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Matching B2B-partners in the sharing economy
Kein Vorschaubild vorhanden
Niederhauser, Luca
Wäfler, Anton
Huber, Sebastian
Jüttner, Uta
von dem Berge, Karina
Huber, Charles
Burri, Simona
ISSN der Zeitschrift
This paper explores the matching of business-to-business (B2B) partners interested in the sharing of resources. Factors for a successful matching were derived from the literature and examined through interviews with representatives of Swiss small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Results showed that relevant success factors cannot be universally defined in advance since sharing transactions differ too much from one another. These insights led to the development of a diagnostic tool that takes the diversity of sharing transactions into account by facilitating the comparison of expectations and objectives of the parties involved. Such compatibilities, or incompatibilities are revealed, which prevents misunderstandings during the sensitive partner matching phase of B2B-sharing transactions.
Sharing Economy, Business to Business, B2B, Partner matching, Success factors, Diagnostic tool, Boundary spanning cooperation, Small and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs
DOI der Originalpublikation
NIEDERHAUSER, Luca, Anton WÄFLER, Sebastian HUBER, Uta JÜTTNER, Karina VON DEM BERGE, Charles HUBER und Simona BURRI, 2022. Matching B2B-partners in the sharing economy. In: Human Factors, Business Management and Society. New York. 2022. S. 1–7. Verfügbar unter: https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/33777.1