7 Ergebnisse
Bereich: Suchergebnisse
Publikation Challenges of implementing zero waste strategies in the gastronomy industry(2021) Daub, Claus-Heinrich; Gerhard, Carole; Altermatt, Monisser; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, KnutThis case tells the story of the Café spurlos which aims at becoming a zero waste business and thus making a significant contribution to combating one of the greatest challenges facing society today: the transformation of the eco-nomic system into a circular economy. Besides the COVID-crisis and the thereof resulting issues, the café also faces challenges related to its vision of incorporat-ing the zero waste philosophy in its concept. The case explores the complexity of zero waste, analyses further hurdles for zero waste endeavors in the gastronomy industry and illustrates the constant balancing act of social businesses between staying true to one’s mission and catering to the needs, wants and expectations of the market.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Roadmap on Blockchain Transformation for Organizations – Evaluation through Teaching(ToKnow Press, 2019) Dettling, Walter; Flück, Lia; Dermol, ValerijEven though blockchain technology is currently a widely discussed topic, it is hard to get a straightforward overview or understanding of this topic. For many organizations blockchain causes excitement about the opportunities for innovation but raises also doubt and fear of losing their competitiveness. Most managers have heard of blockchain technology before and feel the pressure to go with the market and implement the technology. However, most organizations do not know how to develop their company towards blockchain. The lack of knowledge includes how to build up knowledge, launch a suitable project, finding a use case that matches the organization, aligning it with their strategy, which kind of blockchain to focus on and how to start a business transformation. As a part of a research project about blockchain teaching and business transformation, a roadmap was developed that aims to support organizations in their transformation towards blockchain technology and in understanding the potentials of this new technology. This artifact was then evaluated through a proof-of-concept by gathering data on relevance and practical applicability of the roadmap. This was done by using the roadmap in a university class environment and an industry questionnaire. With the evaluation of the artifact in a class environment, a current state-of-the-art topic could be taught to students and, additionally, the learning process of the students enabled research contributions to the project results.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Updating antique Chinese knowledge. Antique Chinese Wisdom Reflects Modern Business Methods More Consciously(Business Transformation Academy, 06/2018) Felley, GabrielThe Western culture and its established paradigms lead the world economy and structure the global market. The backbone of this culture roots in a technocratic vision of the world, based on the principle of causality. This understanding of the economic and societal reality has shown great success with continuous achievements. Nevertheless, today our society is facing big problems. More specifically, the globalization of markets has substantially complicated the process of making the right decisions. A different approach to problem solving may help design a better solution. This approach has to overstep the too obvious true-false logic and offer a holistic frame for a new way of analyzing the economic and social realms. Looking back at the ancient Chinese philosophers, they had developed an astonishing methodology called the Yi Jing, which was used to support government officials in making the right decisions. This article attempts to link the PDCA Deming cycle to some special elements of this framework01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Veränderung des Images eines Berufes: «ICT-Berufe sind mehr als Technik – wie man breites Interesse an ICT-Ausbildungen weckt!»(10.09.2017) Resch, DörteDas Forschungsprojekt «Attraktivität von ICT-Berufen für Frauen und Männer» ging deshalb der Frage nach, welche Vorstellungen über die ICT bestehen, warum diese für Frauen (und auch viele Männer) nicht interessant sind und wie das Image der ICT verändert werden müsste, damit es attraktiver wird. Der Change-Fokus liegt also für einmal nicht darauf, wie sich Organisationen verändern können. Der Fokus liegt vielmehr darin, wie das Image eines Berufes so verändert werden kann, dass eine Zielgruppe, die vorher im Berufsbild wenig angesprochen wurde – nämlich die Frauen – nun auch in den Fokus genommen werden.10 - Elektronische-/ WebpublikationPublikation Was die Wissenschaft zu wissen glaubt(Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 15.09.2016) Binswanger, Mathias01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Business Process Flexibility and Decision-aware Modeling - The Knowledge Work Designer(Springer, 2016) Hinkelmann, Knut; Karagiannis, Dimitris; Mayr, Heinrich C.; Mylopoulos, JohnThis chapter describes the Knowledge Work Designer, a modelling method for knowledge work. It is based on two principles: (1) the separation of business logic and process logic and (2) the support of both structures and unstructured knowledge. Process logic can be represented in a structured way in BPMN and in a non-structured way with CMMN. For real processes there is no strict separation between structured processes and cases. Therefore the Knowledge Work Designer offers a deep integration of BPMN and CMMN. Business logic can be represented in a structured way using decision tables. Unstructured business logic can be represented in documents. The separation of business logic and process logic allows for simpler process model and easier maintenance.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Künstliche Inszenierung - Über Wettbewerbe in Forschung und Lehre(Erich Schmidt, 07/2011) Binswanger, Mathias01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift