Institut für Marktangebote und Konsumentscheidungen

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  • Publikation
    How to postpone purchases of a new mobile phone? Pointers for interventions based on socio-psychological factors and a phase model of behavioural change
    (Elsevier, 2018) Ohnmacht, Timo; Thi Vu, Thao; Schaffner, Dorothea; Weibel, Christian
    Due to the short life-spans of mobile phones, materials are wasted and the degradation of the environment from mineral mining increases. We examine the relationship between the socio-psychological factors that affect the status in four phases of a model of behavioural change (predecision, preaction, action, postaction) with regard to postponed purchases of a new mobile phone by using an ordered logit approach. Representative data from 1818 residents of the city of Lucerne, Switzerland, were collected. The empirical results indicate that the significant effects of socio-psychological factors on phase affiliation provide an orientation framework for the design of interventions. There is evidence that influencing perceived behavioural control to increase affiliation to higher phases by inter alia longer battery life spans, fewer updates that slow down the system, and extended options for repair and maintenance to extend the longevity of the mobile phone.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift