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Bereich: Suchergebnisse
Publikation Competence Models for Science in Switzerland(22.08.2017) Metzger, Susanne; Gut, ChristophWithin the Swiss project HarmoS (harmonization of the compulsory school) an interdisciplinary structural model of competence has been developed. Based on this model, progressions focused on science processes such as “to ask questions and to investigate”, “to exploit information sources”, “to organise, structure and model”, “to assess and judge”, and “to develop and realise” have been described and validated empirically (Labudde, 2008). From these results, nationwide basic performance standards for science for the end of grades 2, 6, and 9 have been derived (Labudde, Nidegger, Adamina & Gingins, 2012). The achievement of the standards should be checked regularly in national education monitoring. In addition, an interdisciplinary normative progression model for experimental competence has been worked out for practical assessments (Metzger, Gut, Hild & Tardent, 2014). In this model, experimental competence is structured by sub-dimensions referring to experimental problem types such as “categorical observation”, “measurement with a given scale”, “scientific investigation” and “constructive problem solving”. The progression of competence is modelled for each problem type separately, differentiating three to five levels in terms of quality standards. Based on the progressions used to define the basic performance standards, detailed progressions of levels of competence were described in a new curriculum (“Lehrplan 21”: D-EDK, 2016). In this paper, the two competence models and associated progressions are presented. Even if these progressions are focused on the students’ abilities, there are no references how students can reach the next level. Therefore the connection between competence models and curriculum with teaching still needs to be established. It will be discussed how this can be achieved and what steps are necessary to get from competence models to learning progressions.06 - PräsentationPublikation Auf reichlich undefiniertem Terrain - Ein Kompetenzraster Politische Bildung und seine Grundlagen(Springer VS, 2015) Ziegler, Béatrice; Schneider, Claudia; Sperisen, Vera; Weisseno, Georg; Schelle, Carla04A - Beitrag Sammelband