Institute for Competitiveness and Communication

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  • Publikation
    The Emerging Governance of E-Infrastructure
    (Wiley, 2013) Barjak, Franz; Eccles, Kathryn; Meyer, Eric; Robinson, Simon; Schroeder, Ralph
    The paper studies the transition to ICT-based support systems for scientific research. These systems currently attempt the transition from the project stage to the more permanent stage of an infrastructure. The transition leads to several challenges, including in the area of establishing adequate governance regimes, which not all projects master successfully. Studying a set of cases from Europe and America, we look at patterns in the size and scope of the undertakings, embeddedness in user communities, aims and responsibilities, mechanisms of coordination, forms of governance, and time horizon and funding. We find that, though configurations and landscapes are somewhat diverse, successful projects typically follow distinctive paths, either large-scale or small-scale, and become what we term ‘stable metaorganizations’ or ‘established communities.’
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    The Future of e-Research Infrastructures
    (25.06.2009) Schroeder, Ralph; Meyer, Eric; Eccles, Kathryn; Kertcher, Zack; Barjak, Franz; Hüsing, Tobias; Robinson, Simon
    In this paper, we present selected results of a systematic study of different types of e-Research infrastructures. The paper is based on ongoing research to compare a range of e-Infrastructures of broad diversity focusing on: geographical diversity, representing efforts from around the globe; disciplinary diversity, including the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities; organizational diversity, for example, multi-institutional or federated; diverse levels of maturity, from those in the planning stage to those with a well-established user base; and diverse types of target user communities such as specialized niche, discipline-wide, or generic infrastructures. In presenting six initial cases, we discuss some general features that distinguish between different types of infrastructures across different fields of research. Previous analyses of e-Infrastructures have focused on the parallels between these infrastructures and the major infrastructures in society that support national populations. What our cases highlight instead is that e-Infrastructures consist of multiple types of overlapping and intersecting socio-technical configurations that serve quite diverse needs and groups of users. Indeed, the very term ‘infrastructures’ may be misleading insofar as it connotes support of whole communities of researchers on a large scale, which is currently still premature. The paper derives implications of this heterogeneity for the future outlook on e-Infrastructures.
    06 - Präsentation
  • Vorschaubild
    eResearch2020: The Role of e-Infrastructures in the Creation of Global Virtual Research Communities. Final Report. Report to the European Commission
    (2010) Hüsing, Tobias; Robinson, Simon; Barjak, Franz; Bendel, Oliver; Wiegand, Gordon; Eccles, Kathryn; Meyer, Eric; Schroeder, Ralph; Kertcher, Zack; Coslor, Erica
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    International collaboration, mobility and team diversity in the life sciences: impact on research performance.
    (Taylor & Francis, 2008) Barjak, Franz; Robinson, Simon
    The combination of knowledge and skills from different backgrounds or research cultures is often considered good for science. This paper describes the extent to which academic research teams in the life sciences draw on different national knowledge pools and how this is related to their research performance. We distinguish between international collaboration between research teams and international mobility leading to team diversity, where scientists with a background in another country work as members of a team over time. Our findings confirm previous results on the positive relationship between international collaboration and team performance. Moreover, we show that the most successful teams have a moderate level of diversity: maximizing diversity does not maximize performance. These results have implications for research team management and for research policy, in particular pointing out a need for adequate integration support to mobile scientists.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Accelerating Transition to Virtual Research Organization in Social Science (AVROSS). M4 Final Report to the European Commission
    (2007) Barjak, Franz; Wiegand, Gordon; Lane, Julia; Kertcher, Zack; Poschen, Meik; Procter, Rob; Robinson, Simon; Mentrup, Alexander
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    e-Infrastructure adoption in the social sciences and humanities: cross-national evidence
    (12.09.2008) Barjak, Franz; Lane, Julia; Poschen, Meik; Procter, Rob; Robinson, Simon; Wiegand, Gordon
    This paper is a first attempt to describe and compare the adoption of e-Infrastructure across the UK, continental Europe, and the USA in the social sciences and humanities. A survey of early adopters identified three differences across these countries, each potentially affecting adoption: funding approaches, the technical configuration of projects, and research support. Our findings also suggest that the sustainable adoption of e-Infrastructure co-varies with the role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and the involvement of other people in the adoption decision.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Case Studies of e-Infrastructure Adoption
    (SAGE, 2009) Barjak, Franz; Lane, Julia; Kertcher, Zack; Poschen, Meik; Procter, Rob; Robinson, Simon
    This article reports results from a study of e-Infrastructure adoption in the social sciences and humanities (SSH). The authors find that bridging barriers between computer and domain scientists is of key importance. In particular, SSH communities have to be accepted as being distinct and not suited to a ‘‘one size fits all’’ strategy of e-Infrastructure diffusion. Sustainability was also a core issue, whereas barriers to resource sharing could mostly be resolved with technological solutions, and skills and training activities are a reflection of the general ‘‘user dilemma.’’ The authors’ recommendations to European Union (EU) policy makers point the way to promoting e-Infrastructure development and wider application in the SSH.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Case Studies of e-Infrastructure Adoption
    (19.06.2008) Barjak, Franz; Wiegand, Gordon; Lane, Julia; Kertcher, Zack; Poschen, Meik; Procter, Rob; Robinson, Simon
    We report results from a study of e-Infrastructure adoption in the social sciences and humanities. We find that bridging barriers between computer and domain scientists is of key importance. In particular, SSH communities have to be accepted as being distinct and not suited to a “one size fits all” strategy of e-Infrastructure diffusion. Sustainability was also a core issue, whereas barriers to resource sharing could mostly be resolved with technological solutions, and skills and training activities are a reflection of the general “user dilemma”. Our recommendations to EU policy-makers point the way to promoting e-Infrastructure development and application in the social sciences and humanities.
    06 - Präsentation
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    National cultural diversity of research teams
    (2009) Barjak, Franz; Robinson, Simon
    According to social categorization theory diversity has negative effects on group processes as it places a burden on communication and cohesion. From an information processing approach, however, diversity is considered as beneficial for groups broadening the available cognitive resources. The paper compares national cultural diversity of research teams, i.e. to what degree members of research teams come from different countries, across a set of 10 European countries and four academic domains (engineering, natural sciences, biology, and social sciences). It uses different measures of diversity which include species richness, evenness and disparity to different degrees. For all measures we find that the UK and Sweden have high cultural diversities of their research teams, whereas the Czech Republic, Hungary and Italy and at domain level the social sciences have low diversities. We then relate the diversity measures to the teams’ research performance measured as journal publications but at the current level of calculations we fail to find a stable relationship.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    International collaboration, mobility and team diversity in the life sciences: impact on research performance
    (2007) Barjak, Franz; Robinson, Simon
    The combination of knowledge and skills from different backgrounds or research cultures is often considered good for science. This paper describes the extent to which academic research teams in the life sciences draw on knowledge from different research cultures and how this is related to their research performance. We distinguish between international collaboration of research teams from different countries and cultural diversity of research teams resulting from team members with different countries of origin. Our results show that the most successful teams have a moderate level of cultural diversity; in addition, successful teams engage in collaboration activities with teams from other European countries and the US leading to joint publications. These results have implications for research team management and for research policy, in particular in relation to supporting measures for mobile scientists.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift