Auflistung nach Schlagwort "004 - Computer Wissenschaften, Internet"
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Publikation A flexible, extendable and adaptable model to support AI coaching(Springer, 2023) Duhan, Ritu; Pande, Charuta; Martin, Andreas; Hinkelmann, Knut; López-Pellicer, Francisco J.; Polini, AndreaWe present a model based on coaching definitions, concepts, and theories to support AI coaching. The model represents the evidence-based coaching practice in different coaching domains by identifying the common elements in the coaching process. We then map the elements of the coaching model with Conversational AI design and development strategies to highlight how an AI coach can be instantiated from the model. We showcase the instantiation through an example use case of an HIV coaching chatbot.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation A market-based smart grid approach to increasing power grid capacity without physical grid expansion(Springer, 01.02.2018) Bagemihl, Joachim; Boesner, Frank; Riesinger, Jens; Künzli, Michael; Wilke, Gwendolin; Binder, Gabriela; Wache, Holger; Laager, Daniel; Breit, Jürgen; Wurzinger, Michael; Zapata, Juliana; Ulli-Beer, Silvia; Layec, Vincent; Stadler, Thomas; Stabauer, FranzThe continuous increase of competitiveness of renewable energy in combination with the necessity of fossil fuel substitution leads to further electrification of the global energy system and therefore a need for large-scale power grid capacity increase. While physical grid expansion is not feasible for many countries, grid-driven energy management in the Smart Grid often interferes in customer processes and free access to the energy market. The paper solves this dilemma by proposing a market-based load schedule management approach that increases power grid capacity without physical grid expansion. This is achieved by allocating for a certain class of non-critical flexible loads called “conditional loads” the currently unused grid capacity dedicated to ensuring N−1 security of supply whereas this security level remains untouched for all critical processes. The paper discusses the necessary processes and technical and operational requirements to operate such a system.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation A space- and time-efficient Implementation of the Merkle Tree Traversal Algorithm(12/2013) Knecht, Markus; Nicola, Carlo U.We have developed an algorithm for the Merkle tree traversal problem which combines the efficient spacetime trade-off from the fractal Merkle-trees and the space efficiency from the improved log space-time Merkle-trees traversal. We further programmed a low storage space and a low time overhead version of the algorithm in Java and measured its performance with respect to two different implementations.01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation A viewpoint-based case-based reasoning approach utilising an enterprise architecture ontology for experience management(Taylor & Francis, 28.03.2016) Martin, Andreas; Emmenegger, Sandro; Hinkelmann, Knut; Thönssen, BarbaraThe accessibility of project knowledge obtained from experiences is an important and crucial issue in enterprises. This information need about project knowledge can be different from one person to another depending on the different roles he or she has. Therefore, a new ontology-based case-based reasoning (OBCBR) approach that utilises an enterprise ontology is introduced in this article to improve the accessibility of this project knowledge. Utilising an enterprise ontology improves the case-based reasoning (CBR) system through the systematic inclusion of enterprise-specific knowledge. This enterprise-specific knowledge is captured using the overall structure given by the enterprise ontology named ArchiMEO, which is a partial ontological realisation of the enterprise architecture framework (EAF) ArchiMate. This ontological representation, containing historical cases and specific enterprise domain knowledge, is applied in a new OBCBR approach. To support the different information needs of different stakeholders, this OBCBR approach has been built in such a way that different views, viewpoints, concerns and stakeholders can be considered. This is realised using a case viewpoint model derived from the ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 standard. The introduced approach was implemented as a demonstrator and evaluated using an application case that has been elicited from a business partner in the Swiss research project.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Adoption of Innovative Technology for Business Transformation with Big Data in an Oil and Gas Company in South Africa(Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW, 31.01.2017) Ballmert, Matthias; Hinkelmann, KnutToday, it is a known fact that Big Data (BD) lead to a competitive advantage for organisations. While several methodologies have been introduced to gain insights using BD, there is a lack in research regarding the adoption and usage of this knowledge within organizations for effective decision-making. By analysing a case of a South African oil and gas company, results of current research of innovation adoption have been adapted in order to find the reasons for the problem and fill this gap in current research. To collect data for this thesis, eight managers have been interviewed. The findings have then been analysed and assigned to a set of categories. The result of this research are three major criteria. Depending on the fulfilment or lack of the criteria, they act as enabler or barriers. The first criterion is the quality of the system, most important being data quality, next to performance and up-to-date data. Second is support and training, most important to find the right people for the right position and train them how to access the BD analytics and what is available. The right people have a passion for analysing data and bring with them creativity and innovativeness. The third influencer is (missing) features. It describes the possibilities to access information gained by BD. In the case of the oil and gas company, it was missing mobile reporting, predictive analytics and unstructured data. These three categories create a perceived value, which influences the adoption of BD analytics. The perceived value also effects the management, which themselves have been found as an influencer for the adoption.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Agile Software Development: Practices, Self-Organization, and Satisfaction(Springer, 2021) Biddle, Robert; Kropp, Martin; Meier, Andreas; Anslow, Craig; Pfeiffer, Sabine; Nicklich, Manuel; Sauer, Stefan04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Agility meets Governance of Enterprise IT(Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW, 29.10.2014) Diptanshu, Kumar; Asprion, PetraAchievement of continuous competitive advantage in an ever changing business environment together with distinct advancement in technology, require enterprises to consider more efficient ways in their quick responding abilities and in their taking advantage of IT possibilities. Many studies confirmed the important role of Agility and IT/ERP governance in ERP post-implementation phase in this respect. Additionally it was found that agility affects ERP post-implementation phase in various ways and continuous improvement of this phase with customization and business process reengineering plays a vital role for an improved superior agility. Impact and influence of ERP systems in supporting business operations is significant, therefore the effect of post-implementation modification initiatives need to be closely examined. Since these influences of ERP PIP are not adequately studied, there is still gap in the literature regarding this (Oseni et al., 2014). This master thesis addresses the research problem about the lack of knowledge on how IT/ERP governance and agility influences ERP post-implementation phase. To reach this goal, three research questions were identified and a review of the related terms of agility, IT/ERP governance, ERP post-implementation phase and business environment was performed through literature studies. The first question to find the current literature status of ERP post implementation with focus on IT/ERP governance and agility is answered by reviewing of existing literature relating to the topic as an essential first step and foundation when undertaking a research project (Baker, 2000). The second question to find the result about agility affect on ERP post implementation, a qualitative research approach known as Relational Analysis is performed on nine related articles of four selected online journals from last one year. Third question to find the influencing factors impacting the ERP post implementation regard to IT/ERP Governance or/and agility is answered by determining these factors through literature analysis performed on the various related literatures included in foundation. A conceptual research model based on the existing literature is proposed to provide a visual representation of the relationship between the involved concepts. The outcome of the first research question is a table, which summarizes the main literatures topics, focus, and literature support. Outcome of second research question support the mutual promotive relationship between ERP post implementation and agility. Outcome of third question is list of influencing factors impacting ERP post implementation regard to IT/ERP Governance or/and agility. Finally a revised conceptual model is derived to visualize the interpretations of the findings of the research. The findings of the research could be important theoretical contributions to the body knowledge of business information systems. The research has bridged the knowledge gap among agility, IT/ERP governance and post implementation, in relation to the way on how they influence ERP post implementation. This research has specific focus on ERP post implementation with regard to agility and IT/ERP governance.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Android API Levels(12/2011) Gruntz, DominikMit jeder neuen Android Version werden auch immer neue Features unterstützt. Mit Android 2.0 (Eclair) wurde Multi-Touch eingeführt, seit Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) ist neu die Kommunikation über NFC (Near Field Communication) möglich und Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) kennt neben Activities auch Fragments, um die UI-Möglichkeiten von Tablets besser unterstützen zu können. Der Programmierer muss bei jeder Applikation entscheiden, auf welcher Version er seine Programme entwickelt, und dabei Vorwärts- und Rückwärtskompatibilität beachten. Wir diskutieren dies in diesem Artikel am Beispiel einer Applikation, welche (optional) für den Austausch von Daten auch NFC verwenden soll.01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Attraktivität von ICT-Studiengängen für Männer und Frauen durch geschlechtersensitives Branding(30.06.2016) Resch, Dörte; Graf, IrisWelche Professionsidentitäten erschweren es jungen Frauen (und Männern), sich mit Ausbildungen und Berufen im ICT-Bereich zu identifizieren und wie können diese durch Branding-Prozesse von ICT-Ausbildungen (Lehre & Studium) verändert werden, um eine stärkere Identifikation zu ermöglichen.06 - PräsentationPublikation Bedingungen und Massnahmen für eine erfolgreiche Interaktion mit Large Language Models(Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie FHNW, 2024) Christe, Mathilde; Theiler, Sven; Institut Mensch in komplexen Systemen, Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie FHNWDiese Bachelorarbeit untersucht, ob eine Instruktion die Fähigkeiten und das Nutzungsverhalten der Studierenden im Umgang mit ChatGPT verbessern kann. Zudem wird der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Umgang mit ChatGPT und der Selbstwirksamkeit erforscht. