Garrote, Ariana

Garrote, Ariana


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Longitudinal changes in Swiss adolescent’s mental health outcomes from before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

2021-12-02, Ertanir, Beyhan, Kassis, Wassilis, Garrote, Ariana

This study aimed to explore changes in mental health outcomes (depression, anxiety, home, and school stress) from before the first COVID-19 wave (autumn 2019) to the later stages of the same wave (autumn 2020) in a sample of N = 377 Swiss adolescents (Mage = 12.67; 47% female. The results showed that the expected impact of the pandemic on mental health was not noticeable in the later stages of the first COVID-19 wave. Only two effects were demonstrated in terms of intra-individual changes, namely, an effect of gender on depression and anxiety symptoms and an effect of reported COVID-19 burden on school stress symptoms. Moreover, few associations were found for selected predictors and students’ mean level scores, averaged across both time points.


Teacher expectations and parental stress during emergency distance learning and their relationship to students’ perception

2021-09-17, Garrote, Ariana, Niederbacher, Edith, Hofmann, Jan, Rösti, Ilona, Neuenschwander, Markus

School closures in spring 2020 caused by the COVID-19 pandemic were an unprecedented and drastic event for students, parents, and teachers. The unplanned adaptation of classroom instruction to emergency distance learning was necessary to ensure continued education. In this new learning environment, teachers formed expectations for student academic achievement gains, which in turn affected the opportunities for students to learn. Parents faced new challenges in supporting their children’s learning. According to parenting stress models, such drastic events can be a stress factor for parents, which in turn affects their children’s adjustment. This study analyzed the extent to which parents and teachers affected the perceptions of students in compulsory school toward distance learning through processes at home (individual level) and at the class level with data from multiple informants. On an individual level, the relationship between parents’ perceived threat of COVID-19 and their stress due to distance learning and students’ perceived threat of COVID-19 and their perception of distance learning were examined. Students’ learning behavior was accounted for as a variable related to their perception of distance learning. At the class level, the explanatory character of teacher expectations and class-aggregated achievement gains were examined. Data on students in grades 4 to 8, parents, and teachers in Switzerland were collected with standardized online questionnaires after the period of school closures. A subsample of 539 students, 539 parents, and 83 teachers was analyzed. The results of multilevel structural equation modeling suggested that students had a more positive perception of distance learning if they were able to learn more autonomously (i.e., more motivated and concentrated than in regular classroom instruction) and if their parents felt less stressed in the distance learning setting. Parents were more stressed if they perceived COVID-19 as a threat. Students’ perception of the COVID-19 threat was related to their parents’ perception but did not explain students’ learning behavior. At the class level, if teachers expected high academic achievement gains in distance learning, the average academic achievement gains of a class were greater. The greater the achievement gains were, the more positive the collective student perception of distance learning was.

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Fernunterricht während der Coronavirus-Pandemie. Analyse von Herausforderungen und Gelingensbedingungen

2021-05-07, Garrote, Ariana


Modifying biased teacher expectations in mathematics and German. A teacher intervention study

2021-04-06, Neuenschwander, Markus, Mayland, Camille, Niederbacher, Edith, Garrote, Ariana

Students’ migration backgrounds and low socioeconomic status can bias teacher expectations of student achievement in mathematics and German. The main goal of this intervention study was to inform, raise awareness, and provide opportunities to implement behaviors to modify primary school teachers’ biased achievement expectations. Before and after the implementation of the teacher training, data were collected using teacher, student, and parent questionnaires and student achievement tests in mathematics and German. Regression analyses using a sample of 860 students from Grades 4 to 6 from 75 classes showed that students’ migration backgrounds and socioeconomic status biased teacher expectations for pretests in mathematics and German. After the intervention, expectations in mathematics were unbiased by students’ migration background among teachers in the test group, in contrast to the control group. This study provides evidence for strategies to modify biased teacher expectations through teacher training.

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2021-12, Garrote, Ariana

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Social participation of a minority group in the context of an international school

2021-08-27, Garrote, Ariana, Néray, Balint, Lubbers, Miranda


Die Wirkung von unterschiedlichen Formen von co-teaching auf die von den Schülerinnen und Schülern wahrgenommene Unterrichtsqualität in inklusiven Klassen

2021-04-26, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth, Maag Merki, Katharina, Pfaffhauser, Rico, Stöckli, Meret, Garrote, Ariana


Akzeptanz von Indikatoren zur Beurteilung von überfachlichen Kompetenzen durch Lehrpersonen der Zyklen 1 bis 3 im Kanton Zug – Schlussbericht

2021-09-29, Tulowitzki, Pierre, Garrote, Ariana

Das Amt für gemeindliche Schulen des Kantons Zug lancierte ein Projekt zur Entwicklung von zyklusspezifischen Indikatoren, die Lehrpersonen bei der Förderung und Beurteilung von überfachlichen Kompetenzen unterstützen sollen. Für die überfachlichen Kompetenzen wurden insgesamt 1042 evidenz- und erfahrungsbasierte Indikatoren formuliert. Diese wurden von der Firma Menon Skills AG in ein Plattform-übergreifendes Web-Tool eingepflegt. Forschende der Pädagogischen Hochschule FHNW wurden damit beauftragt, in einer Begleitstudie die Akzeptanz der Indikatoren zu überfachlichen Kompetenzen durch die beteiligten Lehrpersonen zu untersuchen. Hierzu wurden die in der Web-Plattform erhobenen Daten ausgewertet. In diesem Bericht werden zunächst die verwendeten Daten sowie das methodische Vorgehen kurz erläutert. Anschliessend werden die Ergebnisse präsentiert und einige Schlussfolgerungen auf Basis der Ergebnisse gezogen.

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Fernunterricht während der Coronavirus-Pandemie. Analyse von Herausforderungen und Gelingensbedingungen

2021-05-10, Garrote, Ariana

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Fernunterricht während der Coronavirus-Pandemie. Analyse von Herausforderungen und Gelingensbedingungen

2021-04-15, Garrote, Ariana