Hofmann, Michèle

Hofmann, Michèle


Gerade angezeigt 1 - 5 von 5
  • Publikation
    Prüfen, Testen, Auslesen und Zuweisen. Zum Inklusions-Paradox des Schulsystems
    (Klinkhardt, 2021) Bühler, Patrick; Reh, Sabine; Hofmann, Michèle; Moser, Vera; Reh, Sabine; Bühler, Patrick; Moser, Vera; Hofmann, Michèle [in: Schülerauslese, schulische Beurteilung und Schülertests 1880–1980]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    «Komplett pessimistisch eingestellt». Hilfe und Heilung in der Schweizer Sonderpädagogik zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts
    (Klinkhardt, 2021) Bühler, Patrick; Reh, Sabine; Bühler, Patrick; Hofmann, Michèle; Moser, Vera [in: Schülerauslese, schulische Beurteilung und Schülertests 1880–1980]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Der Auf- und Ausbau der „modernen“ Volksschule
    (Chronos, 2019) Helfenberger, Marianne; Manz, Karin; Brühwiler, Ingrid; Criblez, Lucien; Crotti, Claudia; Helfenberger, Marianne; Hofmann, Michèle; Manz, Karin [in: Schweizer Bildungsgeschichte. Systementwicklung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    E Pluribus Unum. One Swiss School System based on many Cantonal School Acts
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) Boser Hofmann, Lukas; Hofmann, Michèle; Brühwiler, Ingrid; Westberg, Johannes; Boser Hofmann, Lukas; Brühwiler, Ingrid [in: School Acts and the Rise of Mass Schooling. Education Policy in the Long Nineteenth Century]
    In this chapter, the authors raise the question of what makes the Swiss case worth presenting to an international audience. They argue that Switzerland is an interesting case because Swiss formal education lacks much of the structural systematization a system of mass schooling is expected to have. A close examination of the formal schooling in Switzerland reveals that every canton is given the autonomy to organize primary and most of secondary education. School structures and school legislation are mainly cantonal affairs, not guided by centralized agency or national body of law. However, given that similarities undoubtedly exist between those cantonal school systems, it is important to examine how those similarities came into being, as it is likely that the cantons are not as independent in their decision-making as it might appear at a first glance.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Das Bildungssystem im Gefüge staatlicher und konfessioneller Interessen
    (Chronos, 2019) Manz, Karin; Crotti, Claudia; Müller, Stefan; Brühwiler, Ingrid; Criblez, Lucien; Crotti, Claudia; Helfenberger, Marianne; Hofmann, Michèle; Manz, Karin [in: Schweizer Bildungsgeschichte – Systementwicklung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband