Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Geomatik FHNW
Dauerhafte URI für den Bereichhttps://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/6
489 Ergebnisse
Bereich: Suchergebnisse
Publikation Simulation of policies for automated ride-hailing and ride-pooling services(05.01.2025) Kagho, Grace; Balac, Milos; van Eggermond, Michael; Erath, AlexanderAutomated vehicles are becoming more prevalent, and the disruption they would cause in combination with ride-hailing and ride-pooling services could be tremendous. Therefore, this study investigates the impacts of ride-hailing and ride-pooling automated fleets in two Swiss cities, Chur and Zurich, and potential policy measures to steer their operations towards more sustainable solutions. We employ the results of the stated preference survey and combine the estimated mode-choice and car ownership model results with the agent-based simulation, MATSim, to simulate the impacts of various scenarios. We find that automated ride-hailing (aRH) and automated ride-pooling (aRP) services do not seem to be competing for the same demand. In general, these services would lead to a reduction in total travel time but an increase in total vehicle distance, which is more substantial in transit-oriented Zurich than in car-oriented Chur. Furthermore, we found that even though the proposed policies increased vehicle occupancy, they did not manage to overcome the increase in VKT, signaling the need for more targeted policies and operational strategies. Finally, we provide recommendations for transport policy and future research based on our findings.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Comparing Q347 development and regionalization using recent data in two Swiss cantons(09.11.2024) Dups, Yanick; Lebrenz, HenningIn Switzerland, low flows are characterized by the discharge level corresponding to a 95% exceedance probability on a ten-year average flow duration curve, referred to as Q347. This threshold not only has significant implications for planning but also requires authorities to adjust the operation of relevant infrastructure to mitigate ecological impacts on watercourses. The value of Q347 can be determined from a flow duration curve if a discharge time series of at least ten years is available. However, for smaller catchments such time series are typically unavailable, necessitating the regionalization of Q347 values. In Switzerland, multiple linear regression has been established to estimate the area-specific discharge q347 for ungauged basins. The primary objective of this study was to regionalize Q347 values for small, ungauged catchments (383 in the Canton of Solothurn and 9'034 in the Canton of Zürich) each with an area of less than 100 km². Daily discharge, precipitation, and temperature time series were collected for a 30-year study period from 1990 to 2020 from 56 gauged catchments in Solothurn, and similarly for a ten-year study period from 2013 to 2023 in Zürich, focusing on catchments smaller than 500 km² surrounding the target areas. A total of 30 “static” parameters delineating geometry, topography, geology, land use, and drainage along with nine “climatic” parameters describing temperatures, precipitation distributions, and potential evapotranspiration were defined and computed to characterize both gauged and ungauged catchments. The temporal variability of low flow events was then analysed for observed catchments in the two study areas. Over the past 30 years, the frequency of low flow events below the threshold has systematically increased, while the ten-year Q347 values for these catchments have decreased during the same period. Three multiple linear regression methods were developed and implemented to be coupled with two adjustment techniques supplementing truncated discharge time series. Validation of the proposed models showed reduced errors and increased linear correlations between estimated and observed values compared to standard models. Notably, a spatially more homogeneous yet catchment-specific distribution of estimated values is observable. The proposed models yielded promising results, particularly when time series remain unadjusted, or adjustment is done using the Antecedent Precipitation Index (API) combined with the flow duration curve of a donor basin (Ridolfi et al., 2020). Using recent data for parameter selection and model fitting, especially in the Zürich study area (2013-2022), often resulted in lower Q347 values compared to standard models, reflecting an adaptation to current climatic trends.06 - PräsentationPublikation Gebäudeenergieausweis in der Schweiz - Methodik des GEAK®(Ernst & Sohn, 07.04.2011) Hall, MonikaDer Gebäudeenergieausweise der Kantone GEAK® ist seit über einem Jahr in der Schweiz erfolgreich eingeführt. Anfang August 2009 wurde der GEAK® als Onlinetool aufgeschaltet und der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Der GEAK® ist ein kombinierter Gebäudeenergieausweis. Der Energiebedarf wird auf der Basis der Gebäudedaten rechnerisch ermittelt und dieser mit effektiven Verbrauchsdaten validiert. Kernstück des GEAK® ist eine Energieetikette mit Doppelbewertung: Eine Klassierung nach “Effizienz Gebäudehülle” für die Beurteilung der Gebäudehülle und nach ”Effizienz Gesamtenergie” zur Quantifizierung des gesamten Gebäudes inkl. Gebäudetechnik und Elektrizitätsbedarf für Geräte und Beleuchtung. Weiter enthält der GEAK® eine Beschreibung des Ist-Zustandes der Gebäudehülle und -technik sowie Massnahmen und Empfehlungen energietechnischer Verbesserungen. Zukünftig können im Rahmen des GEAK® Plus Varianten von kostenoptimierten Sanierungsmaßnahmen detailliert zusammengestellt werden.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Introducing the pedestrian accessibility tool. Walkability analysis for a geographic information system(SAGE, 2017) Erath, Alexander; van Eggermond, Michael; Ordóñez, Sergio A.; Axhausen, Kay W.The indexes for walkability proposed so far refer generally to the closest amenities and public transport stops and the existing network structure. The weights of the attributes do not reflect the independently measured preferences of the users and residents. Design attributes such as the location and type of crossings and walkway design features are usually surveyed in walkability audits. However, such attributes are usually not considered when pedestrian walksheds or other accessibility-based walkability indexes are calculated. Nevertheless, these design attributes are very relevant for actual planning decisions. The proposed walkability index can be behaviorally calibrated, has been implemented as a geographic information system tool, and is published as open source software. The pedestrian accessibility tool allows the evaluation of existing and future urban plans with regards to walkability. The tool calculates Hansen-based accessibility indicators with the use of a customizable specification of the generalized walking costs, and it incorporates user-defined weights of destination attractiveness. The basic user workflow of the tool is summarized. Three case studies show real-world applications of the tool to support the planning of pedestrian infrastructure in an urban context. With indications of potential areas of improvement that have been reported by pilot users working in an urban planning department, hints are also given for future research.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Development and experimental evaluation of grey-box models of a microscale polygeneration system for application in optimal control(Elsevier, 2020) Sawant, Parantapa; Bürger, Adrian; Doan, Minh Dang; Felsmann, Clemens; Pfafferott, Jens01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Simulationsgestützte Systemauslegung für sorptionsgestützte, solare Kälteanlagen(VDI Fachmedien, 2022) Bürger, Adrian; Sawant, Parantapa; Wittstadt, Ursula; Altmann-Dieses, Angelika; Pfafferott, JensDie fluktuierende Verfügbarkeit regenerativer Energiequellen stellt eine Herausforderung bei der Planung und Auslegung regenerativer Gebäudeenergiesysteme dar. Die in einem System benötigten Speicherkapazitäten hängen dabei sowohl von der eingesetzten Regelungsstrategie als auch von den temperaturabhängigen Wirkungsgraden der Anlagenkomponenten ab. Genauere Einblicke in das Betriebsverhalten eines Gesamtsystems können dynamische Simulationen liefern, die eine Analyse der Systemtemperaturen und von Teilenergiekennwerten ermöglichen.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Virtual reality and choice modelling. Existing applications and future research directions(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024) van Eggermond, Michael; Mavros, Panos; Erath, Alexander; Hess, Stephane; Daly, AndrewResearch eliciting individuals’ preferences, including stated preference (SP) research, have long utilised imagery as stimuli to visualise either attributes or situations deemed too complex to be expressed verbally. The advent of Virtual Reality (VR) offers choice modelers with exciting new opportunities. This chapter outlines key concepts underlying VR and summarises previous research combining VR and choice modeling. It provides a framework of different dimensions that should be considered when developing VR experiments, including technological aspects (display technology and movement) and other aspects, such as survey duration, motion sickness and the representation of time. The chapter concludes with several ways to further combine choice modeling and VR.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Untersuchungen zum thermisch induzierten Luftwechselpotential von Kippfenstern(Ernst & Sohn, 17.07.2004) Hall, MonikaDie sogenannte natürliche Lüftung — Lüftung infolge Temperatur‐ und Windeinwirkung über geöffnete Türen und Fenster — ist auch heute noch in Wohngebäuden die verbreitetste Form des Lüftens. Da die Lüftung über Kippfenster eine übliche Form des Lüftens ist, ist die Kenntnis des Luftwechsels über Kippfenster von großem Interesse. Der Vergleich von Ansätzen aus der Literatur zur Berechnung des Luftwechsels über Kippfenster zeigt, daß diese unter Verwendung gleicher Randbedingungen zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen führen. Aus diesem Grund wird aus eigenen Messungen ein Modellansatz abgeleitet, der die einseitige, thermisch induzierte Kippfensterlüftung besser beschreibt und gleichzeitig das Vorhandensein einer Laibung und/oder einer Heizung berücksichtigt.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Do you see us? Applied visual analytics for the investigation of group coordination(Springer, 18.02.2019) Rack, Oliver; Zahn, Carmen; Bleisch, SusanneGroup coordination is a relevant prerequisite for understanding the effectiveness of groups. But, contrary to the large number of empirical studies, only a few studies concentrate on the development of analysis methods of coordination in groups. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to give a summary of the opportunities and limitations of common methods for capturing group coordination in applied field settings and to outline how visual analytics approaches might add to the common methods. Based on two illustrated visual analytics implementation examples—1) coordination and movements of soccer players, and 2) spatio-temporal event data—the potential of visual analytics approaches is identified for studying a greater variety of types of group coordination, and to consider the multifaceted nature of group processes in order to go beyond traditional coding processes.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Multiperspective analysis of microscale trigeneration systems and their role in the crowd energy concept(KeAi Publishing, 2015) Sawant, Parantapa; Meftah, Naim; Pfafferott, JensThe energy system of the future will transform from the current centralised fossil based to a decentralised, clean, highly efficient, and intelligent network. This transformation will require innovative technologies and ideas like trigeneration and the crowd energy concept to pave the way ahead. Even though trigeneration systems are extremely energy efficient and can play a vital role in the energy system, turning around their deployment is hindered by various barriers. These barriers are theoretically analysed in a multiperspective approach and the role decentralised trigeneration systems can play in the crowd energy concept is highlighted. It is derived from an initial literature research that a multiperspective (technological, energy-economic, and user) analysis is necessary for realising the potential of trigeneration systems in a decentralised grid. And to experimentally quantify these issues we are setting up a microscale trigeneration lab at our institute and the motivation for this lab is also briefly introduced.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift