Waldis Weber, Monika

Waldis Weber
Waldis Weber, Monika


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Investigating adolescents’ historical reasoning skills when analyzing and interpreting an image

2024-01-10, van Loon, Kevin, Studer, Dominic, Waldis Weber, Monika

This study investigated adolescents’ (secondary school students, N = 145, M age 13.9 years) historical reasoning skills when analyzing and interpreting an image. Presumably, historical reasoning can be fostered when engaging in inquiry-based writing. However, in past research using inquiry-based writing tasks, textual sources rather than images prevailed. The present research investigated students’ writing skills when interpreting a historical image. Participants were presented with a historical photograph and were asked to write a structured text about their analysis and interpretation of this image. A scoring rubric was developed to assess the quality of students’ historical reasoning skills, specifically: (1) asking and answering historical questions, (2) reasoning about images, and (3) reasoning with images. Findings show that the factor structure of the scoring rubric largely overlaps with theoretically distinguished components of historical reasoning. Students were able to ask historical questions and write a well-structured text. However, most students did not describe and analyze the source of the image and did not refer to the main message of the image. Further, many students could not identify the image’s relevance for the present. Importantly, the findings imply that students’ methodological competencies to critically analyze and interpret the used image were not elaborated. Possibly, they do not receive sufficient training addressing these skills. This seems problematic, not only in history education but also when deriving meaning from images in everyday life.

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Einleitung: Geschichtsdidaktisch intervenieren – eine Standortbestimmung

2023, Waldis Weber, Monika, Nitsche, Martin, Waldis Weber, Monika, Nitsche, Martin

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Grenzen im Denken überwinden. Grenzgänge zwischen Migrationsforschung, Migrationspädagogik, Didaktik der Politischen Bildung und pädagogischer Praxiserfahrung

2021, Affolter, Simon, Sperisen, Vera, Kuhn, Konrad J., Nitsche, Martin, Thyroff, Julia, Waldis Weber, Monika


Bildungsprozesse in heterogenen Kontexten

2021, Neuenschwander, Markus, Sturm, Afra, Waldis Weber, Monika


Geschichtsdidaktisch intervenieren

2023, Waldis Weber, Monika, Nitsche, Martin


Narrative competence and epistemological beliefs of German Swiss prospective history teachers: A situated relationship

2022, Nitsche, Martin, Waldis Weber, Monika

Few history education studies have indicated that school students’ epistemological beliefs affect their historical thinking and writing. Some research has suggested that history teaching could affect these aspects. Several history educators have assumed that (prospective) history teachers’ epistemological beliefs are related to their ways of teaching and to their ability to think historically. Yet evidence underpinning these assumptions is rare. To address this gap, we investigated how prospective German Swiss history teachers’ epistemological beliefs impacts their reading and writing abilities in terms of narrative competence. We therefore applied argumentative writing tasks to assess participants’ narrative competence and surveyed their epistemological beliefs and further contextual covariates (e.g., situational interest, number of history courses attended at university). Results show small effects of participants’ epistemological beliefs on their narrative competence, while their situational interest is more influential. Other contextual constructs (e.g., number of history courses attended at university) are also predictive. Overall, our results indicate that narrative competence and epistemological beliefs are correlated yet situated in contextual aspects.

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ZwischenWelten. Grenzgänge zwischen Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Geschichtsdidaktik und Politischer Bildung

2021, Kuhn, Konrad J., Nitsche, Martin, Thyroff, Julia, Waldis Weber, Monika

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Narrative Kompetenz und epistemologische Beliefs im Geschichtsunterricht fördern? Zur Wirksamkeit einer Schreibintervention an Deutschweizer Gymnasien

2023, Nitsche, Martin, Waldis Weber, Monika, Marti, Philipp, Hubacher, Manuel, Waldis Weber, Monika, Nitsche, Martin


Wozu (Global-)Geschichte? Didaktische Potentiale von Globalgeschichte in der geschichtsdidaktischen Diskussion

2021, Marti, Philipp, Kuhn, Konrad J., Nitsche, Martin, Thyroff, Julia, Waldis Weber, Monika

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ZwischenWelten. Grenzgänge zwischen Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Geschichtsdidaktik und Politischer Bildung

2021, Kuhn, Konrad J., Nitsche, Martin, Thyroff, Julia, Waldis Weber, Monika