Heuss, Sabina
Serious games and gamification: health care workers’ experience, attitudes, and knowledge
2023, Zoltan, Katonai, Gupta, Rahul, Heuss, Sabina, Fehr, Thomas, Ebneter, Mark, Maier, Thomas, Meier, Thomas, Bux, Donald, Thackaberry, Jessica, Schneeberger, Andres R.
Skills for digital transformation. Is educating specialists sabotaging digital transformation?
2020, Fears, Tiffany, Heuss, Sabina, Miller, Barbara Therese, Peter, Marc K.
The collaborative outcomes study on health and functioning during infection times in adults (COH-FIT-Adults): design and methods of an international online survey targeting physical and mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
2022, Solmi, Marco, Estradé, Andrés, Thompson, Trevor, Heuss, Sabina
Starting 04/26/2020, up to 14/07/2021 >151,000 people from 155 countries/territories/regions and six continents have participated. Representative samples of ≥1,000 adults have been collected in 15 countries. Overall, 43.0% had prior physical disorders, 16.3% had prior mental disorders, 26.5% were health care workers, 8.2% were aged ≥65 years, 19.3% were exposed to someone infected with COVID-19, 76.1% had been in quarantine, and 2.1% had been COVID 19-positive.
Tarifsystem Tarpsy. Ein Jahr nach der Einführung: Ein Stimmungsbild
2019, Heuss, Sabina, Schneeberger, Andres
Einführung des neuen leistungsbezogenen Vergütungssystem in der Schweizer Psychiatrie (Tarpsy). Vorstellung des Systems und Zusammenfassung des Einführungsprozesses sowie Akzeptanz bei der Basis. Stärken und Schwächen des Systems.
Gamification - ein neuer Lernansatz in der Psychiatrie?
2020, Schneeberger, Andres R., Gupta, Rahul, Heuss, Sabina
Socio-scientific input from communication sciences enrich medical education and training of psychiatrists and psychotherapists
2019, Heuss, Sabina, Gupta, Rahul, Schneeberger, Andres R.
Outcome of a communication training with psychiatrists and psychotherapists, enriched socio-scientific input from communication sciences. The training was supported by actors and situational training.