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurden Studierende mittels Fragebogen gebeten, ihre Selbstwirksamkeit sowie ihre Nutzungsabsicht einzuschätzen und anschliessend 15 ChatGPT-Aufgaben zu beurteilen. Die Konstrukte Selbstwirksamkeit sowie die Nutzungsabsicht der Studierenden wurden mit wissenschaftlich validierten Items erfasst. Mittels t-Test und Spearman-Korrelation wurden die formulierten Hypothesen überprüft. Die Stichprobe (N=69) umfasst Studierende aus diversen Hochschulen sowie unterschiedlichen Alters und Geschlechts. Eine Instruktion beeinflusst den Umgang mit ChatGPT sowie das Nutzungsverhalten der Studierenden nicht signifikant. Zudem wurde festgestellt, dass eine höhere Selbstwirksamkeit keinen signifikanten Zusammenhang mit dem Umgang mit ChatGPT hat. Anhand der Analyse der Daten konnten Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet werden, um die Implementierung von Large Language Models (LLM`s) an Hochschulen zu unterstützen. Die daraus resultierenden Handlungsempfehlungen umfassen das Anbieten von Schulungen, um Studierende im Umgang mit LLM`s wie ChatGPT zu bilden, einschliesslich ethischer Aspekte und Datenschutzfragen. Darüber hinaus sollten klare Richtlinien für die Nutzung von KI-Technologien erstellt werden, um Transparenz zu gewährleisten und Studierende im kritischen Umgang mit KI-generierten Texten zu schulen.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Bildung über Berufe mit Serious Games? Potenziale zur Förderung gendersensibler Berufsorientierung aus der Perspektive angehender Lehrpersonen(2018) Driesel-Lange, Katja; Makarova, Elena; Kieslich, Kimon; Gramlinger, Franz; Iller, Carola; Ostendorf, Annette; Schmid, Kurt; Tafner, Georg04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Bildung über Berufe mit Serious Games? Potenziale zur Förderung gendersensibler Berufsorientierung aus der Perspektive von angehenden Lehrpersonen(2018) Driesel-Lange, Katja; Makarova, Elena06 - PräsentationPublikation Business Process Flexibility and Decision-aware Modeling - The Knowledge Work Designer(Springer, 2016) Hinkelmann, Knut; Karagiannis, Dimitris; Mayr, Heinrich C.; Mylopoulos, JohnThis chapter describes the Knowledge Work Designer, a modelling method for knowledge work. It is based on two principles: (1) the separation of business logic and process logic and (2) the support of both structures and unstructured knowledge. Process logic can be represented in a structured way in BPMN and in a non-structured way with CMMN. For real processes there is no strict separation between structured processes and cases. Therefore the Knowledge Work Designer offers a deep integration of BPMN and CMMN. Business logic can be represented in a structured way using decision tables. Unstructured business logic can be represented in documents. The separation of business logic and process logic allows for simpler process model and easier maintenance.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Challenges, opportunities and application fields of quantum computing - an introductory overview(Association Information et Management, 2022) Kech, Benjamin; Schneider, Bettina; Gachnang, Phillip; Azan, WilfridThis paper elaborates on the technology of quantum computing. It is aimed at people new to this field and introduces characteristics of quantum computing along with comparisons to classical computing. Furthermore, the paper describes the challenges and opportunities of quantum computing. In addition, applications have been explored where quantum computing could create value for businesses. The findings include three categories. First, quantum computing might make a difference in simulating nature, which was also the initial idea that led to the invention of quantum computing. Second, quantum computing could benefit the category of machine learning. Last, optimization problems will take advantage of quantum computing. It is concluded that quantum computing is still in its early stages and there are many challenges to overcome ‚ in particular the challenge of error correction. To gain in the foreseeable future from the advantages that quantum computing pledges, more advances in research have to be made to have a fault-tolerant system. A fault-tolerant quantum computer is a promising technology that could create significant value for various branches, such as finance.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Challenging the gendered segregation of work in the ICT-sector by de- and reconstruction of the professions identity discourses(19.05.2017) Resch, Dörte; Graf, IrisPurpose The persistence of gendered segregation of work in the ICT-sector in many European countries cannot be solely explained by unequal opportunities on the labour market or different (naturalized) interests or competences of men and women. Thus in this research it gets explored, why taking up studies or training in ICT does not appeal to women. The main goal is to find out how the identity of the ICT profession does (not) connect to female identity constructions. In a second step the analysis offers suggestions for reconstructions, so that a re-branding of a more gender inclusive identity of the professions identity can be developed. Design/Methodology Document Analysis of 59 documents on ICT degree programs, discourse analysis on 39 group discussions and problem centred interviews, n=84. Results Discourse analysis showed how the gendered discourses of the ICT profession are interlinked and thus form a heteronormative male image, which cannot be easily perturbed by e.g. just showing images of women. Limitations A quantitative study should be carried out to confirm the results on a broader scope. Research/Practical Implications It gets explained how identity constructions of the ICT profession are inherently gendered and that this gendering needs to be actively tackled on descriptions of the profession, degree programs and any promotional material on profession trainings. Originality/Value So far reconstruction, as known in discourse analysis, has not been connected with branding to mould an impact on a certain field of practice. Also the issue of tackling the gendered segregation of work through re-branding of an identity of a profession is novel.06 - PräsentationPublikation Create Video Games to Promote Well-Being of Elderly People – A Practice-Driven Guideline(Springer, 10.07.2020) Soldati, Marco; Zahn, Carmen; Bildibay, Doruk; Iseli, Tabea; Leisner, David; Niederhauser, Mario; Gao, Qin; Zhou, JiaThis paper presents a selection of game design concepts to promote social interaction between older people and players from other generations. Hardware-related interaction channels, game mechanics and game content can be used to trigger positive communication between several players. The proposed concepts are based on the experience of 32 game prototypes developed with and for the oldest seniors living in several Swiss nursing and retirement homes. The games are directed at the relatives to make their visits a pleasant and positively perceived experience, with the aim of increasing well-being of all involved.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Critical Infrastructure Information Security Model(Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW, 31.01.2015) Schlüter, Michael; Asprion, PetraMalfunction of critical infrastructures have a serious impact on health, safety, security and economic wellbeing of citizens and have therefore to be supremely protected. Today’s cyber threats gain in importance especially for critical infrastructure as they have enormous potential for damage. Critical infrastructures are the backbone of our nation's economy, security and health. Different instruments are available to address various information security topics. Some regulations exist for parts of critical infrastructure sectors. But there is currently no unique security level of critical infrastructure enterprises. Goal of this study is to develop a model for critical infrastructures to prevent and mitigate current cyber risks. Gaps in information security for critical infrastructures were disclosed between available instruments and the needs of critical infrastructure providers. Primary source is based on case study research. Critical infrastructure experts were interviewed to get information about current situations in critical infrastructure enterprises. Books, documentation and journals in the field of information security or critical infrastructure protection are investigated as secondary resources. These sources were used to build a model by prototyping approach, which then was validated by critical infrastructure experts. Analysis of the case study discloses gaps in the area of awareness, cyber risk management, education, funding, regulation and technology. The developed “Critical Infrastructure Information Security Model” describes these areas and shows an improved information security model with focus on cyber risks of critical infrastructures.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Culturally responsive pedagogy, Universal Design for Learning, ubiquitous learning, and seamless learning. How these paradigms inform the intentional design of learner-centered online learning environments(IGI Global, 02/2021) Nussli, Natalie; Oh, Kevin; Panconesi, Gianni; Guida, MariaThe purpose of this theoretical chapter is to develop a one-stop checklist that assists educators in providing online teaching grounded in the principles of culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), ubiquitous learning (u-learning), and seamless learning. The authors explore how these paradigms inform the intentional design of learner-centered approaches in online learning environments and what an integrated approach could look like. This chapter will be relevant for faculty in higher education aiming to offer online curricula that emphasize active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal-directed learning.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Das pädagogische Konzept der Peer Education im Rahmen von Medienkompetenzförderung und Jugendmedienschutz(Bundesamt für Sozialversicherungen (BSV), 2012) Neumann-Braun, Klaus; Baumgärtner, Michael; Klug, Daniel; Preite, Alessandro; Preite, Luca05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Der Blockchain Hype(03/2018) Knecht, MarkusDie Kryptowährung Bitcoin ist weltweit bekannt. Die darunterliegenden Konzepte und Technologien sind aber vielen Leuten unbekannt. Der Begriff Blockchain hingegen sagt meist nur technisch interessierten Personen etwas. Die Blockchain ist die Technologie, welche Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin überhaupt erst ermöglicht. Kryptowährungen und vor allem Blockchains durchlaufen gerade eine Hype-Phase und immer mehr Projekte werden gestartet, die mit Blockchains zu tun haben. In diesem Artikel beschreiben wir, was es mit dem ganzen Hype auf sich hat, wie die tragende Technologie dahinter funktioniert und was sich damit alles bewerkstelligen lässt.01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung