Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures

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Gerade angezeigt 1 - 10 von 154
  • Vorschaubild
    Toxische Überreste des Sammelns
    (De Gruyter, 2022) Caviezel, Flavia; Samuel, Nina; Sattler, Felix
    - Eine audiovisuelle Forschung fokussiert die Reinigungs- und Handlingprozesse von asbestbelasteten Objekten einer Schweizer Stiftungssammlung - Reste fordern Sammelinstitutionen heraus. Sie sind Kippfiguren, die an Überschreitungen der taxonomischen, disziplinären, architektonischen und institutionellen Grenzen mitarbeiten, und überall anzutreffen sind, im Ausstellungsraum wie im Depot. Einen spezifischen Fokus auf diese Marginalie richtet die vorliegende künstlerische Forschung zu toxischen Überresten. Sie begleitet, dokumentiert und analysiert Reinigungsprozesse asbestbelasteter Oldtimer-Wagen aus der Sammlung der Winterthurer Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte SKKG. Die vielfältigen Erkenntnisse zu diesen Handlings- und Transformationsprozessen, sowie zu planetarischen Zusammenhängen der letztlich in Abfalldeponien akkumulierten Toxine sind in einem bildbasierten Essay zusammengefasst. Dieser Beitrag ist während eines Forschungsaustauschs (SNF Scientific Exchange Grant) am Cluster Matters of Activity der Humboldt-Universität Berlin entstanden.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Vorschaubild
    Archive hörbar machen: (Postdigitale) Emanzipation kolonialer Archive
    (Transcript, 09/2024) Chattopadhyay, Budhaditya
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Radio Explorations. Architectonic Studies of Electromagnetic Milieux
    (transcript, 2024) Savic, Selena
    Radio signals keep making material, informational, political, and social connections in this world. Exploring these signals architectonically, the contributors engage with the situatedness of radio signal recordings in nature and with knowledge implied in radio communication. Rooted in experimental design and data feminism, the book presents innovative tools for navigating data by spanning media theory, information studies, and feminist new materialism. This offers an intersectional and post-disciplinary approach to computation, classification, and search that is accessible to artists, technologists, and researchers – facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration and deepening the understanding of information technologies.
    03 - Sammelband
  • Vorschaubild
    MealSense: A fiction about datafication and algorithms in commoning food
    (Design Research Society, 06/2024) Bedö, Viktor
    Commoning is on the rise as a socio-economic practice advancing the outlook of more just food systems. While smaller commoning operations can predominantly rely on informal arrangements, tracking and monitoring the conditions of the use of resources becomes vital for larger operations. This paper explores the datafication of hunger, pleasure, ingredients, cooking and spoiled food for crafting imaginaries of commoning-based algorithmic food futures. To address not only frictions around datafication but also gainful proposals, the paper mobilizes concepts of ‘unwieldy data’, ‘good enough data’, and ‘minimal feasible datafication’. It uses fiction writing as a method to amalgamate scholarly references in the field of citizen sensing and smart city critique with preliminary learnings from a speculative city-making project into an infrastructural proposal. The text aims to prompt a wider debate about the potentials and pitfalls of algorithmic governance and datafication in infrastructures for the urban-scale distribution of material resources, such as food.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
  • Vorschaubild
    KI als Medium und ›message‹ und die (Un-)Möglichkeit einer queeren Antwort
    (Transcript, 2022) Bruder, Johannes; Michael Klipphahn-Karge; Ann-Kathrin Koster; Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss
    Johannes Bruder untersucht in seinem Beitrag die konstitutiven Ein- und Ausschlüsse von autistischer Subjektivität und Kognition im Kontext von künstlicher Intelligenz. Während autistische Kognition in Fantasien von zukünftiger KI als konstitutives Anderes fungiert, waren und sind autistische Individuen essenzieller Bestandteil der kognitiven Infrastruktur von real existierender KI - ob als Testobjekte, Coder, oder Data Worker. Diese Dynamiken von Ein- und Ausschluss sind nicht neu, sondern gesellschaftlich fest verankert; autistische Aktivist*innen haben dementsprechend Strategien entworfen, sich selektiven Ein- und Ausschlüssen performativ zu entziehen. Im Text versucht Johannes Bruder diese Strategien für eine Antwort auf die Medientheorien zeitgenössischer AI fruchtbar zu machen.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Vorschaubild
    Planetary Intimacy
    (29.11.2021) Allen, Jamie
    Planetary Intimacy is a contribution to the Anthropocene Curriculum and COURSES platform "On Curricula". The essay text addresses the seemingly opposed notions of distance and proximity with intimacy and planetarity to call for new kinds of intimacy, not closeness global grid but as an interconnected network of locales. Through such an approach, Allen suggests, the multiple distances—in terms of both geography and understanding—at play within the Anthropocene might be better apprehended. Planetary Intimacy features an excerpt of Soot Breath // Corpus Infinitum by Denise Ferreira da Silva & Arjuna Neuman, courtesy of the artists, and links to a COURSES entry on the topic of Distance Learning referencing archival and curricular materials from the Anthropocene Curriculum archives and beyond.
    10 - Elektronische-/ Webpublikation
  • Vorschaubild
    Making Arguments with Data: Resisting Appropriation and Assumption of Access / Reason in Machine Learning Training Processes
    (Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, 30.10.2023) Savic, Selena; Martins, Yann Patrick
    This article presents an approach to practicing ethics when working with large datasets and designing data representations. Inspired by feminist critique of technoscience and recent problematizations of digital literacy, we argue that machine learning models can be navigated in a multi-narrative manner when access to training data is well articulated and understood. We programmed and used web-based interfaces to sort, organize, and explore a community-run digital archive of radio signals. An additional perspective on the question of working with datasets is offered from the experience of teaching image synthesis with freely accessible online tools. We hold that the main challenge to social transformations related to digital technologies comes from lingering forms of colonialism and extractive relationships that easily move in and out of the digital domain. To counter both the unfounded narratives of techno-optimismand the universalizing critique of technology, we discuss an approachto data and networks that enables a situated critique of datafication and correlationism from within.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Making Arguments with Data
    (Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society - The German Internet Institute, 02/2023) Savic, Selena; Martins, Yann Patrick; Herlo. Bianca; Irrgang, Daniel
    Whether we are discussing measures in order to "flatten the curve" in a pandemic or what to wear given the most recent weather forecast, we base arguments on patterns observed in data. This article presents an approach to practicing ethics when working with large datasets and designing data representations. We programmed and used web-based interfaces to sort, organize, and explore a community-run archive of radio signals. Inspired by feminist critique of technoscience and recent problematizations of digital literacy, we argue that one can navigate machine learning models in a multi-narrative manner. We hold that the main challenge to sovereignty comes from lingering forms of colonialism and extractive relationships that easily move in and out of the digital domain. Countering both narratives of techno-optimism and the universalizing critique of technology, we discuss an approach to data and networks that enables a situated critique of datafication and correlationism from within.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Modulating Matters of Computation, Modelling and Hyper-Separations
    (BCS Learning and Development, 17.09.2021) Savic, Selena; Miyazaki, Shintaro; Christensen, Michelle; Conradi, Florian; Søndergaard, Morten; Beloff, Laura; Choubassi, Hassan
    We engage in a conversation with critical ecofeminism, which proposed to transform the colonialism-racism-capitalism-patriarchalism induced environmental crisis by non-essentialist countering of oppressions and hyper-separations produced by human/nature dualism. We modulate the critical ecofeminist approach by countering a similar dualism, namely that of nature/technology. Furthermore, our theoretical balance-act has a praxis-oriented side: we believe that computation can be included in ecofeminist action. By providing alternative forms of engagement to instrumentalization, we trace pathways to different futures, countering the binary narratives of technology but also its moralizing of socio-cultural mediation. We take an intersectional approach to outcomes of computational modelling (simulations, visualisations, forecasts) and discuss the ecofeminist method of synthesis as a way to include different perspectives into computational processes. We work with two ‘modulated models’ that pay attention to assumptions, observations and thinking about urban commoning initiatives, and amateur knowledge of radio telecommunications. We aspire to provoke discussions about different modes of inclusion in communities and archives that are centred on shared, environment-friendly, solidarity oriented life-style and mutual care. Our approach engages with feminist arguments and inquiries into ways patriarchalism is embedded in our relationship to technoscience and engineering. We explore modes of resistance by proposing skilled and alternative uses of these techniques.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Affect and Atmosphere in Controlled Responsive Environments
    (Springer, 07/2016) Simon, Andreas; Torpus, Jan-Lewe; Heibach, Christiane; Navarro, José Javier; Streitz, Norbert; Markopoulos, Panos
    We explore the atmospheric potential and the affective connection between humans and their instrumented, responsive environments and develop corresponding artistic design strategies, evaluating ubicomp environments from a critical perspective, beyond pure application and usefulness. We have designed an abstract, cocoon-like, responsively mediated space and conducted a series of experiments with a total of 17 participants. Results show that participants experience affection, a coupling between themselves and the designed environment, and show strong cognitive engagement to understand and structure the environment through patterns of situation awareness and sensemaking.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift