4 Ergebnisse
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Publikation The Personalization Map, An Application-Oriented Overview of Personalization Functions(GITO, 22.06.2006) Risch, Daniel; Schubert, Petra; Leimstoll, UwePersonalization is an interdisciplinary topic that has been discussed in the literature of marketing and information systems as well as in other research areas. In this paper we present findings from a longitudinal research project on personalization of e-commerce systems. The findings were taken from interviews and software development projects with company partners.Our discussion focuses on the Personalization Map. The map provides an extensive overview on personalization functions that can be used to individualize and improve human-computer-interaction both in B2C and B2B e-commerce environments. In a first step, the functions are classified according to their order of appearance in the buying process. In a second step they are grouped into subcategories. There is no single strategy for selecting successful personalization functions as the suitability varies depending on the industry and the goods sold.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation ? Explaining Recommender System Principles in a Web-based Application(2006) Risch, DanielmyLandscapes is a personalization demonstrator offering insight into some common personalization and recommender systems approaches. Instead of products that are offered in e-shops, myLandscapes provides pictures of landscapes which can be rated, labelled and sent to friends. myLandscapes is able to predict future user ratings and to explain similarities both between users and pictures. The predicted values are used to display landscapes based on user?s preferences. The main advantage of offering pictures in this application is that users do not need previous knowledge in a specific domain. People can easily assess whether or not they are attracted by a landscape and therefore cannot only rate pictures without previous knowledge but can also judge resulting predictions at first glance. The application is a first prototype and will be further developed in the future.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Checkliste für den Datenschutz im E-Commerce(WEKA, 2006) Kummer, Mathias; Leimstoll, Uwe; Risch, DanielBei der Personalisierung ging es ursprünglich um die Gestaltung der Benutzeroberfläche von Informationssystemen, also um das, was der Benutzer eines Programms am Bildschirm sieht. Wenn der einzelne Benutzer die Möglichkeit hat, diese Benutzeroberfläche an seine Wünsche anzupassen, wird von ?Personalisierung? gesprochen. Heute umfasst der Begriff ein viel grösseres Feld der Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, und er wird insbesondere für Anwendungen benutzt, die im Internet verfügbar sind (z.B. E-Shops). Personalisierte Anwendungen stellen dem Benutzer Inhalte und Funktionen bereit, die speziell auf seine Bedürfnisse abgestimmt sind.Für den Kunden eines E-Shops liegt der Nutzen der Personalisierung in erster Linie darin, dass er sich schneller und besser informieren und eine Bestellung schneller aufgeben kann. Auf diese Weise spart er Zeit und Geld und das Risiko von Fehlkäufen wird minimiert.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Personalization Beyond Recommender Systems(Springer, 2006) Schubert, Petra; Leimstoll, Uwe; Risch, DanielPersonalization is an interdisciplinary topic that has been discussed in the literature of marketing and information systems as well as in other research areas. In this paper we present findings from a longitudinal research project on personalization of e-commerce systems. The findings were taken from interviews and software development projects with company partners (action research). The main contribution described in this paper is the Personalization Map. The map provides an extensive overview on personalization functions that can be used to individualize and improve human-computer-interaction both in B2C and B2B e-commerce environments. In a first step, the functions are classified according to their order of appearance in the buying process. In a second step they are grouped into subcategories. There is no single strategy for selecting successful personalization functions as the suitability varies depending on the industry and the goods sold.04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift