Egli, Mirjam

Egli, Mirjam


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  • Publikation
    Plurale Ansätze in Lehrwerken und Lernmaterialien – Einblicke in aktuelle Entwicklungen mit besonderem Fokus auf die Schweiz
    (Narr, 2018) Egli, Mirjam; Grossenbacher Künzler, Barbara; Gubler, Brigitta; Lovey, Gwendoline; Melo-Pfeifer, Sílvia; Reimann, Daniel [in: Plurale Ansätze zu Sprachen und Kulturen in Deutschland: State of the Art und Perspektiven]
    In diesem Beitrag wird danach gefragt, inwiefern Plurale Ansätze in Lehrwerken sowie in lehrwerksunabhängigen oder -ergänzenden Materialien ihren Niederschlag finden und – mit besonderem Fokus auf die Schweiz – wie diese im Gesamtcurriculum eingebettet sind.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
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    Pragmatic enhancement of intercultural learning before, during, and after study abroad
    (Routledge, 2018) Egli, Mirjam; Jackson, Jane; Oguro, Susan [in: Intercultural interventions in study abroad]
    This chapter presents and critically reflects a set of teaching resources known as ‘Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility – Practical resources for teachers and teacher trainers, or ‘ PluriMobil '. It analyses the definitions of intercultural competence and learning that emerged in semi- structured interviews with three upper secondary teachers who had used PluriMobil in a study abroad context. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the pedagogical implications of the findings.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
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    Plurilingual and Intercultural Education in Teacher Training Mobility: Experiencing and Implementing PluriMobil
    (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016) Egli, Mirjam; Kürsteiner, Brigitte; Bleichenbacher, Lukas; Frehner, Ruth; Kolde, Antje-Marianne [in: Teacher Education in the 21st century: A Focus on Convergence]
    Mobility programs for learning purposes, such as physical class exchanges or forms of virtual mobility, have long been recognised as powerful instruments for plurilingual and intercultural education. At the same time, it is clear that spending time in a different environment need not necessarily result in higher intercultural or linguistic skills. Such experiences will result in more sustainable learning outcomes when they are carefully prepared, accompanied, and followed up on, for instance by the use of different portfolio instruments and other appropriate materials enhancing plurilingual and intercultural learning. This principle is at the heart of PluriMobil, a project at the Council of Europe’s European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML). In this chapter, we present the theoretical underpinnings of this educational project, and report on its implementation in teacher training in a German-speaking Swiss context. There, the future teachers draw from their own experiences to design pedagogical scenarios, in their future work as teachers at primary, lower or upper secondary levels. The aim is to foster coherence across educational levels by the use of comparable didactic instruments, and to prepare teachers for worthwhile mobility experiences with their classes. Finally, we discuss to what extent this focus on didactic innovation also contributes to integrating mobility into teacher training curricula in a more coherent way.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
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    PluriMobil meets DYLAN – practical resources for supporting intercultural and plurilingual learning in vocational student mobility
    (John Benjamins, 2016) Egli, Mirjam; Höchle Meier, Katharina; Lüdi, Georges; Höchle Meier, Katharina; Yanaprasart, Patchareerat [in: Managing plurilingual and intercultural practices in the workplace]
    Pedagogical research literature shows consistently that a focussed and structured support of the phases before, during and after the mobility experience turns out to be a crucial factor in the learning success of all types of study abroad activities. PluriMobil is a concept developed at the European Centre of Modern Languages (ECML) of the Council of Europe. It yields practical and ready to use pedagogical resources, so called lesson plans and learning scenarios, geared towards fostering sustainable plurilingual and intercultural learning in mobility. The PluriMobil resources are available for five educational levels: teacher training, primary, lower secondary and upper secondary general school and upper secondary vocational school. The latter, the focus of this contribution, is partially grounded in, and partly in response to, a part of the research findings in the DYLAN project. The aim of this chapter is to show how these findings could be put into practice.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift