Witschel, Hans Friedrich

Hans Friedrich
Witschel, Hans Friedrich


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  • Publikation
    Improving the quality of business process descriptions of public administrations: resources and research challenges
    (Emerald, 2018) Ferrari, Alessio; Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Spagnolo, Giorgio Oronzo; Gnesi, Stefania [in: Business Process Management Journal]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Determining information relevance based on personalization techniques to meet specific user needs
    (Springer, 2018) Thönssen, Barbara; Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Rusinov, Oleg; Dornberger, Rolf [in: Business information systems and technology 4.0 - New trends in the age of digital change]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Business Analytics aus der Cloud: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen
    (2017) Gatziu Grivas, Stella; Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Peter, Marc K. [in: KMU-Transformation - Als KMU die Digitale Transformation erfolgreich umsetzen]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Ensuring Action: Identifying Unclear Actor Specifications in Textual Business Process Descriptions
    (Springer, 2016) Sanne, Ulf; Ferrari, Alessio; Gnesi, Stefania; Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Ana, Fred; Aveiro, David [in: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS), 2016]
    In many organisations, business process (BP) descriptions are available in the form of written procedures, or operational manuals. These documents are expressed in informal natural language, which is inherently open to different interpretations. Hence, the content of these documents might be incorrectly interpreted by those who have to put the process into practice. It is therefore important to identify language defects in written BP descriptions, to ensure that BPs are properly carried out. Among the potential defects, one of the most relevant for BPs is the absence of clear actors in action-related sentences. Indeed, an unclear actor might lead to a missing responsibility, and, in turn, to activities that are never performed. This paper aims at identifying unclear actors in BP descriptions expressed in natural language. To this end, we define an algorithm named ABIDE, which leverages rule-based natural language processing (NLP) techniques. We evaluate the algorithm on a manually annotated data-set of 20 real-world BP descriptions (1,029 sentences). ABIDE achieves a recall of 87%, and a precision of 56%. We consider these results promising. Improvements of the algorithm are also discussed in the paper.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    KPIs 4 Workplace Learning
    (Springer, 2016) Emmenegger, Sandro; Thönssen, Barbara; Hinkelmann, Knut; Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Ana, Fred; Aveiro, David [in: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS)]
    Enterprises and Public Administrations alike need to ensure that newly hired employees are able to learn the ropes fast. Employers also need to support continuous workplace learning. Work-place learning should be strongly related to business goals and thus, learning goals should direct-ly add to business goals. To measure achievement of both learning and business goals we pro-pose augmented Key Performance Indicators (KPI). In our research we applied model driven engineering. Hence we developed a model for a Learning Scorecard comprising of business and learning goals and their KPIs represented in an ontology. KPI performance values and scores are calculated with formal rules based on the SPARQL Inferencing Notation. Results are presented in a dashboard on an individual level as well as on a team/group level. Requirements, goals and KPIs as well as performance measurement were defined in close co-operation with Marche Region, business partner in Learn PAd.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Workplace Learning - Providing Recommendations of Experts and Learning Resources in a Context-sensitive and Personalized Manner
    (2016) Emmenegger, Sandro; Laurenzi, Emanuele; Thönssen, Barbara; Zhang Sprenger, Congyu; Hinkelmann, Knut; Witschel, Hans Friedrich [in: Proceedings of Special Session on Learning Modeling in Complex Organizations (LCMO) at MODELSWARD'16]
    Support of workplace learning is increasingly important as change in every form determines today's working world in industry and public administrations alike. Adapt quickly to a new job, a new task or a new team is a major challenge that must be dealt with ever faster. Workplace learning differs significantly from school learning as it should be strictly aligned to business goals. In our approach we support workplace learning by providing recommendations of experts and learning resources in a context-sensitive and personalized manner. We utilize user s' workplace environment, we consider their learning preferences and zone of proximal development, and compare required and acquired competencies in order to issue the best suited recommendations. Our approach is part of the European funded project Learn PAd. Applied research method is Design Science Research. Evaluation is done in an iterative process. The recommender system introduced here is evaluated theoretically based on user requirements and practically in an early evaluation process conducted by the Learn PAd application partner.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Adapting an Enterprise Architecture for Business Intelligence
    (2015) von Bergen, Pascal; Hinkelmann, Knut; Witschel, Hans Friedrich [in: 8th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling]
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    A new Retrieval Function for Ontology-Based Complex Case Descriptions
    (2015) Emmenegger, Sandro; Lutz, Jonas; Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Martin, Andreas [in: Proceedings of CBR-MD'15, 2015]
    This work focuses on case-based reasoning in domains where cases have complex structures with relationships to an arbitrary number of other (potentially complex and structured) entities and where case characterisations (queries) are potentially incomplete. We summarise the requirements for such domains in terms of case representation and retrieval functions. We then analyse properties of existing similarity measures used in CBR { above all symmetry { and argue that some of these properties are not desirable. By exploiting analogies with retrieval functions in the area of information retrieval { where similar functions have been replaced by new ones not exhibiting the aforementioned undesired properties { we derive a new asymmetric ranking function for case retrieval. On a generated test-bed, we show that indeed the new function results in di erent ranking of cases { and use testbed examples to illustrate why this is desirable from a user's perspective.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    A Graph-Based Recommender for Enhancing the Assortment of Web Shops
    (2015) Riesen, Kaspar; Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Galliè, Emidio [in: Proceedings of Workshop on Data Mining in Marketing DMM'2015]
    In this work, we consider a situation where multiple Providers (competitors) serve a common market, using a common infrastructure of sales channels. More speci cally, we focus on multiple web shops that are run by the same web shop platform provider. Our goal is to recommend new items to complement the assortment of a provider, based on user behaviour in the other shops of the same platform. For this new problem, we propose to capture information on how items sell together in a shared product co-occurrence graph. We then adapt known graph-based recommenders to the problem. Further criteria for ranking recommended items are derived as part of a case study conducted in the context of IT web shops. They are combined with the scores of the graph recommenders in a nal ranking function. We evaluate this function with data from our case study context and based on judgments of one shop owner. Our results show that a good ranking can be achieved, reflecting the needs of the shop owner.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Energy saving in smart homes based on consumer behavior: A case study
    (IEEE, 2015) Zehnder, Michael; Wache, Holger; Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Zanatta, Danilo; Rodriguez, Miguel [in: First IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2-2015)]
    This paper presents a case study of a recommender system that can be used to save energy in smart homes without lowering the comfort of the inhabitants. We present an algorithm that mines consumer behavior data only and applies machine learning to suggest actions for inhabitants to reduce the energy consumption of their homes. The system looks for frequent and periodic patterns in the event data provided by the digitalSTROM home automation system. These patterns are converted into association rules, prioritized and compared with the current behavior of the inhabitants. If the system detects opportunities to save energy without decreasing the comfort level, it sends a recommendation to the inhabitants.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift