Bedö, Viktor

Bedö, Viktor


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  • Publikation
    I Am a Nettle: Approaching More-than-Human Service Design
    (MoTH Cities, 01/2022) Bedö, Viktor; Heitlinger, Sara [in: more-than-human data interactions in the city]
    The workshop title ‘Data Interactions In The More-than-Human Smart City’ on the first reading suggests questions about sensor types, algorithms, interfaces, devices, apps, mobility solutions and what they afford to hedgehogs. I would argue that the workshop goes far beyond that in not only investigating knowledge embodied in design, but the frontiers of the knowable for designers’ bodies.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Unmaking. Against General Applicability
    (Institute of Network Cultures, 2020) Allen, Jamie; Ibach, Merle; Büsse, Michaela; Gerloff, Felix; Bedö, Viktor; Miyazaki, Shintaro; Bogers, Loes; Chiappini, Letizia [in: The Critical Makers Reader: (Un)learning Technology]
    As belief in the applicability and efficacy of DIY production, open-source, and method sharing has broadened to include institutional hackathons and open-data-fueled and civic 'maker weekends', taking stock and articulating how certain approaches 'work' or 'do not work' within maker culture – and for progressive and expansive creator cultures more generally – continues to be essential. 'Making' is a key concept that frames a host of more specific practices, lending characteristic manual/moral, communal/communicational, aesthetic/ethical, and enacted/ economic inflections and values. Even simple historical, traditional, technological, or digital acts of object and media creation, of art and design, but also of writing and thinking itself, can be recast as 'making'. What is it that happens to the thinking and doing of such activities, when such recasting is desired, chosen, projected, enforced, or assumed?
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Unmaking – against general applicability
    (Institute of Network Cultures, 2020) Bedö, Viktor; Ibach, Merle; Büsse, Michaela; Gerloff, Felix; Miyazaki, Shintaro; Allen, Jamie; Bogers, Loes; Chiappini, Letizia [in: The Critical Makers Reader: Collaborative Learning With Technology]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Rapid Street Game Design: Prototyping Laboratory for Urban Change
    (Springer, 2019) Bedö, Viktor; de Lange, Michiel; de Waal, Martijn [in: The Hackable City: Digital Media and Collaborative City-Making in the Network Society]
    Street games are predominantly physical games played in the streets, incorporating the built urban environment, spatial layout, social and political char- acteristics of urban sites into the gameplay. This paper outlines how rapid street game design and playing street games are means of knowledge generation for urban change. To develop the argument, it looks first at implicit aspects of design knowl- edge in an iterative design process. It then explores the role of explicit and implicit rules in game design as well as the concept of the magic circle that incorporates both the game design and the context of the actual urban site. Game design examples underpin the exploratory and prototyping aspects of street game design.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband