Bedö, Viktor

Bedö, Viktor


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Making Everyday Things Talk: Speculative Conversations into the Future of Voice Interfaces at Home

2021-05-08, Bedö, Viktor, Reddy, Anuradha, Kocaballi, Baki, Nicenboim, Iohanna, Sondergaard, Marie Louise Juul, Lupetti, Maria Luce, Key, Cayla, Speed, Chris, Lockton, Dan, Gaccardi, Elisa, Grommé, Francisca, Robbins, Holly, Primlani, Namrata, Sumartojo, Shanti, Phan, Thao, Stengers, Yolande

What if things had a voice? What if we could talk directly to things instead of using a mediating voice interface such as an Alexa or a Google Assistant? In this paper, we share our insights from talking to a pair of boots, a tampon, a perfume bottle, and toilet paper among other everyday things to explore their conversational capabilities. We conducted Thing Interviews using a more-than-human design approach to discover a thing’s perspectives, worldviews and its relations to other humans and nonhumans. Based on our analysis of the speculative conversations, we identified some themes characterizing the emergent qualities of people’s relationships with everyday things. We believe the themes presented in the paper may inspire future research on designing everyday things with conversational capabilities at home.


Unmaking. Against General Applicability

2020, Allen, Jamie, Ibach, Merle, Büsse, Michaela, Gerloff, Felix, Bedö, Viktor, Miyazaki, Shintaro, Bogers, Loes, Chiappini, Letizia

As belief in the applicability and efficacy of DIY production, open-source, and method sharing has broadened to include institutional hackathons and open-data-fueled and civic 'maker weekends', taking stock and articulating how certain approaches 'work' or 'do not work' within maker culture – and for progressive and expansive creator cultures more generally – continues to be essential. 'Making' is a key concept that frames a host of more specific practices, lending characteristic manual/moral, communal/communicational, aesthetic/ethical, and enacted/ economic inflections and values. Even simple historical, traditional, technological, or digital acts of object and media creation, of art and design, but also of writing and thinking itself, can be recast as 'making'. What is it that happens to the thinking and doing of such activities, when such recasting is desired, chosen, projected, enforced, or assumed?

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Rapid Street Game Design: Prototyping Laboratory for Urban Change

2019, Bedö, Viktor, de Lange, Michiel, de Waal, Martijn

Street games are predominantly physical games played in the streets, incorporating the built urban environment, spatial layout, social and political char- acteristics of urban sites into the gameplay. This paper outlines how rapid street game design and playing street games are means of knowledge generation for urban change. To develop the argument, it looks first at implicit aspects of design knowl- edge in an iterative design process. It then explores the role of explicit and implicit rules in game design as well as the concept of the magic circle that incorporates both the game design and the context of the actual urban site. Game design examples underpin the exploratory and prototyping aspects of street game design.


Re-Imagining Commoning Infrastructures and Economies

2021-03-26, Bedö, Viktor, Miyazaki, Shintaro

It is overwhelming to think there are no alternatives or the system is too big for design to generate impact. Commoning is seen as an alternative socio-technic and technological possibility of sensing and computing power promise some possibilities. Material Commons have logistic aspects, thus distribution and challenge infrastructures and market-based economic models. But we are lacking the means of translating the possibilities of technologies into concrete mechanisms and design principles that carry the values of commoning. This paper suggests the creation of imaginaries in combination with situated playful exploration to contribute the evoking what is on the fringes. It proposes a playful (street and video call) exploration format building on a fictional algorithm drive infrastructure for distributing rescued food and draws preliminary reflections about future uses of this and similar formats in designing alternative worlds.


Unmaking – against general applicability

2020, Bedö, Viktor, Ibach, Merle, Büsse, Michaela, Gerloff, Felix, Miyazaki, Shintaro, Allen, Jamie, Bogers, Loes, Chiappini, Letizia


Interaktive Stadtkarten als Instrumente der Erkenntnis

2011, Bedö, Viktor

Dieser Dissertation liegt die Problematik des impliziten verkörperten Wissens im Erkennen und Entdecken mittels visueller Instrumente zu Grunde. Mit Entdeckung ist der Akt des allerersten Erkennens von etwas gemeint, über dessen Existenz oder Beschaffenheit dem Entdecker zuvor keine expliziten Kenntnisse zur Verfügung standen. Eine zentrale These dieser Arbeit besagt, dass dies durch den transmodalen Charakter der empirischen Begriffsbildung gesichert wird. Dieses erkenntnistheoretische Problem wird anhand des Entdeckens von emergenten Mustern urbaner Organisation ausgearbeitet, die aus der Vogelperspektive auf urbanen Echtzeitkarten erscheinen. In der Arbeit werden Trends interaktiver Kartierung aufgezeigt, bei denen unter anderem urbane Sensordaten, Daten aus der Verortung von Personen, Objekten und Information und anwendergenerierte Informationen visualisiert werden. Die Konklusion beinhaltet Ausblicke, an welchen Punkten die anhand der interaktiven Karten gewonnenen Erkenntnisse in Stadtentwicklungsprojekte und in die Entwicklung von ortssensitiven Technologien einfließen können. This dissertation elaborates on the role of implicit embodied knowledge in recognition and discovery through the use of visual instruments. Discovery refers to the very first act of recognition of something, that''s existence or features were not explicitly known by the discovering person beforehand. According to a central thesis of this work discovery is enabled by the transmodal character of empirical concept formation. This epistemological question is elaborated based on the case of emergent patterns of urban organization that appear on urban real-time maps from the bird''s eye view. Trends of interactive mapping are shown where urban sensor-data, location data of persons, objects, and information, as well as user generated information is visualized. The conclusion contains outlooks how knowledge gained from interactive urban maps can be utilized in urban development projects and in the development of location sensitive technologies.


Predictive Tech in Scaling Material Urban Commons

2021-03-26, Bedö, Viktor, Choi, Jaz Hee-jeong

Scaling Material Urban Commons is a speculative city-making project investigating automated logistics for commoning material urban commons, such as rescued food. It postulates that some forms of material commons require different forms of beyond-hyperlocal scale commoning. The project critically investigates and prototypes technological and sociotechnical conditions for city-wide commoning of material urban commons, using a predictive-algorithm-based system emulator that orchestrates pickup and drop-off of rescued food in Basel and London. Introducing predictive technology shifts the site of commoning closer towards an algorithm- driven platform, which raises following key questions: What frictions emerge from changing scale in commoning? How to reconcile predictive technologies with local, idiosyncratic food cultures? How to engage in commoning with algorithmic agents in participatory settings? By addressing these questions, the project aims at creating imaginaries of commoning-based smart city alternatives.


Toys for conviviality. Situating ccommoning, computation and modelling

2020, Savic, Selena, Bedö, Viktor, Büsse, Michaela, Martins, Yann Patrick, Miyazaki, Shintaro

This article explores the use of agent-based modelling as a critical and playful form of engagement with cooperative housing organizations. Because of its inherent complexities vis-à-vis decision-making, commoning is a well-suited field of study to explore the potential of humanities-driven experimental design (media) research to provoke critical reflection, problem-finding and productive complication. By introducing two different agent-based models, the interdisciplinary research team discusses their experience with setting up parameters for modelling, their implications, and the possibilities and limits of employing modelling techniques as a basis for decision-making. While it shows that modelling can be helpful in detecting long-term results of decisions or testing out effects of unlikely yet challenging events, modelling might act as a discursive practice uncovering hidden assumptions inherent in the model setup and generating an increase of scientific uncertainty. The project “ThinkingToys for Commoning” thus argues for a critical modelling practice and culture, in which models act as toys for probing alternative modes of living together and explor- ing the constructedness of methods. In countering late forms of capitalism, the resulting situated and critical practice provides avenues for enabling more self-determined forms of governance.