Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures

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  • Publikation
    Modulating Matters of Computation, Modelling and Hyper-Separations
    (15.09.2021) Savic, Selena; Miyazaki, Shintaro
    We engage in a conversation with critical ecofeminism, which proposes to transform the colonialism-racism-capitalism-patriarchalism induced environmental crisis by a non-essentialist countering of oppressions and hyper-separations produced by human/nature dualism. We modulate the critical ecofeminist approach by countering a similar dualism, namely that of nature/technology. Furthermore, our theoretical balance-act has a praxis-oriented side: we believe that computation can be included in ecofeminist action. By providing alternative forms of engagement to instrumentalization, we trace pathways to different futures, countering the binary narratives of technology but also its moralizing of socio-cultural mediation. We take an intersectional approach to outcomes of computational modelling (simulations, visualisations, forecasts) and discuss the ecofeminist method of synthesis as a way to include different perspectives into computational processes. We work with two ‘modulated models’ that pay attention to assumptions, observations and thinking about urban commoning initiatives, and amateur knowledge of radio telecommunications. We aspire to provoke discussions about different modes of inclusion in communities and archives that are centred on shared, environment-friendly, solidarity oriented life-style and mutual care. Our approach engages with feminist arguments and inquires into ways patriarchalism is embedded in our relationship to technoscience and engineering. We explore modes of resistance through proposing skilled and alternative uses of these techniques.
    06 - Präsentation
  • Vorschaubild
    Telling Stories on Commoning with Design of Models and Simulations
    (SUPSI, HSLU, swissdesignnetwork, 2021) Savic, Selena; Martins, Yann Patrick; Botta, Massimo; Junginger, Sabine
    This paper will present learnings from a 4-year SNSF-funded research project (2018- 2021), exploring commoning initiatives through regular exchange with three housing cooperatives from Switzerland. In close cooperation with them, we developed four agent- based models as visions for dividing up work needed to care for common spaces and resources in a sustainable way. We affirm computational modelling as a design praxis that can address commoning as a world-making activity, and explore mechanisms that would challenge or restore the stability of community life simulated in this way. Our models are not to be understood as prediction-oriented systems, but rather as a process of designing thinking tools, or toys by which we are creating ways of being. What kinds of controls can prevent extraction of resources from the community? What personal strategies bring more harmony to the group and how much does individual behaviour affect it? We address these questions and propose some preliminary conclusions about the entanglements of labour with value extraction in commoning activities that are best addressed through stories.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Thinking Toys for Commoning
    (Christoph Merian Verlag, 07/2020) Savic, Selena
    Das vom SNF geförderte Forschungsprojekt ‹Denk-Spielzeug für Commoning› am Institut für Experimen- telle Design- und Medienkulturen (IXDM), HGK FHNW, thematisiert die Komplexität des nachhaltigen Lebens mit explorativen und spielerischen Ansätzen zur Computermodellierung. Wir arbeiten mit drei Schweizer Woh- nungsgenossenschaften zusammen, die Nachhaltigkeit, Selbstversorgung und Nicht-Wachstum fördern. Auf der Grundlage von Informationen, die Genos- senschaften bereitstellen, formulieren wir verschiedene Prinzipien in Bezug auf Zusammenarbeit und Entschei- dungsfindung und kodieren diese in agentenbasierte Modelle von Gemeinschaftssituationen. Wir verwenden das Modell und seine verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen, um mehr über zukünftige Verhaltensweisen und Verstrickungen in der Gemeinschaft zu erfahren. Wir entwerfen Modellschnittstellen als Denkspielzeug: Artefakte, die es Forschenden und Mitgliedern der Community ermöglichen, zukünftige Strategien zu erkennen. Mit den Denkspielzeugen untersuchen wir die Rolle von Artefakten bei der Schaffung von Wissen.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband