Schaffner, Dorothea

Schaffner, Dorothea


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  • Publikation
    Quantifizierung der Wirkung von Elementen des Strassenraumes auf die gefahrene Geschwindigkeit
    (Bundesamt für Strassen (ASTRA), 12/2022) Schaffner, Dorothea; Studer, Nora; Kaufmann, Kaspar; Yildirimlar, Okan; Erath, Alexander; van Eggermond, Michael; Kalunder, Madlaina; Schubiger, Simon; Hüsser, Cloe; Zirn, Andrea; Schweizer, Nina; Gasser, Yves; Fischer, Raffael; Lauper, Severin
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    06 - Präsentation
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    Self-explaining roads: Effects of road design on perception and speed choice
    (08/2022) Schaffner, Dorothea; van Eggermond, Michael; Studer, Nora
    Since speed is a crucial factor contributing to car accidents, one of the greatest potentials for improving road safety lies in reducing driving speed (Aarts and van Schagen, 2006). Conventional measures such as speed limits and law enforcement have their merit but also limitations. A complementary measure to achieve speed reduction is based on the concept of self-explaining roads (SER; Theeuwes & Godthelp, 1995). The concept postulates that road design impacts speed choice based on psychological factors of perception. Previous research has demonstrated the impact of road design on speed choice for a limited number of road design features (e.g. curves, road width). Furthermore, existing research only offers limited insights into the psychological mechanisms driving these effects. Therefore, this experimental study, first, aims to the impact of several novel road features on speed choice. Second, it analyses the underlying psychological mechanisms, explaining the effects of road design on speed choice.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Algorithmic Nudging for Sustainability in E-Commerce: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda
    (06.06.2022) Wozniak, Thomas; Stieger, Mirjam; Schaffner, Dorothea; Schu, Matthias; Lu, Guang [in: 35th Bled eConference]
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Pool More, Drive Less: An In-Depth Qualitative Investigation of Barriers and Motivators of Ride-Pooling in Autonomous Vehicles
    (2022) Stefanelli, Annalisa; Haiderer, Nicole; Studer, Nora; Schaffner, Dorothea; Erath, Alexander; van Eggermond, Michael
    Ride-pooling (RP) in autonomous vehicles (AVs) has the potential to combine the sustainability of public transport with the comfort of a private car. In our study we investigated consumers’ acceptance of RP in AVs through in-depth qualitative interviews, identifying relevant barriers and motivators of using this new mobility service.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Velofahrkompetenzen in der Schweiz
    (03.11.2021) Schaffner, Dorothea
    06 - Präsentation
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    Energy Efficient Homes: The Role of Social Norms and Influencers in Homeowners’ Decision Making
    (10/2021) Schaffner, Dorothea; Kuster, Denise
    The building sector plays a significant role in climate change due to carbon emissions and energy over-consumption related to the use of non-renewable energy sources and insufficient insulation. Private homeowners could contribute to achieving climate change targets in the building sector by refurbishing their homes to meet stricter energy efficiency standards. However, the realization of respective investments in energy-efficient heating systems or retrofitting remains insufficient. Against this background, drivers and barriers of homeowners’ decision making have been investigated by a considerable number of empirical studies. These previous studies have focused on economic and rational determinants of investment decisions, finding only little support for the influence of determinants such as subsidies or energy savings. Consequently, the present study proposes a novel approach to better understand the relevant factors of decision-making. Featuring a socio-psychological perspective this study explores homeowners’ decision-making within a social context. Thereby the study includes the viewpoint of homeowners as well as relevant influencers such as installers. A qualitative study with ten semi-structured interviews was conducted. The sample consisted of six homeowners and four installers. Findings reveal that social norms (e.g., opinions of friends and neighbors) as well as recommendations of influencers (such as installers) play a crucial role to persuade homeowner to invest in energy-efficient homes. Based on these findings, the study proposes several measures that address social norms (best practice examples, case studies) and suggests including installers as important target groups in campaigns promoting energy-efficient homes
    06 - Präsentation
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    Chancen einer digitalisierten Reisekette: Kundenerwartungen an den öffentlichen Verkehr
    (DVV Media Group, 10/2021) Schaffner, Dorothea; Hauser, Mirjam; Studer, Nora; Brüngger, Jonas; Langenauer, Fredy [in: Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau]
    Die Studie zeigt: Digitale Informationsangebote für die Reiseplanung und Durchführung haben die höchste Kundenpräferenz. Bei der Nutzung digitaler Services stehen Datenschutzbedenken im Hintergrund – eine Lenkung hinsichtlich des «besten» Reiseweges ist teilweise sogar erwünscht. Das Interesse an autonomen On-Demand Shuttles ist noch verhalten, hat aber für bestimmte Zielgruppen wie Autofahrer Potential – hier wird es auf die Ausgestaltung und Kommunikation ankommen.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
  • Publikation
    Wie bringt man respektvoll produzierte tierische Produkte an die Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten?
    (Schweizer Tierschutz STS, 21.10.2020) Bürgin, Steven; Schaffner, Dorothea; Sciarra, Cesare [in: 21. Nutztiertagung]
    Die Vermarktung von respektvoll produzierten tierischen Produkten steht vor der Herausforderung, dass klassische Informationskampagnen wenig erfolgsversprechend sind. Dies weil sich die positiven Einstellungen zum Tierwohls in der Bevölkerung nicht im entsprechenden Konsumverhalten widerspiegeln. Diese Dissoziation wird meat paradox genannt. Die Wirtschaftspsychologie bietet verschiedene Erklärungsansätze für dieses Phänomen und gleichzeitig die Grundlage für psychologisch fundierte Vermarktungsstrategien. Am meisten Erfolg versprechen Massnahmen am Point-of-Sale, welche den gesellschaftlichen Veränderungsprozess dahin gehend unterstützen, dass der Kauf von respektvoll produzierten tierischen Produkten die Norm wird.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift