXPRESSION. AS A THIRD SKIN IN THE FORM OF A HOME THAT GROWS OUT INTO SPACE. ENVELOPS ME, SURROUNDS ME, GIVES ME STRENGTH, IRRITATES. FILLING A ROOM WITH COLOUR, DECORATING IT. A PROTECTIVE COVER THAT I CAN PUT ON MYSELF, DEFORMS MY BODY, RESHAPES IT, SO THAT I DON'T HAVE TO BE ME AND AT THE SAME TIME BE THE ME THAT I WANT TO BE.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Shift reality. We understand the transitions between the analog and the digital world as fluid states(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2023) Kech, Florian; Bakhit, BakriWhile the digital world defines the future, there will always remain a connection to the analog world. It is precisely at the interface that Collective MVS works, which consists of Andreas Belser and Florian Kech. They understand the transitions between these two worlds as fluid states, as the reality of a way of life that is becoming more and more self-evident and is also perceived as such. Collective MVS investigate the perception of digital and analog clothing and fashion, creating an actual virtual reality.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Mixed feelings. A feeling a wave of sensation that hits you and flows through your body, giving it rhythm(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2023) Klock, Marie Valentina; Morger, Priska... Sending the body in a state of vibrancy. Affected or inhibited sensations make you numb. By discontinuing hormonal contraception, a wave of unknown, strong emotions have thrown me into the rushing river of feelings. To sort through these tides, I paint them in colours and shapes. They are the Inspiration for my creative work. All materials used for my project are upcycled or from deadstock and dyed with plant based dyes.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation S/XANH – necessary accessory. I don't have the pretense to change the world but to understand, to try to heal myself. – Vandy Rattana (Artist)(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2023) Nguyen, Lan Anh; Bakhit, BakriThe objective of this project is blurring the boundaries of what is considered the 'main carrier' and what the 'accessory' by juxtaposing beyond physical materials. Associations and interpretations are revisited and reimagined, exploring difficult-to-process emotions, thoughts and experiences regarding the sense of belonging. Essentially, it is about looking back and reflecting in order to gain understanding in the present and ultimately to be able to move forward.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Simply making GEILE SCHEISS & making GEILE SCHEISS simply. Ich mache gerne Kunst, auch mal nur weil’s geil ist, und ich wünsche mir, dass ihr es auch versucht(Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW, 2023) Marra, Emanuel Francesco; Bakhit, BakriKunst ist erster Linie eine Form sich auszudrücken, ein Tool sozusagen. Mit Kunst können wir Barrieren wie Sprache oder Religion usw. überwinden. Ich muss nicht Altitalienisch oder Latein verstehen, um Caravaggios Gemälde oder Skulpturen zu bewundern. Ich muss dazu lediglich in der Lage sein, zu sehen. Q: Sind deine Kunst und deine Mode politisch? – A: Manchmal. Wenn ich dabei politisch sein darf, dann ja. Goldene Regel: «Ich darf, wenn keine Unschuldigen zu Schaden kommen.» − Was an sich schon sehr politisch klingt. Wenn ich nicht bereit bin, darüber in einen Diskurs zu gehen und eventuell meine Meinung über ein Thema zu ändern, dann nicht.11 - Studentische Arbeit